1,846 research outputs found

    Bayesian inference for a single factor copula stochastic volatility model using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

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    For modeling multivariate financial time series we propose a single factor copula model together with stochastic volatility margins. This model generalizes single factor models relying on the multivariate normal distribution and allows for symmetric and asymmetric tail dependence. We develop joint Bayesian inference using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) within Gibbs sampling. Thus we avoid information loss caused by the two-step approach for margins and dependence in copula models as followed by Schamberger et al(2017). Further, the Bayesian approach allows for high dimensional parameter spaces as they are present here in addition to uncertainty quantification through credible intervals. By allowing for indicators for different copula families the copula families are selected automatically in the Bayesian framework. In a first simulation study the performance of HMC is compared to the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach developed by Schamberger et al(2017) for the copula part. It is shown that HMC considerably outperforms this approach in terms of effective sample size, MSE and observed coverage probabilities. In a second simulation study satisfactory performance is seen for the full HMC within Gibbs procedure. The approach is illustrated for a portfolio of financial assets with respect to one-day ahead value at risk forecasts. We provide comparison to a two-step estimation procedure of the proposed model and to relevant benchmark models: a model with dynamic linear models for the margins and a single factor copula for the dependence proposed by Schamberger et al(2017) and a multivariate factor stochastic volatility model proposed by Kastner et al(2017). Our proposed approach shows superior performance

    Inversion Copulas from Nonlinear State Space Models

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    We propose to construct copulas from the inversion of nonlinear state space models. These allow for new time series models that have the same serial dependence structure of a state space model, but with an arbitrary marginal distribution, and flexible density forecasts. We examine the time series properties of the copulas, outline serial dependence measures, and estimate the models using likelihood-based methods. Copulas constructed from three example state space models are considered: a stochastic volatility model with an unobserved component, a Markov switching autoregression, and a Gaussian linear unobserved component model. We show that all three inversion copulas with flexible margins improve the fit and density forecasts of quarterly U.S. broad inflation and electricity inflation

    Detecting regime switches in the dependence structure of high dimensional financial data

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    Misperceptions about extreme dependencies between different financial assets have been an im- portant element of the recent financial crisis. This paper studies inhomogeneity in dependence structures using Markov switching regular vine copulas. These account for asymmetric depen- dencies and tail dependencies in high dimensional data. We develop methods for fast maximum likelihood as well as Bayesian inference. Our algorithms are validated in simulations and applied to financial data. We find that regime switches are present in the dependence structure of various data sets and show that regime switching models could provide tools for the accurate description of inhomogeneity during times of crisis

    Modeling high dimensional time-varying dependence using D-vine SCAR models

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    We consider the problem of modeling the dependence among many time series. We build high dimensional time-varying copula models by combining pair-copula constructions (PCC) with stochastic autoregressive copula (SCAR) models to capture dependence that changes over time. We show how the estimation of this highly complex model can be broken down into the estimation of a sequence of bivariate SCAR models, which can be achieved by using the method of simulated maximum likelihood. Further, by restricting the conditional dependence parameter on higher cascades of the PCC to be constant, we can greatly reduce the number of parameters to be estimated without losing much flexibility. We study the performance of our estimation method by a large scale Monte Carlo simulation. An application to a large dataset of stock returns of all constituents of the Dax 30 illustrates the usefulness of the proposed model class

    Simple techniques for likelihood analysis of univariate and multivariate stable distributions: with extensions to multivariate stochastic volatility and dynamic factor models

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    In this paper we consider a variety of procedures for numerical statistical inference in the family of univariate and multivariate stable distributions. In connection with univariate distributions (i) we provide approximations by finite location-scale mixtures and (ii) versions of approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) using the characteristic function and the asymptotic form of the likelihood function. In the context of multivariate stable distributions we propose several ways to perform statistical inference and obtain the spectral measure associated with the distributions, a quantity that has been a major impediment in using them in applied work. We extend the techniques to handle univariate and multivariate stochastic volatility models, static and dynamic factor models with disturbances and factors from general stable distributions, a novel way to model multivariate stochastic volatility through time-varying spectral measures and a novel way to multivariate stable distributions through copulae. The new techniques are applied to artificial as well as real data (ten major currencies, SP100 and individual returns). In connection with ABC special attention is paid to crafting well-performing proposal distributions for MCMC and extensive numerical experiments are conducted to provide critical values of the "closeness" parameter that can be useful for further applied econometric work

    Bayesian optimisation for fast approximate inference in state-space models with intractable likelihoods

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    We consider the problem of approximate Bayesian parameter inference in non-linear state-space models with intractable likelihoods. Sequential Monte Carlo with approximate Bayesian computations (SMC-ABC) is one approach to approximate the likelihood in this type of models. However, such approximations can be noisy and computationally costly which hinders efficient implementations using standard methods based on optimisation and Monte Carlo methods. We propose a computationally efficient novel method based on the combination of Gaussian process optimisation and SMC-ABC to create a Laplace approximation of the intractable posterior. We exemplify the proposed algorithm for inference in stochastic volatility models with both synthetic and real-world data as well as for estimating the Value-at-Risk for two portfolios using a copula model. We document speed-ups of between one and two orders of magnitude compared to state-of-the-art algorithms for posterior inference.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to journal for revie

    Improving forecasting performance using covariate-dependent copula models

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    Copulas provide an attractive approach for constructing multivariate distributions with flexible marginal distributions and different forms of dependences. Of particular importance in many areas is the possibility of explicitly forecasting the tail-dependences. Most of the available approaches are only able to estimate tail-dependences and correlations via nuisance parameters, but can neither be used for interpretation, nor for forecasting. Aiming to improve copula forecasting performance, we propose a general Bayesian approach for modeling and forecasting tail-dependences and correlations as explicit functions of covariates. The proposed covariate-dependent copula model also allows for Bayesian variable selection among covariates from the marginal models as well as the copula density. The copulas we study include Joe-Clayton copula, Clayton copula, Gumbel copula and Student's \emph{t}-copula. Posterior inference is carried out using an efficient MCMC simulation method. Our approach is applied to both simulated data and the S\&P 100 and S\&P 600 stock indices. The forecasting performance of the proposed approach is compared with other modeling strategies based on log predictive scores. Value-at-Risk evaluation is also preformed for model comparisons

    Computationally Efficient Estimation of Factor Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models

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    An MCMC simulation method based on a two stage delayed rejection Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is proposed to estimate a factor multivariate stochastic volatility model. The first stage uses kstep iteration towards the mode, with k small, and the second stage uses an adaptive random walk proposal density. The marginal likelihood approach of Chib (1995) is used to choose the number of factors, with the posterior density ordinates approximated by Gaussian copula. Simulation and real data applications suggest that the proposed simulation method is computationally much more efficient than the approach of Chib. Nardari and Shephard (2006}. This increase in computational efficiency is particularly important in calculating marginal likelihoods because it is necessary to carry out the simulation a number of times to estimate the posterior ordinates for a given marginal likelihood. In addition to the MCMC method, the paper also proposes a fast approximate EM method to estimate the factor multivariate stochastic volatility model. The estimates from the approximate EM method are of interest in their own right, but are especially useful as initial inputs to MCMC methods, making them more efficient computationally. The methodology is illustrated using simulated and real examples.Comment: 32 pages, 3 Figure

    Spatial Regression and the Bayesian Filter

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    Regression for spatially dependent outcomes poses many challenges, for inference and for computation. Non-spatial models and traditional spatial mixed-effects models each have their advantages and disadvantages, making it difficult for practitioners to determine how to carry out a spatial regression analysis. We discuss the data-generating mechanisms implicitly assumed by various popular spatial regression models, and discuss the implications of these assumptions. We propose Bayesian spatial filtering as an approximate middle way between non-spatial models and traditional spatial mixed models. We show by simulation that our Bayesian spatial filtering model has several desirable properties and hence may be a useful addition to a spatial statistician's toolkit

    Spatially adaptive, Bayesian estimation for probabilistic temperature forecasts

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    Uncertainty in the prediction of future weather is commonly assessed through the use of forecast ensembles that employ a numerical weather prediction model in distinct variants. Statistical postprocessing can correct for biases in the numerical model and improves calibration. We propose a Bayesian version of the standard ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) postprocessing method, in which spatially varying bias coefficients are interpreted as realizations of Gaussian Markov random fields. Our Markovian EMOS (MEMOS) technique utilizes the recently developed stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) and integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) methods for computationally efficient inference. The MEMOS approach shows good predictive performance in a comparative study of 24-hour ahead temperature forecasts over Germany based on the 50-member ensemble of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF)
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