2 research outputs found

    Efficient Batched Oblivious PRF with Applications to Private Set Intersection

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    We describe a lightweight protocol for oblivious evaluation of a pseudorandom function (OPRF) in the presence of semi-honest adversaries. In an OPRF protocol a receiver has an input rr; the sender gets output ss and the receiver gets output F(s,r)F(s,r), where FF is a pseudorandom function and ss is a random seed. Our protocol uses a novel adaptation of 1-out-of-2 OT-extension protocols, and is particularly efficient when used to generate a large batch of OPRF instances. The cost to realize mm OPRF instances is roughly the cost to realize 3.5m3.5 m instances of standard 1-out-of-2 OTs (using state-of-the-art OT extension). We explore in detail our protocol\u27s application to semi-honest secure private set intersection (PSI). The fastest state-of-the-art PSI protocol (Pinkas et al., Usenix 2015) is based on efficient OT extension. We observe that our OPRF can be used to remove their PSI protocol\u27s dependence on the bit-length of the parties\u27 items. We implemented both PSI protocol variants and found ours to be 3.1--3.6×\times faster than Pinkas et al.\ for PSI of 128-bit strings and sufficiently large sets. Concretely, ours requires only 3.8 seconds to securely compute the intersection of 2202^{20}-size sets, regardless of the bitlength of the items. For very large sets, our protocol is only 4.3×4.3\times slower than the {\em insecure} na\ ıve hashing approach for PSI

    Secure Multi-Party Computation In Practice

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    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic primitive for computing on private data. MPC provides strong privacy guarantees, but practical adoption requires high-quality application design, software development, and resource management. This dissertation aims to identify and reduce barriers to practical deployment of MPC applications. First, the dissertation evaluates the design, capabilities, and usability of eleven state-of-the-art MPC software frameworks. These frameworks are essential for prototyping MPC applications, but their qualities vary widely; the survey provides insight into their current abilities and limitations. A comprehensive online repository augments the survey, including complete build environments, sample programs, and additional documentation for each framework. Second, the dissertation applies these lessons in two practical applications of MPC. The first addresses algorithms for assessing stability in financial networks, traditionally designed in a full-information model with a central regulator or data aggregator. This case study describes principles to transform two such algorithms into data-oblivious versions and benchmark their execution under MPC using three frameworks. The second aims to enable unlinkability of payments made with blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. This study uses MPC in conjunction with other privacy techniques to achieve unlinkability in payment channels. Together, these studies illuminate the limitations of existing software, develop guidelines for transforming non-private algorithms into versions suitable for execution under MPC, and illustrate the current practical feasibility of MPC as a solution to a wide variety of applications