974 research outputs found

    A scheme for tunable quantum phase gate and effective preparation of graph-state entanglement

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    A scheme is presented for realizing a quantum phase gate with three-level atoms, solid-state qubits--often called artificial atoms, or ions that share a quantum data bus such as a single mode field in cavity QED system or a collective vibrational state of trapped ions. In this scheme, the conditional phase shift is tunable and controllable via the total effective interaction time. Furthermore, we show that the method can be used for effective preparation of graph-state entanglement, which are important resources for quantum computation, quantum error correction, studies of multiparticle entanglement, fundamental tests of non-locality and decoherence.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Signal processing techniques for efficient compilation of controlled rotations in trapped ions

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    Quantum logic gates with many control qubits are essential in many quantum algorithms, but remain challenging to perform in current experiments. Trapped ion quantum computers natively feature a different type of entangling operation, namely the Molmer-Sorensen (MS) gate which effectively applies an Ising interaction to all qubits at the same time. We consider a sequence of equal all-to-all MS operations, interleaved with single qubit gates that act only on one special qubit. Using a connection with quantum signal processing techniques, we find that it is possible to perform an arbitray SU(2) rotation on the special qubit if and only if all other qubits are in the state |1>. Such controlled rotation gates with N-1 control qubits require 2N applications of the MS gate, and can be mapped to a conventional Toffoli gate by demoting a single qubit to ancilla.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, comments welcome. v3 includes several fixes and adds an appendix with explicit angle

    Correcting the effects of spontaneous emission on cold trapped ions

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    We propose two quantum error correction schemes which increase the maximum storage time for qubits in a system of cold trapped ions, using a minimal number of ancillary qubits. Both schemes consider only the errors introduced by the decoherence due to spontaneous emission from the upper levels of the ions. Continuous monitoring of the ion fluorescence is used in conjunction with selective coherent feedback to eliminate these errors immediately following spontaneous emission events, and the conditional time evolution between quantum jumps is removed by symmetrizing the quantum codewords.Comment: 19 pages; 2 figures; RevTex; The quantum codewords are extended to achieve invariance under the conditional time evolution between jump
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