519 research outputs found

    Core Decomposition in Multilayer Networks: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

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    Multilayer networks are a powerful paradigm to model complex systems, where multiple relations occur between the same entities. Despite the keen interest in a variety of tasks, algorithms, and analyses in this type of network, the problem of extracting dense subgraphs has remained largely unexplored so far. In this work we study the problem of core decomposition of a multilayer network. The multilayer context is much challenging as no total order exists among multilayer cores; rather, they form a lattice whose size is exponential in the number of layers. In this setting we devise three algorithms which differ in the way they visit the core lattice and in their pruning techniques. We then move a step forward and study the problem of extracting the inner-most (also known as maximal) cores, i.e., the cores that are not dominated by any other core in terms of their core index in all the layers. Inner-most cores are typically orders of magnitude less than all the cores. Motivated by this, we devise an algorithm that effectively exploits the maximality property and extracts inner-most cores directly, without first computing a complete decomposition. Finally, we showcase the multilayer core-decomposition tool in a variety of scenarios and problems. We start by considering the problem of densest-subgraph extraction in multilayer networks. We introduce a definition of multilayer densest subgraph that trades-off between high density and number of layers in which the high density holds, and exploit multilayer core decomposition to approximate this problem with quality guarantees. As further applications, we show how to utilize multilayer core decomposition to speed-up the extraction of frequent cross-graph quasi-cliques and to generalize the community-search problem to the multilayer setting

    Robust Densest Subgraph Discovery

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    Dense subgraph discovery is an important primitive in graph mining, which has a wide variety of applications in diverse domains. In the densest subgraph problem, given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with an edge-weight vector w=(we)eEw=(w_e)_{e\in E}, we aim to find SVS\subseteq V that maximizes the density, i.e., w(S)/Sw(S)/|S|, where w(S)w(S) is the sum of the weights of the edges in the subgraph induced by SS. Although the densest subgraph problem is one of the most well-studied optimization problems for dense subgraph discovery, there is an implicit strong assumption; it is assumed that the weights of all the edges are known exactly as input. In real-world applications, there are often cases where we have only uncertain information of the edge weights. In this study, we provide a framework for dense subgraph discovery under the uncertainty of edge weights. Specifically, we address such an uncertainty issue using the theory of robust optimization. First, we formulate our fundamental problem, the robust densest subgraph problem, and present a simple algorithm. We then formulate the robust densest subgraph problem with sampling oracle that models dense subgraph discovery using an edge-weight sampling oracle, and present an algorithm with a strong theoretical performance guarantee. Computational experiments using both synthetic graphs and popular real-world graphs demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.Comment: 10 pages; Accepted to ICDM 201

    A Novel Approach to Finding Near-Cliques: The Triangle-Densest Subgraph Problem

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    Many graph mining applications rely on detecting subgraphs which are near-cliques. There exists a dichotomy between the results in the existing work related to this problem: on the one hand the densest subgraph problem (DSP) which maximizes the average degree over all subgraphs is solvable in polynomial time but for many networks fails to find subgraphs which are near-cliques. On the other hand, formulations that are geared towards finding near-cliques are NP-hard and frequently inapproximable due to connections with the Maximum Clique problem. In this work, we propose a formulation which combines the best of both worlds: it is solvable in polynomial time and finds near-cliques when the DSP fails. Surprisingly, our formulation is a simple variation of the DSP. Specifically, we define the triangle densest subgraph problem (TDSP): given G(V,E)G(V,E), find a subset of vertices SS^* such that τ(S)=maxSVt(S)S\tau(S^*)=\max_{S \subseteq V} \frac{t(S)}{|S|}, where t(S)t(S) is the number of triangles induced by the set SS. We provide various exact and approximation algorithms which the solve the TDSP efficiently. Furthermore, we show how our algorithms adapt to the more general problem of maximizing the kk-clique average density. Finally, we provide empirical evidence that the TDSP should be used whenever the output of the DSP fails to output a near-clique.Comment: 42 page

    Where Graph Topology Matters: The Robust Subgraph Problem

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    Robustness is a critical measure of the resilience of large networked systems, such as transportation and communication networks. Most prior works focus on the global robustness of a given graph at large, e.g., by measuring its overall vulnerability to external attacks or random failures. In this paper, we turn attention to local robustness and pose a novel problem in the lines of subgraph mining: given a large graph, how can we find its most robust local subgraph (RLS)? We define a robust subgraph as a subset of nodes with high communicability among them, and formulate the RLS-PROBLEM of finding a subgraph of given size with maximum robustness in the host graph. Our formulation is related to the recently proposed general framework for the densest subgraph problem, however differs from it substantially in that besides the number of edges in the subgraph, robustness also concerns with the placement of edges, i.e., the subgraph topology. We show that the RLS-PROBLEM is NP-hard and propose two heuristic algorithms based on top-down and bottom-up search strategies. Further, we present modifications of our algorithms to handle three practical variants of the RLS-PROBLEM. Experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs demonstrate that we find subgraphs with larger robustness than the densest subgraphs even at lower densities, suggesting that the existing approaches are not suitable for the new problem setting.Comment: 13 pages, 10 Figures, 3 Tables, to appear at SDM 2015 (9 pages only

    Densest Subgraph in Dynamic Graph Streams

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of approximating the densest subgraph in the dynamic graph stream model. In this model of computation, the input graph is defined by an arbitrary sequence of edge insertions and deletions and the goal is to analyze properties of the resulting graph given memory that is sub-linear in the size of the stream. We present a single-pass algorithm that returns a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) approximation of the maximum density with high probability; the algorithm uses O(\epsilon^{-2} n \polylog n) space, processes each stream update in \polylog (n) time, and uses \poly(n) post-processing time where nn is the number of nodes. The space used by our algorithm matches the lower bound of Bahmani et al.~(PVLDB 2012) up to a poly-logarithmic factor for constant ϵ\epsilon. The best existing results for this problem were established recently by Bhattacharya et al.~(STOC 2015). They presented a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon) approximation algorithm using similar space and another algorithm that both processed each update and maintained a (4+ϵ)(4+\epsilon) approximation of the current maximum density in \polylog (n) time per-update.Comment: To appear in MFCS 201

    Enumerating Top-k Quasi-Cliques

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    Quasi-cliques are dense incomplete subgraphs of a graph that generalize the notion of cliques. Enumerating quasi-cliques from a graph is a robust way to detect densely connected structures with applications to bio-informatics and social network analysis. However, enumerating quasi-cliques in a graph is a challenging problem, even harder than the problem of enumerating cliques. We consider the enumeration of top-k degree-based quasi-cliques, and make the following contributions: (1) We show that even the problem of detecting if a given quasi-clique is maximal (i.e. not contained within another quasi-clique) is NP-hard (2) We present a novel heuristic algorithm KernelQC to enumerate the k largest quasi-cliques in a graph. Our method is based on identifying kernels of extremely dense subgraphs within a graph, following by growing subgraphs around these kernels, to arrive at quasi-cliques with the required densities (3) Experimental results show that our algorithm accurately enumerates quasi-cliques from a graph, is much faster than current state-of-the-art methods for quasi-clique enumeration (often more than three orders of magnitude faster), and can scale to larger graphs than current methods.Comment: 10 page