3 research outputs found

    Bayesian models for visual information retrieval

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 192-208).This thesis presents a unified solution to visual recognition and learning in the context of visual information retrieval. Realizing that the design of an effective recognition architecture requires careful consideration of the interplay between feature selection, feature representation, and similarity function, we start by searching for a performance criteria that can simultaneously guide the design of all three components. A natural solution is to formulate visual recognition as a decision theoretical problem, where the goal is to minimize the probability of retrieval error. This leads to a Bayesian architecture that is shown to generalize a significant number of previous recognition approaches, solving some of the most challenging problems faced by these: joint modeling of color and texture, objective guidelines for controlling the trade-off between feature transformation and feature representation, and unified support for local and global queries without requiring image segmentation. The new architecture is shown to perform well on color, texture, and generic image databases, providing a good trade-off between retrieval accuracy, invariance, perceptual relevance of similarity judgments, and complexity. Because all that is needed to perform optimal Bayesian decisions is the ability to evaluate beliefs on the different hypothesis under consideration, a Bayesian architecture is not restricted to visual recognition. On the contrary, it establishes a universal recognition language (the language of probabilities) that provides a computational basis for the integration of information from multiple content sources and modalities. In result, it becomes possible to build retrieval systems that can simultaneously account for text, audio, video, or any other content modalities. Since the ability to learn follows from the ability to integrate information over time, this language is also conducive to the design of learning algorithms. We show that learning is, indeed, an important asset for visual information retrieval by designing both short and long-term learning mechanisms. Over short time scales (within a retrieval session), learning is shown to assure faster convergence to the desired target images. Over long time scales (between retrieval sessions), it allows the retrieval system to tailor itself to the preferences of particular users. In both cases, all the necessary computations are carried out through Bayesian belief propagation algorithms that, although optimal in a decision-theoretic sense, are extremely simple, intuitive, and easy to implement.by Nuno Miguel Borges de Pinho Cruz de Vasconcelos.Ph.D

    Bridging semantic gap: learning and integrating semantics for content-based retrieval

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    Digital cameras have entered ordinary homes and produced^incredibly large number of photos. As a typical example of broad image domain, unconstrained consumer photos vary significantly. Unlike professional or domain-specific images, the objects in the photos are ill-posed, occluded, and cluttered with poor lighting, focus, and exposure. Content-based image retrieval research has yet to bridge the semantic gap between computable low-level information and high-level user interpretation. In this thesis, we address the issue of semantic gap with a structured learning framework to allow modular extraction of visual semantics. Semantic image regions (e.g. face, building, sky etc) are learned statistically, detected directly from image without segmentation, reconciled across multiple scales, and aggregated spatially to form compact semantic index. To circumvent the ambiguity and subjectivity in a query, a new query method that allows spatial arrangement of visual semantics is proposed. A query is represented as a disjunctive normal form of visual query terms and processed using fuzzy set operators. A drawback of supervised learning is the manual labeling of regions as training samples. In this thesis, a new learning framework to discover local semantic patterns and to generate their samples for training with minimal human intervention has been developed. The discovered patterns can be visualized and used in semantic indexing. In addition, three new class-based indexing schemes are explored. The winnertake- all scheme supports class-based image retrieval. The class relative scheme and the local classification scheme compute inter-class memberships and local class patterns as indexes for similarity matching respectively. A Bayesian formulation is proposed to unify local and global indexes in image comparison and ranking that resulted in superior image retrieval performance over those of single indexes. Query-by-example experiments on 2400 consumer photos with 16 semantic queries show that the proposed approaches have significantly better (18% to 55%) average precisions than a high-dimension feature fusion approach. The thesis has paved two promising research directions, namely the semantics design approach and the semantics discovery approach. They form elegant dual frameworks that exploits pattern classifiers in learning and integrating local and global image semantics

    Efficiency Issues Related to Probability Density Function Comparison

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    The CANDID project (Comparison Algorithm for Navigating Digital Image Databases) employs probability density functions (PDFs) of localized feature information to represent the content of an image for search and retrieval purposes. A similarity measure between PDFs is used to identify database images that are similar to a user-provided query image. Unfortunately, signature comparison involving PDFs is a very time-consuming operation. In this paper, we look into some efficiency considerations when working with PDFs. Since PDFs can take on many forms, we look into tradeoffs between accurate representation and efficiency of manipulation for several data sets. In particular, we typically represent each PDF as a Gaussian mixture (e.g. as a weighted sum of Gaussian kernels) in the feature space. We find that by constraining all Gaussian kernels to have principal axes that are aligned to the natural axes of the feature space, computations involving these PDFs are simplified. We can also constr..