13 research outputs found

    Effects of the Generation Size and Overlap on Throughput and Complexity in Randomized Linear Network Coding

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    To reduce computational complexity and delay in randomized network coded content distribution, and for some other practical reasons, coding is not performed simultaneously over all content blocks, but over much smaller, possibly overlapping subsets of these blocks, known as generations. A penalty of this strategy is throughput reduction. To analyze the throughput loss, we model coding over generations with random generation scheduling as a coupon collector's brotherhood problem. This model enables us to derive the expected number of coded packets needed for successful decoding of the entire content as well as the probability of decoding failure (the latter only when generations do not overlap) and further, to quantify the tradeoff between computational complexity and throughput. Interestingly, with a moderate increase in the generation size, throughput quickly approaches link capacity. Overlaps between generations can further improve throughput substantially for relatively small generation sizes.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Special Issue: Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks, Feb 201

    Random Linear Fountain Code with Improved Decoding Success Probability

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    In this paper we study the problem of increasing the decoding success probability of random linear fountain code over GF(2) for small packet lengths used in delay-intolerant applications such as multimedia streaming. Such code over GF(2) are attractive as they have lower decoding complexity than codes over larger field size, but suffer from high transmission redundancy. In our proposed coding scheme we construct a codeword which is not a linear combination of any codewords previously transmitted to mitigate such transmission redundancy. We then note the observation that the probability of receiving a linearly dependent codeword is highest when the receiver has received k-1 linearly independent codewords. We propose using the BlockACK frame so that the codeword received after k-1 linearly independent codeword is always linearly independent, this reduces the expected redundancy by a factor of three.Comment: This paper appears in: Communications (APCC), 2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference o

    Expander Chunked Codes

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    Chunked codes are efficient random linear network coding (RLNC) schemes with low computational cost, where the input packets are encoded into small chunks (i.e., subsets of the coded packets). During the network transmission, RLNC is performed within each chunk. In this paper, we first introduce a simple transfer matrix model to characterize the transmission of chunks, and derive some basic properties of the model to facilitate the performance analysis. We then focus on the design of overlapped chunked codes, a class of chunked codes whose chunks are non-disjoint subsets of input packets, which are of special interest since they can be encoded with negligible computational cost and in a causal fashion. We propose expander chunked (EC) codes, the first class of overlapped chunked codes that have an analyzable performance,where the construction of the chunks makes use of regular graphs. Numerical and simulation results show that in some practical settings, EC codes can achieve rates within 91 to 97 percent of the optimum and outperform the state-of-the-art overlapped chunked codes significantly.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, submitted for journal publicatio

    Network-coded NOMA with antenna selection for the support of two heterogeneous groups of users

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    The combination of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) and Transmit Antenna Selection (TAS) techniques has recently attracted significant attention due to the low cost, low complexity and high diversity gains. Meanwhile, Random Linear Coding (RLC) is considered to be a promising technique for achieving high reliability and low latency in multicast communications. In this paper, we consider a downlink system with a multi-antenna base station and two multicast groups of single-antenna users, where one group can afford to be served opportunistically, while the other group consists of comparatively low power devices with limited processing capabilities that have strict Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. In order to boost reliability and satisfy the QoS requirements of the multicast groups, we propose a cross-layer framework including NOMAbased TAS at the physical layer and RLC at the application layer. In particular, two low complexity TAS protocols for NOMA are studied in order to exploit the diversity gain and meet the QoS requirements. In addition, RLC analysis aims to facilitate heterogeneous users, such that, sliding window based sparse RLC is employed for computational restricted users, and conventional RLC is considered for others. Theoretical expressions that characterize the performance of the proposed framework are derived and verified through simulation results