3 research outputs found

    Género y Comunicación en las publicaciones científicas recientes

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    Los estudios de género son abordados desde diversas disciplinas con variadas intensidades y enfoques. La labor que desde la academia se realiza puede tener efectos positivos sobre la ciudadanía e influir sobre las líneas de acción de las instituciones, incorporando las averiguaciones de los estudios científicos a la vida social. La producción sobre género y comunicación cuenta con altas dosis de componentes sociales y de rigurosa actualidad, que no debieran ser desaprovechados. Sin embargo, el carácter difuso de los trabajos en este campo dificulta su consideración. Ante esta coyuntura, la presente comunicación busca conocer el lugar del género y su tratamiento en el ámbito de la comunicación en las diez publicaciones más destacadas en este ámbito académico en el último año, de forma que pueda servir también como material de utilidad a los investigadores centrados en la relaciones que se establecen entre el género y la comunicación, a modo de sucinta radiografía reciente de nuestro campoVarious disciplines address gender studies with varying intensities and approaches. The work done from the academy can have positive effects on citizenship, besides influencing the action program of the institutions, by incorporating the inquiries of academic studies into social life. The production on gender and communication has high doses of social components and rigorous topicality. These resources should not be wasted. However, the diffuse nature of the work in this field makes its consideration difficult. Given this situation, the present paper seeks to know the place of the genre and its treatment in the field of communication in the ten most outstanding publications in this academic field during the last year. Research is focused on aspects such as frequency, theme or authors, so that it can also serve as useful material for researchers focused on the relationships established between gender and communication, as a succinct recent radiography of our field

    The construction of gender roles and sexual dissidence on TV: using Anglo-Saxon paradigms to re-read Catalan and Spanish texts

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    Taking as a starting point an interpretation of the television medium as an Ideological State Apparatus, in my thesis I examine how gender roles and sexual dissidence are constructed in Spanish and Catalan television series. I focus on a corpus of narrative materials through a perspective informed by theories elaborated by Anglo-Saxon scholars in gender studies and studies of sexual dissidence. In my first chapter, which focuses on the construction of gender roles in Catalan soap operas, I apply the analytical paradigms that Anglo-Saxon feminist scholars have elaborated for the content of soap operas and the viewing practices of their audiences to a corpus of material which has rarely been analysed through this perspective. In the second chapter, which focuses on the construction of sexual dissidence in Spanish and Catalan television series, I aim to challenge ‘essentialist’ paradigms which have so far dominated the examination of the construction of sexual dissidence in television series. Moreover, I query the pedagogical aspirations of public-funded television and the contradictions often involved in the application of this remit. My theoretical base encompasses the work of scholars as diverse as Christine Geraghty and Alberto Mira. Studies by Ricardo Llamas, Charlotte Brundson, and Dorothy Hobson, in particular, help me to articulate my comparative analysis of television content in Spanish and Catalan contexts. In conclusion, the aim of my thesis is to address the role performed by television in the construction of meanings which surround gender issues and sexual dissidence. This is a timely exercise because gender studies and studies of sexual dissidence are fairly recent fields in Spanish and Catalan academia and television has been largely disregarded, especially as far as the analysis of characters and storylines is concerned. My thesis aims to be a contribution to these fields in the Spanish and Catalan contexts