3 research outputs found

    Contrast sensitivity and retinal straylight after alcohol consumption: effects on driving performance

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    El objetivo de este estudio es investigar los efectos del consumo de alcohol en la función visual y en el rendimiento en la conducción, así como la relación entre ambas funciones. Un total de 40 participantes sanos participaron en las tres sesiones experimentales llevadas a cabo en el estudio: una sesión de control (sin consumo de alcohol), y otras dos sesiones más tras consumir alcohol (una tras consumir 300ml de vino tino y otra tras consumo de 450ml del mismo vino). Se midió el contenido de alcohol en aire espirado (BrAC, en mg/l) usando un etilómetro. Para caracterizar la función visual se midieron la sensibilidad al contraste así como el velo luminoso o luz difundida hacia la retina (retinal straylight), debido este último a la difusión luminosa intraocular. El rendimiento en la conducción fue evaluado en tres escenarios (autovía, carretera de montaña y entorno urbano) usando un simulador de conducción. Los resultados mostraron un deterioro tras consumo de alcohol en la sensibilidad al contraste y en el velo luminoso retiniano (aumento del retinal straylight), además de una deteriorada habilidad para conducir, especialmente para la ingesta mayor de alcohol. También se observó que, bajo los efectos del consumo de alcohol, el rendimiento deteriorado en la conducción dependía de la sensibilidad al contraste y del velo luminoso retiniano, indicando que estas variables visuales pueden parcialmente predecir el rendimiento en la conducción en estas condiciones.In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of alcohol intake on visual function and driving performance, as well as on the relationship between these. A total of 40 healthy participants took part in three experimental sessions: one baseline session and two further sessions after consuming two different quantities of alcohol (300 ml and 450 ml of red wine). The breath alcohol content (BrAC) was measured using a breath analyzer. The contrast sensitivity and retinal straylight due to the forward intraocular scattering were measured to characterize visual function, and driving performance was assessed in three different scenarios using a driving simulator. The results showed a deterioration in contrast sensitivity and retinal straylight after drinking alcohol, in addition to an impaired ability to drive, especially for the highest alcohol intake. We also observed that the deteriorated driving performance was a function of the contrast sensitivity and retinal straylight under the effects of alcohol, indicating that these visual variables can partially predict driving performance in these conditions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (referencia FIS2017-85058-R

    Changes in Visual Performance under the Effects of Moderate–High Alcohol Consumption: The Influence of Biological Sex

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes in visual functions under the effects of moderate–high breath alcohol concentrations (BrACs), and the influence of biological sex on visual deterioration, considering different factors. A total of 37 healthy habitual alcohol users were enrolled in the experiment. The participants underwent a baseline session and a second session after an intake of 450 mL of red wine, so that all of them reached a BrAC above 0.25 mg/L. Visual performance was assessed by measuring the contrast sensitivity function, the halo perception, the stereopsis, and finally the retinal image quality. A Visual Deterioration Score (VDS) was calculated using the deterioration of these visual variables. All visual functions analyzed were significantly impaired following alcohol consumption (p < 0.05). The VDS was associated with the BrAC (ρ = −0.476). The VDS was also significantly higher in females, with the BrAC having a significant effect on the variability of the VDS in males and females (p 0.05). Visual functions were significantly impaired under the influence of alcohol, and this deterioration was greater in females. The deterioration depends on the BrAC reached, being the primary thing responsible for the differences observed between males and females.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (FIS2017-85058-R