26 research outputs found

    The strategies in passing enterprise resource planning certifications

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    The passing rate of certification is the hot topic forTaiwan Universities of Science and Technology. Therefore, thestrategies for the students in computer education need to be discussedto improve successful opportunities. In this paper, action research anddata mining played important roles to collect and analyze data. Theinstructor arranged three semesters to take experiments in EnterpriseResource Planning subjects. Also E-Learning platform was set up toprovide the other practice way. From the first to the second semester,the researcher found that motivation, hard work in the learning processand review were key secrets for the students to pass the certifications.So that attitude was the basis, more practice and truly understandingwere two important skills to improve the certification performance. Inthe third semester, there were two rules in passing the ERP examsuccessfully. One was that if spending time in E-Materials were high,the result was passing. The other was that if spending time inE-Materials were normal and gender was female, the output waspassing. Therefore, the aided tool for students was important to reviewthoroughly and the performance could also be improved. Besides, theexperience sharing would also contribute to the computer scienceeducation

    Exploring the diversity of ERP systems – An empirical insight into system usage in academia

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    Because of the increasing importance of ERP systems and their educational value, as well as the rapidly changing ERPmarket, many universities use or want to use ERP systems for their courses. The aim of these courses is to teach anddemonstrate different ERP related concepts and processes. To support these courses, some ERP manufacturers co-operateclosely with universities and offer their systems and resources for academic teaching. However, there are hardly anyempirical insights on system usage in academia. As an initial survey, we developed a questionnaire to determine the currentstatus of ERP system usage and integration in courses at IS chairs of German-speaking research-oriented universities. Among92 responding university chairs, 59 are teaching ERP topics. Of these 59 chairs, only 38 are teaching ERP systemspractically. Almost every university chair (35 out of 38) that is providing practical courses for students is using SAP

    Peta Penggunaan E-Learning Oleh Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Pasca Hibah Spada

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    This study aims to analyse the use of e-learning among lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta after the implementation of an online lecture policy and SPADA grants. This research is based on the fact that the use of e-learning by UMY lecturers is not comparable with the investment that has been made. There are still many lecturers who have not been optimal in using e-learning to improve the quality of teaching. The research subjects were lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Business with a sample of 65 people. Data was collected using documentation techniques and physical artefacts. Data analysis was carried out by qualitative-descriptive method. The results show that there were significant changes in the number of lecturers who have e-learning accounts after the implementation of university policy in term of use of e-learning in teaching and learning. However, this has not been followed by an optimal use of e-learning since most lecturers use e-learning only to upload lecture material in PowerPoint. A few of the respondents used e-learning for online discussions or exams

    Using a Computer Business Simulation to Measure Effectiveness of Enterprise Resource Planning Education on Business Process Comprehension

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    Business Process Education is often aided by teaching Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP). ERP systems are large software programs which coordinate and/or control many aspects of a company, forming the backbone of most large organizations’ information systems, integrating all functional areas in an organization and promoting a business process perspective. Universities have been teaching ERP and using commercial ERP for experiential learning for at least 10 years now, yet little conclusive research exists that assesses the effectiveness of using ERP in the classroom to further comprehension of business processes. This paper reviews 9 studies that attempt to assess the educational effectiveness of ERP. The outcomes of that review are used to present research in progress that: (a) business simulation should be better used as a measure of students’ understanding of integrative business processes; and (b) the duration of assessment should cover an entire academic semester’s course outcomes

    From Teaching Large-Scale ERP Systems to Additionally Teaching Medium-Sized Systems

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    Today, standardised enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are used in a majority of enterprises. There are many ERP systems with different technologies and philosophies available on the market. Therefore, the need for providing ERP knowledge by teaching the concepts of ERP systems in study courses and above all the possibilities of using these systems themselves in courses are frequently discussed in literature. Thus, we suggest a 2-course combination for teaching ERP systems at German universities where single courses dominate with mainly one large ERP system. Within this paper we present our approach for setting up the courses, the description of the courses as well as the student evaluation of this combination

    Teaching ERP systems: A Multi-Perspective View on the ERP System Market

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    In order to increase the diversity in IS education, we discuss an approach for teaching medium-sized ERP systems in university courses. Many of today’s IS curricula are biased toward a few large ERP packages. Nevertheless, these ERP systems are only a part of the ERP market. Therefore, this paper describes a course outline for an additional course on medium-sized ERP systems. Students had to study, analyze, and compare different ERP systems on their own during a semester. The seminar took place at three universities at the same time. The paper introduces a procedure model and a scenario for setting up similar courses at other universities. Furthermore, it discusses some of the students’ outcomes and evaluates the contribution of the course with regard to a practical but also academic IS education in a comparison of the three universities

    Teaching ERP Systems: Results of a Survey at Research-Oriented Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany

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    Because of the increasing importance of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and their educational value, as well as the rapidly-changing ERP market, many universities use, or want to use, ERP systems for their courses. The aim of these courses is to teach and demonstrate different ERP-related concepts and processes. To support these courses, some ERP manufacturers co-operate closely with universities and offer their systems and resources for academic teaching. However, there are very few empirical insights on system usage in academia. Therefore, we developed a questionnaire to determine the current status of ERP system usage and integration in courses at IS chairs of German-speaking, research-oriented universities (response rate 41.4%) and universities of applied sciences (response rate 53.1%). The results show that, among the respondents, more than two-thirds of the universities and nearly all of the universities of applied sciences use ERP systems practically in their courses. Though, almost every university chair (35 out of 38) and every professor/lecturer at the universities of applied sciences (47 out of 47) that are providing practical courses for students are using at least SAP ERP systems. In comparison with a former study we could show that the taught ERP functionalities have shifted throughout the last years from selected transactions towards selected modules or even towards the complete ERP system’s core

    ERP-System-Einsatz in der Lehre: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage an deutschen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen

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    Aufgrund der wachsenden Bedeutung von ERP-Systemen und ihres Wertes für die Hochschullehre nutzen viele Hochschulen ERP-Systeme in ihren Kursen. Das Ziel dieser Kurse besteht in der Vermittlung von ERP-Kenntnissen und von verschiedenen ERP-bezogenen Konzepten und Prozessen. Zur Unterstützung derartiger Kurse stellen einige Hersteller ihre Systeme für die Hochschullehre zur Verfügung. Jedoch gibt es kaum empirische Studien zur Verwendung von ERP-Systemen in Hochschulkursen. Daher wurde ein Fragebogen entwickelt, um den Lehreinsatz von ERP-Systemen an deutschsprachigen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen zu erheben. Dies hat gezeigt, dass mehr als zwei Drittel der Universitäten und nahezu alle Fachhochschulen ERP-Systeme praktisch in ihren Kursen nutzen. Dabei sind SAP-Systeme die am häufigsten eingesetzten Systeme