3,462 research outputs found

    Constrained Approximate Similarity Search on Proximity Graph

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    Search engines and recommendation systems are built to efficiently display relevant information from those massive amounts of candidates. Typically a three-stage mechanism is employed in those systems: (i) a small collection of items are first retrieved by (e.g.,) approximate near neighbor search algorithms; (ii) then a collection of constraints are applied on the retrieved items; (iii) a fine-grained ranking neural network is employed to determine the final recommendation. We observe a major defect of the original three-stage pipeline: Although we only target to retrieve kk vectors in the final recommendation, we have to preset a sufficiently large ss (s>ks > k) for each query, and ``hope'' the number of survived vectors after the filtering is not smaller than kk. That is, at least kk vectors in the ss similar candidates satisfy the query constraints. In this paper, we investigate this constrained similarity search problem and attempt to merge the similarity search stage and the filtering stage into one single search operation. We introduce AIRSHIP, a system that integrates a user-defined function filtering into the similarity search framework. The proposed system does not need to build extra indices nor require prior knowledge of the query constraints. We propose three optimization strategies: (1) starting point selection, (2) multi-direction search, and (3) biased priority queue selection. Experimental evaluations on both synthetic and real data confirm the effectiveness of the proposed AIRSHIP algorithm. We focus on constrained graph-based approximate near neighbor (ANN) search in this study, in part because graph-based ANN is known to achieve excellent performance. We believe it is also possible to develop constrained hashing-based ANN or constrained quantization-based ANN

    To Index or Not to Index: Optimizing Exact Maximum Inner Product Search

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    Exact Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) is an important task that is widely pertinent to recommender systems and high-dimensional similarity search. The brute-force approach to solving exact MIPS is computationally expensive, thus spurring recent development of novel indexes and pruning techniques for this task. In this paper, we show that a hardware-efficient brute-force approach, blocked matrix multiply (BMM), can outperform the state-of-the-art MIPS solvers by over an order of magnitude, for some -- but not all -- inputs. In this paper, we also present a novel MIPS solution, MAXIMUS, that takes advantage of hardware efficiency and pruning of the search space. Like BMM, MAXIMUS is faster than other solvers by up to an order of magnitude, but again only for some inputs. Since no single solution offers the best runtime performance for all inputs, we introduce a new data-dependent optimizer, OPTIMUS, that selects online with minimal overhead the best MIPS solver for a given input. Together, OPTIMUS and MAXIMUS outperform state-of-the-art MIPS solvers by 3.2×\times on average, and up to 10.9×\times, on widely studied MIPS datasets.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Starling: An I/O-Efficient Disk-Resident Graph Index Framework for High-Dimensional Vector Similarity Search on Data Segment

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    High-dimensional vector similarity search (HVSS) is gaining prominence as a powerful tool for various data science and AI applications. As vector data scales up, in-memory indexes pose a significant challenge due to the substantial increase in main memory requirements. A potential solution involves leveraging disk-based implementation, which stores and searches vector data on high-performance devices like NVMe SSDs. However, implementing HVSS for data segments proves to be intricate in vector databases where a single machine comprises multiple segments for system scalability. In this context, each segment operates with limited memory and disk space, necessitating a delicate balance between accuracy, efficiency, and space cost. Existing disk-based methods fall short as they do not holistically address all these requirements simultaneously. In this paper, we present Starling, an I/O-efficient disk-resident graph index framework that optimizes data layout and search strategy within the segment. It has two primary components: (1) a data layout incorporating an in-memory navigation graph and a reordered disk-based graph with enhanced locality, reducing the search path length and minimizing disk bandwidth wastage; and (2) a block search strategy designed to minimize costly disk I/O operations during vector query execution. Through extensive experiments, we validate the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of Starling. On a data segment with 2GB memory and 10GB disk capacity, Starling can accommodate up to 33 million vectors in 128 dimensions, offering HVSS with over 0.9 average precision and top-10 recall rate, and latency under 1 millisecond. The results showcase Starling's superior performance, exhibiting 43.9×\times higher throughput with 98% lower query latency compared to state-of-the-art methods while maintaining the same level of accuracy.Comment: This paper has been accepted by SIGMOD 202
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