1,540 research outputs found

    Top-L Most Influential Community Detection Over Social Networks (Technical Report)

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    In many real-world applications such as social network analysis and online marketing/advertising, the community detection is a fundamental task to identify communities (subgraphs) in social networks with high structural cohesiveness. While previous works focus on detecting communities alone, they do not consider the collective influences of users in these communities on other user nodes in social networks. Inspired by this, in this paper, we investigate the influence propagation from some seed communities and their influential effects that result in the influenced communities. We propose a novel problem, named Top-L most Influential Community DEtection (TopL-ICDE) over social networks, which aims to retrieve top-L seed communities with the highest influences, having high structural cohesiveness, and containing user-specified query keywords. In order to efficiently tackle the TopL-ICDE problem, we design effective pruning strategies to filter out false alarms of seed communities and propose an effective index mechanism to facilitate efficient Top-L community retrieval. We develop an efficient TopL-ICDE answering algorithm by traversing the index and applying our proposed pruning strategies. We also formulate and tackle a variant of TopL-ICDE, named diversified top-L most influential community detection (DTopL-ICDE), which returns a set of L diversified communities with the highest diversity score (i.e., collaborative influences by L communities). We prove that DTopL-ICDE is NP-hard, and propose an efficient greedy algorithm with our designed diversity score pruning. Through extensive experiments, we verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed TopL-ICDE and DTopL-ICDE approaches over real/synthetic social networks under various parameter settings

    Fast Butterfly-Core Community Search For Large Labeled Graphs

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    Community Search (CS) aims to identify densely interconnected subgraphs corresponding to query vertices within a graph. However, existing heterogeneous graph-based community search methods need help identifying cross-group communities and suffer from efficiency issues, making them unsuitable for large graphs. This paper presents a fast community search model based on the Butterfly-Core Community (BCC) structure for heterogeneous graphs. The Random Walk with Restart (RWR) algorithm and butterfly degree comprehensively evaluate the importance of vertices within communities, allowing leader vertices to be rapidly updated to maintain cross-group cohesion. Moreover, we devised a more efficient method for updating vertex distances, which minimizes vertex visits and enhances operational efficiency. Extensive experiments on several real-world temporal graphs demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of this solution.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Graph Contrastive Learning with Cohesive Subgraph Awareness

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    Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has emerged as a state-of-the-art strategy for learning representations of diverse graphs including social and biomedical networks. GCL widely uses stochastic graph topology augmentation, such as uniform node dropping, to generate augmented graphs. However, such stochastic augmentations may severely damage the intrinsic properties of a graph and deteriorate the following representation learning process. We argue that incorporating an awareness of cohesive subgraphs during the graph augmentation and learning processes has the potential to enhance GCL performance. To this end, we propose a novel unified framework called CTAug, to seamlessly integrate cohesion awareness into various existing GCL mechanisms. In particular, CTAug comprises two specialized modules: topology augmentation enhancement and graph learning enhancement. The former module generates augmented graphs that carefully preserve cohesion properties, while the latter module bolsters the graph encoder's ability to discern subgraph patterns. Theoretical analysis shows that CTAug can strictly improve existing GCL mechanisms. Empirical experiments verify that CTAug can achieve state-of-the-art performance for graph representation learning, especially for graphs with high degrees. The code is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10594093, or https://github.com/wuyucheng2002/CTAug

    DMCS : Density Modularity based Community Search

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    Community Search, or finding a connected subgraph (known as a community) containing the given query nodes in a social network, is a fundamental problem. Most of the existing community search models only focus on the internal cohesiveness of a community. However, a high-quality community often has high modularity, which means dense connections inside communities and sparse connections to the nodes outside the community. In this paper, we conduct a pioneer study on searching a community with high modularity. We point out that while modularity has been popularly used in community detection (without query nodes), it has not been adopted for community search, surprisingly, and its application in community search (related to query nodes) brings in new challenges. We address these challenges by designing a new graph modularity function named Density Modularity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on the community search problem using graph modularity. The community search based on the density modularity, termed as DMCS, is to find a community in a social network that contains all the query nodes and has high density-modularity. We prove that the DMCS problem is NP-hard. To efficiently address DMCS, we present new algorithms that run in log-linear time to the graph size. We conduct extensive experimental studies in real-world and synthetic networks, which offer insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithms. In particular, our algorithm achieves up to 8.5 times higher accuracy in terms of NMI than baseline algorithms