6 research outputs found

    Effective Vehicle-Based Kangaroo Detection for Collision Warning Systems Using Region-Based Convolutional Networks.

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    Traffic collisions between kangaroos and motorists are on the rise on Australian roads. According to a recent report, it was estimated that there were more than 20,000 kangaroo vehicle collisions that occurred only during the year 2015 in Australia. In this work, we are proposing a vehicle-based framework for kangaroo detection in urban and highway traffic environment that could be used for collision warning systems. Our proposed framework is based on region-based convolutional neural networks (RCNN). Given the scarcity of labeled data of kangaroos in traffic environments, we utilized our state-of-the-art data generation pipeline to generate 17,000 synthetic depth images of traffic scenes with kangaroo instances annotated in them. We trained our proposed RCNN-based framework on a subset of the generated synthetic depth images dataset. The proposed framework achieved a higher average precision (AP) score of 92% over all the testing synthetic depth image datasets. We compared our proposed framework against other baseline approaches and we outperformed it with more than 37% in AP score over all the testing datasets. Additionally, we evaluated the generalization performance of the proposed framework on real live data and we achieved a resilient detection accuracy without any further fine-tuning of our proposed RCNN-based framework

    Computer Vision for a Camel-Vehicle Collision Mitigation System

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    As the population grows and more land is being used for urbanization, ecosystems are disrupted by our roads and cars. This expansion of infrastructure cuts through wildlife territories, leading to many instances of Wildlife-Vehicle Collision (WVC). These instances of WVC are a global issue that is having a global socio-economic impact, resulting in billions of dollars in property damage and, at times, fatalities for vehicle occupants. In Saudi Arabia, this issue is similar, with instances of Camel-Vehicle Collision (CVC) being particularly deadly due to the large size of camels, which results in a 25% fatality rate [4]. The focus of this work is to test different object detection models on the task of detecting camels on the road. The Deep Learning (DL) object detection models used in the experiments are: CenterNet, EfficientDet, Faster R-CNN, and SSD. Results of the experiments show that CenterNet performed the best in terms of accuracy and was the most efficient in training. In the future, the plan is to expand on this work by developing a system to make countryside roads safer

    Automated Leopard Alert And Reporting Mechanism Using Deep Learning

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    Today, rapid infrastructure development is taking place in major metropolitan cities, but unfortunately, this progress often involves the destruction of forest reserves, leaving wild animals homeless. The resulting environmental invasion forces these animals to venture into the cities, posing threats to citizens. In Mumbai, there have been numerous sightings of leopards and other wild animals near forested areas. Leopards have been known to attack street dogs, people, and vehicles, making it necessary to work on this problem. This paper suggests the utilization of deep learning models and object detection techniques to detect leopards and other potential threats. By integrating this technology with security applications, citizens can be made aware of the existence of wild animals in their vicinity. This research primarily focuses on addressing the concern of leopard sightings in Mumbai. The objective is to automate leopard detection and reporting using an object detection algorithm. In the proposed system, images of leopards are collected from an existing dataset available on Roboflow, comprising a total of 1000 samples. The proposed model's performance is evaluated using Mean Average Precision (mAP) & detection speed. The proposed method achieves an impressive mAP of 95.9% at a speed of 37 frames per second

    Effective Vehicle-Based Kangaroo Detection for Collision Warning Systems Using Region-Based Convolutional Networks

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    Traffic collisions between kangaroos and motorists are on the rise on Australian roads. According to a recent report, it was estimated that there were more than 20,000 kangaroo vehicle collisions that occurred only during the year 2015 in Australia. In this work, we are proposing a vehicle-based framework for kangaroo detection in urban and highway traffic environment that could be used for collision warning systems. Our proposed framework is based on region-based convolutional neural networks (RCNN). Given the scarcity of labeled data of kangaroos in traffic environments, we utilized our state-of-the-art data generation pipeline to generate 17,000 synthetic depth images of traffic scenes with kangaroo instances annotated in them. We trained our proposed RCNN-based framework on a subset of the generated synthetic depth images dataset. The proposed framework achieved a higher average precision (AP) score of 92% over all the testing synthetic depth image datasets. We compared our proposed framework against other baseline approaches and we outperformed it with more than 37% in AP score over all the testing datasets. Additionally, we evaluated the generalization performance of the proposed framework on real live data and we achieved a resilient detection accuracy without any further fine-tuning of our proposed RCNN-based framework