271,539 research outputs found

    Referential translation machines for predicting translation quality

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    We use referential translation machines (RTM) for quality estimation of translation outputs. RTMs are a computational model for identifying the translation acts between any two data sets with respect to interpretants selected in the same domain, which are effective when making monolingual and bilingual similarity judgments. RTMs achieve top performance in automatic, accurate, and language independent prediction of sentence-level and word-level statistical machine translation (SMT) quality. RTMs remove the need to access any SMT system specific information or prior knowledge of the training data or models used when generating the translations and achieve the top performance in WMT13 quality estimation task (QET13). We improve our RTM models with the Parallel FDA5 instance selection model, with additional features for predicting the translation performance, and with improved learning models. We develop RTM models for each WMT14 QET (QET14) subtask, obtain improvements over QET13 results, and rank 11st in all of the tasks and subtasks of QET14

    Language Model Bootstrapping Using Neural Machine Translation For Conversational Speech Recognition

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    Building conversational speech recognition systems for new languages is constrained by the availability of utterances that capture user-device interactions. Data collection is both expensive and limited by the speed of manual transcription. In order to address this, we advocate the use of neural machine translation as a data augmentation technique for bootstrapping language models. Machine translation (MT) offers a systematic way of incorporating collections from mature, resource-rich conversational systems that may be available for a different language. However, ingesting raw translations from a general purpose MT system may not be effective owing to the presence of named entities, intra sentential code-switching and the domain mismatch between the conversational data being translated and the parallel text used for MT training. To circumvent this, we explore the following domain adaptation techniques: (a) sentence embedding based data selection for MT training, (b) model finetuning, and (c) rescoring and filtering translated hypotheses. Using Hindi as the experimental testbed, we translate US English utterances to supplement the transcribed collections. We observe a relative word error rate reduction of 7.8-15.6%, depending on the bootstrapping phase. Fine grained analysis reveals that translation particularly aids the interaction scenarios which are underrepresented in the transcribed data.Comment: Accepted by IEEE ASRU workshop, 201

    Low-Latency Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition and Translation by Partial Hypothesis Selection

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    Encoder-decoder models provide a generic architecture for sequence-to-sequence tasks such as speech recognition and translation. While offline systems are often evaluated on quality metrics like word error rates (WER) and BLEU, latency is also a crucial factor in many practical use-cases. We propose three latency reduction techniques for chunk-based incremental inference and evaluate their efficiency in terms of accuracy-latency trade-off. On the 300-hour How2 dataset, we reduce latency by 83% to 0.8 second by sacrificing 1% WER (6% rel.) compared to offline transcription. Although our experiments use the Transformer, the hypothesis selection strategies are applicable to other encoder-decoder models. To avoid expensive re-computation, we use a unidirectionally-attending encoder. After an adaptation procedure to partial sequences, the unidirectional model performs on-par with the original model. We further show that our approach is also applicable to low-latency speech translation. On How2 English-Portuguese speech translation, we reduce latency to 0.7 second (-84% rel.) while incurring a loss of 2.4 BLEU points (5% rel.) compared to the offline system