21 research outputs found

    Deep Binary Reconstruction for Cross-modal Hashing

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    With the increasing demand of massive multimodal data storage and organization, cross-modal retrieval based on hashing technique has drawn much attention nowadays. It takes the binary codes of one modality as the query to retrieve the relevant hashing codes of another modality. However, the existing binary constraint makes it difficult to find the optimal cross-modal hashing function. Most approaches choose to relax the constraint and perform thresholding strategy on the real-value representation instead of directly solving the original objective. In this paper, we first provide a concrete analysis about the effectiveness of multimodal networks in preserving the inter- and intra-modal consistency. Based on the analysis, we provide a so-called Deep Binary Reconstruction (DBRC) network that can directly learn the binary hashing codes in an unsupervised fashion. The superiority comes from a proposed simple but efficient activation function, named as Adaptive Tanh (ATanh). The ATanh function can adaptively learn the binary codes and be trained via back-propagation. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that DBRC outperforms several state-of-the-art methods in both image2text and text2image retrieval task.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ACM Multimedia 201

    Cross-Domain Image Retrieval with Attention Modeling

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    With the proliferation of e-commerce websites and the ubiquitousness of smart phones, cross-domain image retrieval using images taken by smart phones as queries to search products on e-commerce websites is emerging as a popular application. One challenge of this task is to locate the attention of both the query and database images. In particular, database images, e.g. of fashion products, on e-commerce websites are typically displayed with other accessories, and the images taken by users contain noisy background and large variations in orientation and lighting. Consequently, their attention is difficult to locate. In this paper, we exploit the rich tag information available on the e-commerce websites to locate the attention of database images. For query images, we use each candidate image in the database as the context to locate the query attention. Novel deep convolutional neural network architectures, namely TagYNet and CtxYNet, are proposed to learn the attention weights and then extract effective representations of the images. Experimental results on public datasets confirm that our approaches have significant improvement over the existing methods in terms of the retrieval accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 8 pages with an extra reference pag

    Composite Correlation Quantization for Efficient Multimodal Retrieval

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    Efficient similarity retrieval from large-scale multimodal database is pervasive in modern search engines and social networks. To support queries across content modalities, the system should enable cross-modal correlation and computation-efficient indexing. While hashing methods have shown great potential in achieving this goal, current attempts generally fail to learn isomorphic hash codes in a seamless scheme, that is, they embed multiple modalities in a continuous isomorphic space and separately threshold embeddings into binary codes, which incurs substantial loss of retrieval accuracy. In this paper, we approach seamless multimodal hashing by proposing a novel Composite Correlation Quantization (CCQ) model. Specifically, CCQ jointly finds correlation-maximal mappings that transform different modalities into isomorphic latent space, and learns composite quantizers that convert the isomorphic latent features into compact binary codes. An optimization framework is devised to preserve both intra-modal similarity and inter-modal correlation through minimizing both reconstruction and quantization errors, which can be trained from both paired and partially paired data in linear time. A comprehensive set of experiments clearly show the superior effectiveness and efficiency of CCQ against the state of the art hashing methods for both unimodal and cross-modal retrieval