2 research outputs found

    Effective Image Retrieval via Multilinear Multi-index Fusion

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    Multi-index fusion has demonstrated impressive performances in retrieval task by integrating different visual representations in a unified framework. However, previous works mainly consider propagating similarities via neighbor structure, ignoring the high order information among different visual representations. In this paper, we propose a new multi-index fusion scheme for image retrieval. By formulating this procedure as a multilinear based optimization problem, the complementary information hidden in different indexes can be explored more thoroughly. Specially, we first build our multiple indexes from various visual representations. Then a so-called index-specific functional matrix, which aims to propagate similarities, is introduced for updating the original index. The functional matrices are then optimized in a unified tensor space to achieve a refinement, such that the relevant images can be pushed more closer. The optimization problem can be efficiently solved by the augmented Lagrangian method with theoretical convergence guarantee. Unlike the traditional multi-index fusion scheme, our approach embeds the multi-index subspace structure into the new indexes with sparse constraint, thus it has little additional memory consumption in online query stage. Experimental evaluation on three benchmark datasets reveals that the proposed approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance, i.e., N-score 3.94 on UKBench, mAP 94.1\% on Holiday and 62.39\% on Market-1501.Comment: 12 page

    Cross-Spectrum Dual-Subspace Pairing for RGB-infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification

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    Due to its potential wide applications in video surveillance and other computer vision tasks like tracking, person re-identification (ReID) has become popular and been widely investigated. However, conventional person re-identification can only handle RGB color images, which will fail at dark conditions. Thus RGB-infrared ReID (also known as Infrared-Visible ReID or Visible-Thermal ReID) is proposed. Apart from appearance discrepancy in traditional ReID caused by illumination, pose variations and viewpoint changes, modality discrepancy produced by cameras of the different spectrum also exists, which makes RGB-infrared ReID more difficult. To address this problem, we focus on extracting the shared cross-spectrum features of different modalities. In this paper, a novel multi-spectrum image generation method is proposed and the generated samples are utilized to help the network to find discriminative information for re-identifying the same person across modalities. Another challenge of RGB-infrared ReID is that the intra-person (images from the same person) discrepancy is often larger than the inter-person (images from different persons) discrepancy, so a dual-subspace pairing strategy is proposed to alleviate this problem. Combining those two parts together, we also design a one-stream neural network combining the aforementioned methods to extract compact representations of person images, called Cross-spectrum Dual-subspace Pairing (CDP) model. Furthermore, during the training process, we also propose a Dynamic Hard Spectrum Mining method to automatically mine more hard samples from hard spectrum based on the current model state to further boost the performance. Extensive experimental results on two public datasets, SYSU-MM01 with RGB + near-infrared images and RegDB with RGB + far-infrared images, have demonstrated the efficiency and generality of our proposed method