1 research outputs found

    Speed and accuracy: Having your cake and eating it too

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    Since the first ab initio methods were developed, the ultimate goal of quantum chemistry has been to provide insights, not readily accessible through experiment, into chemical phenomena. Over the years, two different paths to this end have been taken. The first path provides as accurate a description of relatively small systems as modern computer hardware will allow. The second path follows the desire to perform simulations on systems of physically relevant sizes while sacrificing a certain level of accuracy. The merging of these two paths has allowed for the accurate modeling of large molecular systems through the use of novel theoretical methods. The largest barrier to achieving the goal of accurate calculations on large systems has been the computational requirements of many modern theoretical methods. While these methods are capable of providing the desired level of accuracy, the prohibitive computational requirements can limit system sizes to tens of atoms. By decomposing large chemical systems into more computationally tractable pieces, fragmentation methods have the capability to reduce this barrier and allow for highly accurate descriptions of large molecular systems such as proteins, bulk phase solutions and polymers and nano-scale systems