208 research outputs found

    Efficient Structure and Motion: Path Planning, Uncertainty and Sparsity

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    This thesis explores methods for solving the structure-and-motion problem in computer vision, the recovery of three-dimensional data from a series of two-dimensional image projections. The first paper investigates an alternative state space parametrization for use with the Kalman filter approach to simultaneous localization and mapping, and shows it has superior convergence properties compared with the state-of-the-art. The second paper presents a continuous optimization method for mobile robot path planning, designed to minimize the uncertainty of the geometry reconstructed from images taken by the robot. Similar concepts are applied in the third paper to the problem of sequential 3D reconstruction from unordered image sequences, resulting in increased robustness, accuracy and a reduced need for costly bundle adjustment operations. In the final paper, a method for efficient solution of bundle adjustment problems based on a junction tree decomposition is presented, exploiting the sparseness patterns in typical structure-and-motion input data

    Graph Clustering by Flow Simulation

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    Topics in Automotive Rollover Prevention: Robust and Adaptive Switching Strategies for Estimation and Control

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    The main focus in this thesis is the analysis of alternative approaches for estimation and control of automotive vehicles based on sound theoretical principles. Of particular importance is the problem rollover prevention, which is an important problem plaguing vehicles with a high center of gravity (CG). Vehicle rollover is, statistically, the most dangerous accident type, and it is difficult to prevent it due to the time varying nature of the problem. Therefore, a major objective of the thesis is to develop the necessary theoretical and practical tools for the estimation and control of rollover based on robust and adaptive techniques that are stable with respect to parameter variations. Given this background, we first consider an implementation of the multiple model switching and tuning (MMST) algorithm for estimating the unknown parameters of automotive vehicles relevant to the roll and the lateral dynamics including the position of CG. This results in high performance estimation of the CG as well as other time varying parameters, which can be used in tuning of the active safety controllers in real time. We then look into automotive rollover prevention control based on a robust stable control design methodology. As part of this we introduce a dynamic version of the load transfer ratio (LTR) as a rollover detection criterion and then design robust controllers that take into account uncertainty in the CG position. As the next step we refine the controllers by integrating them with the multiple model switched CG position estimation algorithm. This results in adaptive controllers with higher performance than the robust counterparts. In the second half of the thesis we analyze extensions of certain theoretical results with important implications for switched systems. First we obtain a non-Lyapunov stability result for a certain class of linear discrete time switched systems. Based on this result, we suggest switched controller synthesis procedures for two roll dynamics enhancement control applications. One control design approach is related to modifying the dynamical response characteristics of the automotive vehicle while guaranteeing the switching stability under parametric variations. The other control synthesis method aims to obtain transient free reference tracking of vehicle roll dynamics subject to parametric switching. In a later discussion, we consider a particular decentralized control design procedure based on vector Lyapunov functions for simultaneous, and structurally robust model reference tracking of both the lateral and the roll dynamics of automotive vehicles. We show that this controller design approach guarantees the closed loop stability subject to certain types of structural uncertainty. Finally, assuming a purely theoretical pitch, and motivated by the problems considered during the course of the thesis, we give new stability results on common Lyapunov solution (CLS) existence for two classes of switching linear systems; one is concerned with switching pair of systems in companion form and with interval uncertainty, and the other is concerned with switching pair of companion matrices with general inertia. For both problems we give easily verifiable spectral conditions that are sufficient for the CLS existence. For proving the second result we also obtain a certain generalization of the classical Kalman-Yacubovic-Popov lemma for matrices with general inertia

    Flexible Bayesian Dynamic Modeling of Correlation and Covariance Matrices

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    Modeling correlation (and covariance) matrices can be challenging due to the positive-definiteness constraint and potential high-dimensionality. Our approach is to decompose the covariance matrix into the correlation and variance matrices and propose a novel Bayesian framework based on modeling the correlations as products of unit vectors. By specifying a wide range of distributions on a sphere (e.g. the squared-Dirichlet distribution), the proposed approach induces flexible prior distributions for covariance matrices (that go beyond the commonly used inverse-Wishart prior). For modeling real-life spatio-temporal processes with complex dependence structures, we extend our method to dynamic cases and introduce unit-vector Gaussian process priors in order to capture the evolution of correlation among components of a multivariate time series. To handle the intractability of the resulting posterior, we introduce the adaptive Δ\Delta-Spherical Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. We demonstrate the validity and flexibility of our proposed framework in a simulation study of periodic processes and an analysis of rat's local field potential activity in a complex sequence memory task.Comment: 49 pages, 15 figure

    Precise and Robust Visual SLAM with Inertial Sensors and Deep Learning.

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    Dotar a los robots con el sentido de la percepción destaca como el componente más importante para conseguir máquinas completamente autónomas. Una vez que las máquinas sean capaces de percibir el mundo, podrán interactuar con él. A este respecto, la localización y la reconstrucción de mapas de manera simultánea, SLAM (por sus siglas en inglés) comprende todas las técnicas que permiten a los robots estimar su posición y reconstruir el mapa de su entorno al mismo tiempo, usando únicamente el conjunto de sensores a bordo. El SLAM constituye el elemento clave para la percepción de las máquinas, estando ya presente en diferentes tecnologías y aplicaciones como la conducción autónoma, la realidad virtual y aumentada o los robots de servicio. Incrementar la robustez del SLAM expandiría su uso y aplicación, haciendo las máquinas más seguras y requiriendo una menor intervención humana.En esta tesis hemos combinado sensores inerciales (IMU) y visuales para incrementar la robustez del SLAM ante movimientos rápidos, oclusiones breves o entornos con poca textura. Primero hemos propuesto dos técnicas rápidas para la inicialización del sensor inercial, con un bajo error de escala. Estas han permitido empezar a usar la IMU tan pronto como 2 segundos después de lanzar el sistema. Una de estas inicializaciones ha sido integrada en un nuevo sistema de SLAM visual inercial, acuñado como ORB-SLAM3, el cual representa la mayor contribución de esta tesis. Este es el sistema de SLAM visual-inercial de código abierto más completo hasta la fecha, que funciona con cámaras monoculares o estéreo, estenopeicas o de ojo de pez, y con capacidades multimapa. ORB-SLAM3 se basa en una formulación de Máximo a Posteriori, tanto en la inicialización como en el refinamiento y el ajuste de haces visual-inercial. También explota la asociación de datos en el corto, medio y largo plazo. Todo esto hace que ORB-SLAM3 sea el sistema SLAM visual-inercial más preciso, como así demuestran nuestros resultados en experimentos públicos.Además, hemos explorado la aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo para mejorar la robustez del SLAM. En este aspecto, primero hemos propuesto DynaSLAM II, un sistema SLAM estéreo para entornos dinámicos. Los objetos dinámicos son segmentados mediante una red neuronal, y sus puntos y medidas son incluidas eficientemente en la optimización de ajuste de haces. Esto permite estimar y hacer seguimiento de los objetos en movimiento, al mismo tiempo que se mejora la estimación de la trayectoria de la cámara. En segundo lugar, hemos desarrollado un SLAM monocular y directo basado en predicciones de profundidad a través de redes neuronales. Optimizamos de manera conjunta tanto los residuos de predicción de profundidad como los fotométricos de distintas vistas, lo que da lugar a un sistema monocular capaz de estimar la escala. No sufre el problema de deriva de escala, siendo más robusto y varias veces más preciso que los sistemas monoculares clásicos.<br /

    A Behavioral Approach to Robust Machine Learning

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    Machine learning is revolutionizing almost all fields of science and technology and has been proposed as a pathway to solving many previously intractable problems such as autonomous driving and other complex robotics tasks. While the field has demonstrated impressive results on certain problems, many of these results have not translated to applications in physical systems, partly due to the cost of system fail- ure and partly due to the difficulty of ensuring reliable and robust model behavior. Deep neural networks, for instance, have simultaneously demonstrated both incredible performance in game playing and image processing, and remarkable fragility. This combination of high average performance and a catastrophically bad worst case performance presents a serious danger as deep neural networks are currently being used in safety critical tasks such as assisted driving. In this thesis, we propose a new approach to training models that have built in robustness guarantees. Our approach to ensuring stability and robustness of the models trained is distinct from prior methods; where prior methods learn a model and then attempt to verify robustness/stability, we directly optimize over sets of models where the necessary properties are known to hold. Specifically, we apply methods from robust and nonlinear control to the analysis and synthesis of recurrent neural networks, equilibrium neural networks, and recurrent equilibrium neural networks. The techniques developed allow us to enforce properties such as incremental stability, incremental passivity, and incremental l2 gain bounds / Lipschitz bounds. A central consideration in the development of our model sets is the difficulty of fitting models. All models can be placed in the image of a convex set, or even R^N , allowing useful properties to be easily imposed during the training procedure via simple interior point methods, penalty methods, or unconstrained optimization. In the final chapter, we study the problem of learning networks of interacting models with guarantees that the resulting networked system is stable and/or monotone, i.e., the order relations between states are preserved. While our approach to learning in this chapter is similar to the previous chapters, the model set that we propose has a separable structure that allows for the scalable and distributed identification of large-scale systems via the alternating directions method of multipliers (ADMM)

    On parameterized deformations and unsupervised learning

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    Graph clustering by flow simulation

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    Dit proefschrift heeft als onderwerp het clusteren van grafen door middel van simulatie van stroming, een probleem dat in zijn algemeenheid behoort tot het gebied der clusteranalyse. In deze tak van wetenschap ontwerpt en onderzoekt men methoden die gegeven bepaalde data een onderverdeling in groepen genereren, waarbij het oogmerk is een onderverdeling in groepen te vinden die natuurlijk is. Dat wil zeggen dat verschillende data-elementen in dezelfde groep idealiter veel op elkaar lijken, en dat data-elementen uit verschillende groepen idealiter veel van elkaar verschillen. Soms ontbreken zulke groepjes helemaal; dan is er weinig patroon te herkennen in de data. Het idee is dat de aanwezigheid van natuurlijke groepjes het mogelijk maakt de data te categoriseren. Een voorbeeld is het clusteren van gegevens (over symptomen of lichaamskarakteristieken) van patienten die aan dezelfde ziekte lijden. Als er duidelijke groepjes bestaan in die gegevens, kan dit tot extra inzicht leiden in de ziekte. Clusteranalyse kan aldus gebruikt worden voor exploratief onderzoek. Verdere voorbeelden komen uit de scheikunde, taxonomie, psychiatrie, archeologie, marktonderzoek en nog vele andere disicplines. Taxonomie, de studie van de classificatie van organismen, heeft een rijke geschiedenis beginnend bij Aristoteles en culminerend in de werken van Linnaeus. In feite kan de clusteranalyse gezien worden als het resultaat van een steeds meer systematische en abstracte studie van de diverse methoden ontworpen in verschillende toepassingsgebieden, waarbij methode zowel wordt gescheiden van data en toepassingsgebied als van berekeningswijze. In de cluster analyse kunnen grofweg twee richtingen onderscheiden worden, naar gelang het type data dat geclassificeerd moet worden. De data-elementen in het voorbeeld hierboven worden beschreven door vectoren (lijstjes van scores of metingen), en het verschil tussen twee elementen wordt bepaald door het verschil van de vectoren. Deze dissertatie betreft cluster analyse toegepast op data van het type `graaf'. Voorbeelden komen uit de patroonherkenning, het computer ondersteund ontwerpen, databases voorzien van hyperlinks en het World Wide Web. In al deze gevallen is er sprake van `punten' die verbonden zijn of niet. Een stelsel van punten samen met hun verbindingen heet een graaf. Een goede clustering van een graaf deelt de punten op in groepjes zodanig dat er weinig verbindingen lopen tussen (punten uit) verschillende groepjes en er veel verbindingen zijn in elk groepje afzonderlijk
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