5 research outputs found

    Featured Snippets Results in Google Web Search: An Exploratory Study

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    In this paper authors analyzed 163412 keywords and results with featured snippets collected from localized Polish Google search engine. A method-ology for retrieving data from Google search engine was proposed in terms of obtaining necessary data to study featured snippets. It was observed that almost half of featured snippets (48%) is taken from result on first ranking position. Furthermore, some correlations between prepositions and the most often appearing content words in keywords was discovered. Results show that featured snippets are often taken from trustworthy websites like e.g., Wikipedia and are mainly presented in form of a paragraph. Paragraph can be read by Google Assistant or Home Assistant with voice search. We conclude our findings with discussion and research limitations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 tables, accepted to conference ICMarktech'1

    The Snippets Taxonomy in Web Search Engines

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    In this paper authors analyzed 50 000 keywords results collected from localized Polish Google search engine. We proposed a taxonomy for snippets displayed in search results as regular, rich, news, featured and entity types snippets. We observed some correlations between overlapping snippets in the same keywords. Results show that commercial keywords do not cause results having rich or entity types snippets, whereas keywords resulting with snippets are not commercial nature. We found that significant number of snippets are scholarly articles and rich cards carousel. We conclude our findings with conclusion and research limitations.Comment: 12 pages, 3 table

    Estudo dos microformatos nos plugins de SEO para Wordpress

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    A evolução da tecnologia exerce uma forte pressão sobre as organizações, esta deve ser encarada como uma oportunidade para que se possa acolher e materializar os benefícios da transformação digital. O crescente fluxo da comunicação online fomenta a dependência das tecnologias digitais, um processo inevitável num meio complexo de dominar. As ações das organizações no campo digital resultam das suas aptidões na gestão dos recursos tecnológicos, da forma como gerem os conteúdos online, das estratégias adotadas de Search Engine Optimization (SEO) e dos objetivos a que se propõem. Os departamentos de marketing são cada vez mais dominados pelas estratégias de SEO, estas visam alcançar as melhores posições nas Páginas de Resultados dos Motores de Busca (SERPs) onde a probabilidade de obter novas oportunidades de negócio está diretamente relacionada com a conquista das primeiras posições das SERPs. O presente trabalho está focado no SEO semântico e na qualidade dos plugins SEO do WordPress (versões gratuitas) que incorporam microformatos. O trabalho apresenta um estudo de 20 diferentes plugins de SEO em microformatos. Da análise estabelecida conclui-se que 95% utilizam o JSON-LD como linguagem de marcação e o vocabulário Schema.org. Todos os plugins ficam muito aquém das expectativas, pois exploram muito poucos Tipos e Termos Schema.org, em comparação com a análise teórica feita. Com efeito, no contexto atual, se uma organização precisa de incorporar microformatos no seu conteúdo terá de optar por pagar a um profissional especializado para o fazer, uma vez que o mundo open source, gratuito, não oferece recursos de qualidade que permitam potenciar os conteúdos disponibilizados online.The evolution of technology creates a strong pressure on organisations that should be seen as an opportunity to accommodate and realise the benefits of digital transformation. The increasing flow of online communication encourages dependence on digital technologies, an inevitable process in a complex environment of mastery. The actions of organizations in the digital field result from their skills in the management of technological resources, the way they manage the content made available online, the strategies adopted for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the objectives they propose. Marketing departments are increasingly dominated by SEO strategies to achieve the best positions in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP's), where the likelihood of obtaining new business opportunities is directly related to winning the top positions in the SERP's. This study focuses on semantic SEO, and on the quality of WordPress SEO plugins (free versions) that incorporate microformats, presents an observation of 20 different SEO plugins in microformats. From the established analysis it is concluded that 95% use JSON-LD as markup language and schema.org vocabulary. All the plugins fall far short of expectations, as they explore very few Schema.org Types and Terms, in comparison with the theoretical analysis done. In fact, in the current context, if an organization needs to incorporate microformats into its content, it will have to choose to pay a specialized professional to do so since the open source world, free of charge, does not offer quality resources to enhance the content available online