18 research outputs found

    AIREPAIR: A Repair Platform for Neural Networks

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    We present AIREPAIR, a platform for repairing neural networks. It features the integration of existing network repair tools. Based on AIREPAIR, one can run different repair methods on the same model, thus enabling the fair comparison of different repair techniques. We evaluate AIREPAIR with three state-of-the-art repair tools on popular deep-learning datasets and models. Our evaluation confirms the utility of AIREPAIR, by comparing and analyzing the results from different repair techniques. A demonstration is available at https://youtu.be/UkKw5neeWhw

    Self-Destructing Models: Increasing the Costs of Harmful Dual Uses in Foundation Models

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    A growing ecosystem of large, open-source foundation models has reduced the labeled data and technical expertise necessary to apply machine learning to many new problems. Yet foundation models pose a clear dual-use risk, indiscriminately reducing the costs of building both harmful and beneficial machine learning systems. To mitigate this risk, we propose the task blocking paradigm, in which foundation models are trained with an additional mechanism to impede adaptation to harmful tasks while retaining good performance on desired tasks. We call the resulting models self-destructing models, inspired by mechanisms that prevent adversaries from using tools for harmful purposes. We present an algorithm for training self-destructing models leveraging techniques from meta-learning and adversarial learning, showing that it can largely prevent a BERT-based model from learning to perform gender identification without harming the model's ability to perform profession classification. We conclude with a discussion of future directions.Comment: Presented at the First Workshop of Pre-training: Perspectives, Pitfalls, and Paths Forward (ICML, 2022) and New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning Workshop (ICML, 2022

    SpecAttack: Specification-Based Adversarial Training for Deep Neural Networks

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    Safety specification-based adversarial training aims to generate examples violating a formal safety specification and therefore provides approaches for repair. The need for maintaining high prediction accuracy while ensuring the save behavior remains challenging. Thus we present SpecAttack, a query-efficient counter-example generation and repair method for deep neural networks. Using SpecAttack allows specifying safety constraints on the model to find inputs that violate these constraints. These violations are then used to repair the neural network via re-training such that it becomes provably safe. We evaluate SpecAttack's performance on the task of counter-example generation and repair. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that SpecAttack is in most cases more query-efficient than comparable attacks, yields counter-examples of higher quality, with its repair technique being more efficient, maintaining higher functional correctness, and provably guaranteeing safety specification compliance

    Editing Language Model-based Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    Recently decades have witnessed the empirical success of framing Knowledge Graph (KG) embeddings via language models. However, language model-based KG embeddings are usually deployed as static artifacts, which are challenging to modify without re-training after deployment. To address this issue, we propose a new task of editing language model-based KG embeddings in this paper. The proposed task aims to enable data-efficient and fast updates to KG embeddings without damaging the performance of the rest. We build four new datasets: E-FB15k237, A-FB15k237, E-WN18RR, and A-WN18RR, and evaluate several knowledge editing baselines demonstrating the limited ability of previous models to handle the proposed challenging task. We further propose a simple yet strong baseline dubbed KGEditor, which utilizes additional parametric layers of the hyper network to edit/add facts. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that KGEditor can perform better when updating specific facts while not affecting the rest with low training resources. Code and datasets will be available in https://github.com/zjunlp/PromptKG/tree/main/deltaKG.Comment: Work in progress and the project website is https://zjunlp.github.io/project/KGE_Editing

    Aging with GRACE: Lifelong Model Editing with Discrete Key-Value Adaptors

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    Large pre-trained models decay over long-term deployment as input distributions shift, user requirements change, or crucial knowledge gaps are discovered. Recently, model editors have been proposed to modify a model's behavior by adjusting its weights during deployment. However, when editing the same model multiple times, these approaches quickly decay a model's performance on upstream data and forget how to fix previous errors. We propose and study a novel Lifelong Model Editing setting, where streaming errors are identified for a deployed model and we update the model to correct its predictions without influencing unrelated inputs without access to training edits, exogenous datasets, or any upstream data for the edited model. To approach this problem, we introduce General Retrieval Adaptors for Continual Editing, or GRACE, which learns to cache a chosen layer's activations in an adaptive codebook as edits stream in, leaving original model weights frozen. GRACE can thus edit models thousands of times in a row using only streaming errors, while minimally influencing unrelated inputs. Experimentally, we show that GRACE improves over recent model editors and generalizes to unseen inputs. Our code is available at https://www.github.com/thartvigsen/grace

    Stable Knowledge Editing in Large Language Models

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    Efficient knowledge editing of large language models is crucial for replacing obsolete information or incorporating specialized knowledge on a large scale. However, previous methods implicitly assume that knowledge is localized and isolated within the model, an assumption that oversimplifies the interconnected nature of model knowledge. The premise of localization results in an incomplete knowledge editing, whereas an isolated assumption may impair both other knowledge and general abilities. It introduces instability to the performance of the knowledge editing method. To transcend these assumptions, we introduce StableKE, a method adopts a novel perspective based on knowledge augmentation rather than knowledge localization. To overcome the expense of human labeling, StableKE integrates two automated knowledge augmentation strategies: Semantic Paraphrase Enhancement strategy, which diversifies knowledge descriptions to facilitate the teaching of new information to the model, and Contextual Description Enrichment strategy, expanding the surrounding knowledge to prevent the forgetting of related information. StableKE surpasses other knowledge editing methods, demonstrating stability both edited knowledge and multi-hop knowledge, while also preserving unrelated knowledge and general abilities. Moreover, StableKE can edit knowledge on ChatGPT

    Separate the Wheat from the Chaff: Model Deficiency Unlearning via Parameter-Efficient Module Operation

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    Large language models (LLMs) have been widely used in various applications but are known to suffer from issues related to untruthfulness and toxicity. While parameter-efficient modules (PEMs) have demonstrated their effectiveness in equipping models with new skills, leveraging PEMs for deficiency unlearning remains underexplored. In this work, we propose a PEMs operation approach, namely Extraction-before-Subtraction (Ext-Sub), to enhance the truthfulness and detoxification of LLMs through the integration of ``expert'' PEM and ``anti-expert'' PEM. Remarkably, even anti-expert PEM possess valuable capabilities due to their proficiency in generating fabricated content, which necessitates language modeling and logical narrative competence. Rather than merely negating the parameters, our approach involves extracting and eliminating solely the deficiency capability within anti-expert PEM while preserving the general capabilities. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach in terms of truthfulness and detoxification, we conduct extensive experiments on LLMs, encompassing additional abilities such as language modeling and mathematical reasoning. Our empirical results demonstrate that our approach effectively improves truthfulness and detoxification, while largely preserving the fundamental abilities of LLMs

    Short-Term Plasticity Neurons Learning to Learn and Forget

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    Short-term plasticity (STP) is a mechanism that stores decaying memories in synapses of the cerebral cortex. In computing practice, STP has been used, but mostly in the niche of spiking neurons, even though theory predicts that it is the optimal solution to certain dynamic tasks. Here we present a new type of recurrent neural unit, the STP Neuron (STPN), which indeed turns out strikingly powerful. Its key mechanism is that synapses have a state, propagated through time by a self-recurrent connection-within-the-synapse. This formulation enables training the plasticity with backpropagation through time, resulting in a form of learning to learn and forget in the short term. The STPN outperforms all tested alternatives, i.e. RNNs, LSTMs, other models with fast weights, and differentiable plasticity. We confirm this in both supervised and reinforcement learning (RL), and in tasks such as Associative Retrieval, Maze Exploration, Atari video games, and MuJoCo robotics. Moreover, we calculate that, in neuromorphic or biological circuits, the STPN minimizes energy consumption across models, as it depresses individual synapses dynamically. Based on these, biological STP may have been a strong evolutionary attractor that maximizes both efficiency and computational power. The STPN now brings these neuromorphic advantages also to a broad spectrum of machine learning practice. Code is available at https://github.com/NeuromorphicComputing/stpnComment: Accepted at ICML 202

    Automatically Correcting Large Language Models: Surveying the landscape of diverse self-correction strategies

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    Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide array of NLP tasks. However, their efficacy is undermined by undesired and inconsistent behaviors, including hallucination, unfaithful reasoning, and toxic content. A promising approach to rectify these flaws is self-correction, where the LLM itself is prompted or guided to fix problems in its own output. Techniques leveraging automated feedback -- either produced by the LLM itself or some external system -- are of particular interest as they are a promising way to make LLM-based solutions more practical and deployable with minimal human feedback. This paper presents a comprehensive review of this emerging class of techniques. We analyze and taxonomize a wide array of recent work utilizing these strategies, including training-time, generation-time, and post-hoc correction. We also summarize the major applications of this strategy and conclude by discussing future directions and challenges.Comment: Work in Progress. Version