12 research outputs found

    Arc-Disjoint Paths and Trees in 2-Regular Digraphs

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    An out-(in-)branching B_s^+ (B_s^-) rooted at s in a digraph D is a connected spanning subdigraph of D in which every vertex x != s has precisely one arc entering (leaving) it and s has no arcs entering (leaving) it. We settle the complexity of the following two problems: 1) Given a 2-regular digraph DD, decide if it contains two arc-disjoint branchings B^+_u, B^-_v. 2) Given a 2-regular digraph D, decide if it contains an out-branching B^+_u such that D remains connected after removing the arcs of B^+_u. Both problems are NP-complete for general digraphs. We prove that the first problem remains NP-complete for 2-regular digraphs, whereas the second problem turns out to be polynomial when we do not prescribe the root in advance. We also prove that, for 2-regular digraphs, the latter problem is in fact equivalent to deciding if DD contains two arc-disjoint out-branchings. We generalize this result to k-regular digraphs where we want to find a number of pairwise arc-disjoint spanning trees and out-branchings such that there are k in total, again without prescribing any roots.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Generalizations of tournaments: A survey

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    Arc-disjoint out- and in-branchings in compositions of digraphs

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    An out-branching Bu+B^+_u (in-branching Bu−B^-_u) in a digraph DD is a connected spanning subdigraph of DD in which every vertex except the vertex uu, called the root, has in-degree (out-degree) one. A {\bf good (u,v)\mathbf{(u,v)}-pair} in DD is a pair of branchings Bu+,Bv−B^+_u,B^-_v which have no arc in common. Thomassen proved that is NP-complete to decide if a digraph has any good pair. A digraph is {\bf semicomplete} if it has no pair of non adjacent vertices. A {\bf semicomplete composition} is any digraph DD which is obtained from a semicomplete digraph SS by substituting an arbitrary digraph HxH_x for each vertex xx of SS. Recently the authors of this paper gave a complete classification of semicomplete digraphs which have a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair, where u,vu,v are prescribed vertices of DD. They also gave a polynomial algorithm which for a given semicomplete digraph DD and vertices u,vu,v of DD, either produces a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair in DD or a certificate that DD has such pair. In this paper we show how to use the result for semicomplete digraphs to completely solve the problem of deciding whether a given semicomplete composition DD, has a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair for given vertices u,vu,v of DD. Our solution implies that the problem is polynomially solvable for all semicomplete compositions. In particular our result implies that there is a polynomial algorithm for deciding whether a given quasi-transitive digraph DD has a good (u,v)(u,v)-pair for given vertices u,vu,v of DD. This confirms a conjecture of Bang-Jensen and Gutin from 1998

    Edge disjoint In- and Out-branchings in Tournaments and related path problems

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    AbstractWe give good characterizations in Edmonds' sense for the following problems for tournaments. 1.(1) Given a tournament T and v1, v2 ∈ V(T), possibly v1 = v2, when do there exist edge-disjoint branchings Fv1+, Fv2−, such that Fv1+ is an out-branching rooted at v1 and Fv2− is an in-branching rooted at v2?2.(2) Given a strong tournament T and x1, x2, y1, y2 ∈ V(T) all different, when do there exist edge-disjoint (x1, y1)-, (x2, y2)-paths in T?3.(3) Given a strong tournament T and a, b, c ∈ V(T) all different, when do there exist edge-disjoint (a, b)-, (b, c)-paths in T?Problem (2) is known to be NP-complete for digraphs in general and we give a proof by C. Thomassen that problem (1) is NP-complete for digraphs in general