2,908 research outputs found

    Trace Formulae and Spectral Statistics for Discrete Laplacians on Regular Graphs (I)

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    Trace formulae for d-regular graphs are derived and used to express the spectral density in terms of the periodic walks on the graphs under consideration. The trace formulae depend on a parameter w which can be tuned continuously to assign different weights to different periodic orbit contributions. At the special value w=1, the only periodic orbits which contribute are the non back- scattering orbits, and the smooth part in the trace formula coincides with the Kesten-McKay expression. As w deviates from unity, non vanishing weights are assigned to the periodic walks with back-scatter, and the smooth part is modified in a consistent way. The trace formulae presented here are the tools to be used in the second paper in this sequence, for showing the connection between the spectral properties of d-regular graphs and the theory of random matrices.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Enumerating planar locally finite Cayley graphs

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    We characterize the set of planar locally finite Cayley graphs, and give a finite representation of these graphs by a special kind of finite state automata called labeling schemes. As a result, we are able to enumerate and describe all planar locally finite Cayley graphs of a given degree. This analysis allows us to solve the problem of decision of the locally finite planarity for a word-problem-decidable presentation. Keywords: vertex-transitive, Cayley graph, planar graph, tiling, labeling schemeComment: 19 pages, 6 PostScript figures, 12 embedded PsTricks figures. An additional file (~ 438ko.) containing the figures in appendix might be found at http://www.labri.fr/Perso/~renault/research/pages.ps.g

    The vertex-transitive TLF-planar graphs

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    We consider the class of the topologically locally finite (in short TLF) planar vertex-transitive graphs, a class containing in particular all the one-ended planar Cayley graphs and the normal transitive tilings. We characterize these graphs with a finite local representation and a special kind of finite state automaton named labeling scheme. As a result, we are able to enumerate and describe all TLF-planar vertex-transitive graphs of any given degree. Also, we are able decide to whether any TLF-planar transitive graph is Cayley or not.Comment: Article : 23 pages, 15 figures Appendix : 13 pages, 72 figures Submitted to Discrete Mathematics The appendix is accessible at http://www.labri.fr/~renault/research/research.htm
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