2 research outputs found

    Fixing number of co-noraml product of graphs

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    An automorphism of a graph GG is a bijective mapping from the vertex set of GG to itself which preserves the adjacency and the non-adjacency relations of the vertices of GG. A fixing set FF of a graph GG is a set of those vertices of GG which when assigned distinct labels removes all the automorphisms of GG, except the trivial one. The fixing number of a graph GG, denoted by fix(G)fix(G), is the smallest cardinality of a fixing set of GG. The co-normal product G1G2G_1\ast G_2 of two graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2, is a graph having the vertex set V(G1)×V(G2)V(G_1)\times V(G_2) and two distinct vertices (g1,g2),(g1ˊ,g2ˊ)(g_1, g_2), (\acute{g_1}, \acute{g_2}) are adjacent if g1g_1 is adjacent to g1ˊ\acute{g_1} in G1G_1 or g2g_2 is adjacent to g2ˊ\acute{g_2} in G2G_2. We define a general co-normal product of k2k\geq 2 graphs which is a natural generalization of the co-normal product of two graphs. In this paper, we discuss automorphisms of the co-normal product of graphs using the automorphisms of its factors and prove results on the cardinality of the automorphism group of the co-normal product of graphs. We prove that max{fix(G1),fix(G2)}fix(G1G2)max\{fix(G_1), fix(G_2)\}\leq fix(G_1\ast G_2), for any two graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2. We also compute the fixing number of the co-normal product of some families of graphs.Comment: 13 page