2 research outputs found

    Eau : le rôle méconnu de Michel Rocard

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    Michel Rocard was not a water specialist, but he repeatedly supported water policy improvements: he protected the water agencies in an Accounting Office audit when he was sent to condemn them; as prime minister he supported the law that made water a common heritage; in the latter part of his life, he was active in the world water forums. What a pity he could not know the work of Elinor Ostrom back in the 1990s

    Eau : le rôle méconnu de Michel Rocard

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    Michel Rocard was not a water specialist, but he repeatedly supported water policy improvements: he protected the water agencies in an Accounting Office audit when he was sent to condemn them; as prime minister he supported the law that made water a common heritage; in the latter part of his life, he was active in the world water forums. What a pity he could not know the work of Elinor Ostrom back in the 1990s