6 research outputs found

    Prognostics of Combustion Instabilities from Hi-speed Flame Video using A Deep Convolutional Selective Autoencoder

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    The thermo-acoustic instabilities arising in combustion processes cause significant deterioration and safety issues in various human-engineered systems such as land and air based gas turbine engines. The phenomenon is described as selfsustaining and having large amplitude pressure oscillations with varying spatial scales of periodic coherent vortex shedding. Early detection and close monitoring of combustion instability are the keys to extending the remaining useful life (RUL) of any gas turbine engine. However, such impending instability to a stable combustion is extremely difficult to detect only from pressure data due to its sudden (bifurcationtype) nature. Toolchains that are able to detect early instability occurrence have transformative impacts on the safety and performance of modern engines. This paper proposes an endto- end deep convolutional selective autoencoder approach to capture the rich information in hi-speed flame video for instability prognostics. In this context, an autoencoder is trained to selectively mask stable flame and allow unstable flame image frames. Performance comparison is done with a wellknown image processing tool, conditional random field that is trained to be selective as well. In this context, an informationtheoretic threshold value is derived. The proposed framework is validated on a set of real data collected from a laboratory scale combustor over varied operating conditions where it is shown to effectively detect subtle instability features as a combustion process makes transition from stable to unstable region

    Engineering analytics through explainable deep learning

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    Pattern recognition has its origins in engineering while machine learning developed from computer science. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is a booming field with many practical applications and active research topics that deals with both pattern recognition and machine learning. We now use softwares and applications to automate routine labor, understand speech (using Natural Language Processing) or images (extracting hierarchical features and patterns for object detection and pattern recognition), make diagnoses in medicine, even intricate surgical procedures and support basic scientific research. This thesis deals with exploring the application of a specific branch of AI, or a specific tool, Deep Learning (DL) to real world engineering problems which otherwise had been difficult to solve using existing methods till date. Here we focus on different Deep Learning based methods to deal with two such engineering problems. We also explore the inner workings of such models through an explanation stage for each of the applied DL based strategies that gives us a sense of how such typical black box models work, or as we call it, an explanation stage for the DL model. This explanation framework is an important step as previously, Deep Learning based models were thought to be frameworks which produce good results (classification, object detection, object recognition to name a few), but with no explanations or immediately visible causes as to why it achieves the results it does. This made Deep Learning based models hard to trust amongst the scientific community. In this thesis, we aim to achieve just that by deploying two such explanation frameworks, one for a 2D image study case and another for a 3D image voxel study case, which will be discussed later in the subsequent chapters

    Deep Learning for Decision Making and Autonomous Complex Systems

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    Deep learning consists of various machine learning algorithms that aim to learn multiple levels of abstraction from data in a hierarchical manner. It is a tool to construct models using the data that mimics a real world process without an exceedingly tedious modelling of the actual process. We show that deep learning is a viable solution to decision making in mechanical engineering problems and complex physical systems. In this work, we demonstrated the application of this data-driven method in the design of microfluidic devices to serve as a map between the user-defined cross-sectional shape of the flow and the corresponding arrangement of micropillars in the flow channel that contributed to the flow deformation. We also present how deep learning can be used in the early detection of combustion instability for prognostics and health monitoring of a combustion engine, such that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent detrimental effects as a result of unstable combustion. One of the applications in complex systems concerns robotic path planning via the systematic learning of policies and associated rewards. In this context, a deep architecture is implemented to infer the expected value of information gained by performing an action based on the states of the environment. We also applied deep learning-based methods to enhance natural low-light images in the context of a surveillance framework and autonomous robots. Further, we looked at how machine learning methods can be used to perform root-cause analysis in cyber-physical systems subjected to a wide variety of operation anomalies. In all studies, the proposed frameworks have been shown to demonstrate promising feasibility and provided credible results for large-scale implementation in the industry

    Hierarchical feature extraction from spatiotemporal data for cyber-physical system analytics

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    With the advent of ubiquitous sensing, robust communication and advanced computation, data-driven modeling is increasingly becoming popular for many engineering problems. Eliminating difficulties of physics-based modeling, avoiding simplifying assumptions and ad hoc empirical models are significant among many advantages of data-driven approaches, especially for large-scale complex systems. While classical statistics and signal processing algorithms have been widely used by the engineering community, advanced machine learning techniques have not been sufficiently explored in this regard. This study summarizes various categories of machine learning tools that have been applied or may be a candidate for addressing engineering problems. While there are increasing number of machine learning algorithms, the main steps involved in applying such techniques to the problems consist in: data collection and pre-processing, feature extraction, model training and inference for decision-making. To support decision-making processes in many applications, hierarchical feature extraction is key. Among various feature extraction principles, recent studies emphasize hierarchical approaches of extracting salient features that is carried out at multiple abstraction levels from data. In this context, the focus of the dissertation is towards developing hierarchical feature extraction algorithms within the framework of machine learning in order to solve challenging cyber-physical problems in various domains such as electromechanical systems and agricultural systems. Furthermore, the feature extraction techniques are described using the spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal data types collected from the systems. The wide applicability of such features in solving some selected real-life domain problems are demonstrated throughout this study