1,012 research outputs found

    Energy resource management in smart buildings considering photovoltaic uncertainty

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    O aumento do consumo energético em edifícios residenciais tem levado a um maior foco nos métodos de eficiência energética. Deste modo, surge um sistema de gestão de energia residencial que poderá permitir controlar os recursos energéticos em pequena escala dos edifícios, levando a uma diminuição significativa dos custos energéticos através de um escalonamento eficiente. No entanto, a natureza intermitente das fontes de energia renováveis resulta num problema complexo. Para resolver este desafio, esta tese propõe um escalonamento energético baseado na otimização robusta, considerando a incerteza relacionada com a produção fotovoltaica. A otimização robusta é um método emergente e eficaz para lidar com a incerteza e apresenta soluções ótimas considerando o pior cenário da incerteza, ou seja, encontra a melhor solução entre todos os piores cenários possíveis. Um problema de Programação Linear Binária é inicialmente formulado para minimizar os custos do escalonamento energético. De seguida, o objetivo desta tese é transformar o modelo determinístico num problema robusto equivalente para proporcionar-lhe imunidade contra a incerteza associada à produção fotovoltaica. O modelo determinístico é, assim, transformado num modelo do pior cenário possível. Para validar a eficiência e a eficácia do modelo, a metodologia proposta foi implementada em dois cenários sendo cada um deles constituído por três casos de estudo de escalonamento de energia, para um horizonte de escalonamento a curto prazo. Os resultados da simulação demonstram que a abordagem robusta consegue, efetivamente, minimizar os custos totais de eletricidade do edifício, mitigando, simultaneamente, os obstáculos referentes à incerteza relacionada com a produção fotovoltaica. É também demonstrado que a estratégia desenvolvida permite o ajustamento do escalonamento dos recursos energéticos do edifício de acordo com o nível de robustez selecionado.The increase of energy demand in residential buildings has led to a higher focus on energy efficiency methods. This way, the home energy management system arises to control small-scale energy resources on buildings allowing a significant electricity bill decrease throughout efficient scheduling. However, the intermittent and uncertain nature of renewable energy sources results in a complex problem. To solve this challenge, this thesis proposes robust optimization-based scheduling considering the uncertainty in solar generation. Robust Optimization is a very recent and effective technique to deal with uncertainty and provides optimal solutions for the worst-case realization of the uncertain parameter, i.e., it finds the best solution among all the worst scenarios. A Mixed Binary Linear Programming problem is initially formulated to minimize the costs of the energy resource scheduling. Then, this thesis's purpose is to transform the deterministic model into a trackable robust counterpart problem to provide immunity against the photovoltaic output uncertainty. The deterministic model is transformed into the worst-case model. To validate the model’s efficiency and effectiveness, the proposed methodology was implemented in two scenarios with three different energy scheduling case studies for a short-term scheduling horizon. The simulation results demonstrate that the robust approach can effectively minimize the electricity costs of the building while mitigating the drawbacks associated with solar uncertainty. It also proves that the proposed strategy adjusts the energy scheduling according to the selected robustness level

    Multi objective optimization in charge management of micro grid based multistory carpark

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    Distributed power supply with the use of renewable energy sources and intelligent energy flow management has undoubtedly become one of the pressing trends in modern power engineering, which also inspired researchers from other fields to contribute to the topic. There are several kinds of micro grid platforms, each facing its own challenges and thus making the problem purely multi objective. In this paper, an evolutionary driven algorithm is applied and evaluated on a real platform represented by a private multistory carpark equipped with photovoltaic solar panels and several battery packs. The algorithm works as a core of an adaptive charge management system based on predicted conditions represented by estimated electric load and production in the future hours. The outcome of the paper is a comparison of the optimized and unoptimized charge management on three different battery setups proving that optimization may often outperform a battery setup with larger capacity in several criteria.Web of Science117art. no. 179

    Bi-Level Operation Scheduling of Distribution Systems with Multi-Microgrids Considering Uncertainties

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    A bi-level operation scheduling of distribution system operator (DSO) and multi-microgrids (MMGs) considering both the wholesale market and retail market is presented in this paper. To this end, the upper-level optimization problem minimizes the total costs from DSO’s point of view, while the profits of microgrids (MGs) are maximized in the lower-level optimization problem. Besides, a scenario-based stochastic programming framework using the heuristic moment matching (HMM) method is developed to tackle the uncertain nature of the problem. In this regard, the HMM technique is employed to model the scenario matrix with a reduced number of scenarios, which is effectively suitable to achieve the correlations among uncertainties. In order to solve the proposed non-linear bi-level model, Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions and linearization techniques are employed to transform the bi-level problem into a single-level mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) optimization problem. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated on a real-test MMG system

    Energy Management Systems for Smart Electric Railway Networks: A Methodological Review

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    Energy shortage is one of the major concerns in today’s world. As a consumer of electrical energy, the electric railway system (ERS), due to trains, stations, and commercial users, intakes an enormous amount of electricity. Increasing greenhouse gases (GHG) and CO2 emissions, in addition, have drawn the regard of world leaders as among the most dangerous threats at present; based on research in this field, the transportation sector contributes significantly to this pollution. Railway Energy Management Systems (REMS) are a modern green solution that not only tackle these problems but also, by implementing REMS, electricity can be sold to the grid market. Researchers have been trying to reduce the daily operational costs of smart railway stations, mitigating power quality issues, considering the traction uncertainties and stochastic behavior of Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) and Energy Storage Systems (ESSs), which has a significant impact on total operational cost. In this context, the first main objective of this article is to take a comprehensive review of the literature on REMS and examine closely all the works that have been carried out in this area, and also the REMS architecture and configurations are clarified as well. The secondary objective of this article is to analyze both traditional and modern methods utilized in REMS and conduct a thorough comparison of them. In order to provide a comprehensive analysis in this field, over 120 publications have been compiled, listed, and categorized. The study highlights the potential of leveraging RERs for cost reduction and sustainability. Evaluating factors including speed, simplicity, efficiency, accuracy, and ability to handle stochastic behavior and constraints, the strengths and limitations of each optimization method are elucidated

    Local energy trading for microgrids:Modeling human behavior, uncertainty and grid constraints

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    Electricity is one of the major drivers of today’s society and its rapid development, however, it also significantly contributes to the ongoing global warming. To reduce its impact, the energy transition aims to change the electricity production by switching from fossil fuels to more renewable and sustainable energy sources. In adition, the energy transition also addresses required changes in the heating and mobility sector.These changes have a significant impact on the electricity system, and an intelligent (active) management of the electricity production and consumption is required. Throughout the last years, many approaches have been proposed to manage production and consumption. At the core of this thesis, we focus on three different aspects of such approaches.1: We consider and analyze the impact of human behavior on the outcome of a local electricity market. Due to the direct participation of households, the question arises how human preferences and behavior affect the outcome of the market. Therefore, we translate a behavioral model from social science into a multi-objective optimization problem, which uses the personal preferences and motives of households and creates tailor-made bidcurves. We analyze the results on an household and the market level to derive implications for future maket design.2: The shift in electricity production leads to increased uncertainties in the future energy system. To deal with such uncertainties, we focus on a joint energy management of a neighborhood. We apply ideas and techniques from robust optimization to deal with the uncertainty, and mainly focus on an approach combining static robust optimization with a rolling horizon framework. Hereby, we generalize the rolling horizon by allowing more flexible starting time slots and compare and analyze two such generalized rolling horizon versions.3: The increased peaks due to the additional production and generation pose a serious burden to the current electricity grid. To ensure a safe operation, we focus on grid constraints in the context of a real-time control approach, which implements day-ahead and intraday market solutions. We use the planned solutions to guide the real-time decisions, and identify an interesting connection between day-ahead operations and their real-time realization