4 research outputs found

    Cross-Platform Question Answering in Social Networking Services

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    The last two decades have made the Internet a major source for knowledge seeking. Several platforms have been developed to find answers to one's questions such as search engines and online encyclopedias. The wide adoption of social networking services has pushed the possibilities even further by giving people the opportunity to stimulate the generation of answers that are not already present on the Internet. Some of these social media services are primarily community question answering (CQA) sites, while the others have a more general audience but can also be used to ask and answer questions. The choice of a particular platform (e.g., a CQA site, a microblogging service, or a search engine) by some user depends on several factors such as awareness of available resources and expectations from different platforms, and thus will sometimes be suboptimal. Hence, we introduce \emph{cross-platform question answering}, a framework that aims to improve our ability to satisfy complex information needs by returning answers from different platforms, including those where the question has not been originally asked. We propose to build this core capability by defining a general architecture for designing and implementing real-time services for answering naturally occurring questions. This architecture consists of four key components: (1) real-time detection of questions, (2) a set of platforms from which answers can be returned, (3) question processing by the selected answering systems, which optionally involves question transformation when questions are answered by services that enforce differing conventions from the original source, and (4) answer presentation, including ranking, merging, and deciding whether to return the answer. We demonstrate the feasibility of this general architecture by instantiating a restricted development version in which we collect the questions from one CQA website, one microblogging service or directly from the asker, and find answers from among some subset of those CQA and microblogging services. To enable the integration of new answering platforms in our architecture, we introduce a framework for automatic evaluation of their effectiveness

    Humans optional? Automatic large-scale test collections for entity, passage, and entity-passage retrieval

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    Manually creating test collections is a time-, effort-, and cost-intensive process. This paper describes a fully automatic alternative for deriving large-scale test collections, where no human assessments are needed. The empirical experiments confirm that automatic test collection and manual assessments agree on the best performing systems. The collection includes relevance judgments for both text passages and knowledge base entities. Since test collections with relevance data for both entity and text passages are rare, this approach provides a cost-efficient way for training and evaluating ad hoc passage retrieval, entity retrieval, and entity-aware text retrieval methods


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    Identifying similar pieces of texts remains one of the fundamental problems in computational linguistics. This dissertation focuses on the textual similarity measurement and identification problem by studying a variety of major tasks that share common properties, and presents our efforts to address 7 closely-related similarity tasks given over 20 public benchmarks, including paraphrase identification, answer selection for question answering, pairwise learning to rank, monolingual/cross-lingual semantic textual similarity measurement, insight extraction on biomedical literature, and high performance cross-lingual pattern matching for machine translation on GPUs. We investigate how to make textual similarity measurement more accurate with deep neural networks. Traditional approaches are either based on feature engineering which leads to disconnected solutions, or the Siamese architecture which treats inputs independently, utilizes single representation view and straightforward similarity comparison. In contrast, we focus on modeling stronger interactions between inputs and develop interaction-based neural modeling that explicitly encodes the alignments of input words or aggregated sentence representations into our models. As a result, our multiple deep neural networks show highly competitive performance on many textual similarity measurement public benchmarks we evaluated. Our multi-perspective convolutional neural networks (MPCNN) uses a multiplicity of perspectives to process input sentences with multiple parallel convolutional neural networks, is able to extract salient sentence-level features automatically at multiple granularities with different types of pooling. Our novel structured similarity layer encourages stronger input interactions by comparing local regions of both sentence representations. This model is the first example of our interaction-based neural modeling. We also provide an attention-based input interaction layer on top of the MPCNN model. The input interaction layer models a closer relationship of input words by converting two separate sentences into an inter-related sentence pair. This layer utilizes the attention mechanism in a straightforward way, and is another example of our interaction-based neural modeling. We then provide our pairwise word interaction model with very deep neural networks (PWI). This model directly encodes input word interactions with novel pairwise word interaction modeling and a novel similarity focus layer. The use of very deep architecture in this model is the first example in NLP domain for better textual similarity modeling. Our PWI model outperforms the Siamese architecture and feature engineering approach on multiple tasks, and is another example of our interaction-based neural modeling. We also focus on the question answering task with a pairwise ranking approach. Unlike traditional pointwise approach of the task, our pairwise ranking approach with the use of negative sampling focuses on modeling interactions between two pairs of question and answer inputs, then learns a relative order of the pairs to predict which answer is more relevant to the question. We demonstrate its high effectiveness against competitive previous pointwise baselines. For the insight extraction on biomedical literature task, we develop neural networks with similarity modeling for better causality/correlation relation extraction, as we convert the extraction task into a similarity measurement task. Our approach innovates in that it explicitly models the interactions among the trio: named entities, entity relations and contexts, and then measures both relational and contextual similarity among them, finally integrate both similarity evaluations into considerations for insight extraction. We also build an end-to-end system to extract insights, with human evaluations we show our system is able to extract insights with high human acceptance accuracy. Lastly, we explore how to exploit massive parallelism offered by modern GPUs for high-efficiency pattern matching. We take advantage of GPU hardware advances and develop a massive parallelism approach. We firstly work on phrase-based SMT, where we enable phrase lookup and extraction on suffix arrays to be massively parallelized and vastly many queries to be carried out in parallel. We then work on computationally expensive hierarchical SMT model, which requires matching grammar patterns that contain ''gaps''. In order to get high efficiency for the similarity identification task on GPUs, we show developing massively parallel algorithms on GPUs is the most important approach to fully utilize GPU's raw processing power, and developing compact data structures on GPUs is helpful to lower GPU's memory latency. Compared to a highly-optimized, state-of-the-art multi-threaded CPU implementation, our techniques achieve orders of magnitude improvement in terms of throughput

    Semantics-Driven Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

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    People using the Web are constantly invited to share their opinions and preferences with the rest of the world, which has led to an explosion of opinionated blogs, reviews of products and services, and comments on virtually everything. This type of web-based content is increasingly recognized as a source of data that has added value for multiple application domains. While the large number of available reviews almost ensures that all relevant parts of the entity under review are properly covered, manually reading each and every review is not feasible. Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to solve this issue, as it is concerned with the development of algorithms that can automatically extract fine-grained sentiment information from a set of reviews, computing a separate sentiment value for the various aspects of the product or service being reviewed. This dissertation focuses on which discriminants are useful when performing aspect-based sentiment analysis. What signals for sentiment can be extracted from the text itself and what is the effect of using extra-textual discriminants? We find that using semantic lexicons or ontologies, can greatly improve the quality of aspect-based sentiment analysis, especially with limited training data. Additionally, due to semantics driving the analysis, the algorithm is less of a black box and results are easier to explain