6 research outputs found

    Arquitectura de un sistema integrado para diseño dirigido por modelos en el contexto de internet de las cosas con aplicaciones en medicina

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 14-10-20222Over the past few years, we have seen how processing and storage architectures become cheaper and more efficient, communication infrastructures become faster and more scalable, and many new ways of interacting with the world around us are being developed. Every day more devices are connected to the network, and the generation of data worldwide is growing exponentially. In this context, the Internet of Things promises to be the new technological revolution, as was the introduction of the network of networks or universal mobile accessibility in tis day...A lo largo de los últimos años hemos visto cómo las arquitecturas de procesamiento y almacenamiento se vuelven más baratas y eficientes, las infraestructuras de comunicación se hacen más rápidas y escalables, y se desarrollan multitud de nuevas formas de interactuar con el mundo que nos rodea. Cada día más dispositivos se conectan a la red, y la generación de datos a nivel mundal está creciendo exponencialmente. En este contexto, el Internet de las cosas promete ser la nueva revolución tecnológica, como en su día lo fue la introducción de la red de redes o la accesibilidad móvil universal...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Development of a real-time devs kernel: RT-Cadmium

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    With the rise of Internet of Things devices, there is an increasing demand for embedded control systems. Discrete-Event Modeling of Embedded Systems (DEMES) is a Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) based model driven development methodology that increases reliability and improves time to market by simplifying the development and testing of embedded systems. The existing toolchain used to implement DEMES, ECD-Boost, has some shortcomings that are addressed and improved in Real-Time Cadmium (RT-Cadmium); which is a Real-Time (RT) DEVS kernel developed on top of the Cadmium DEVS Simulator. RT-Cadmium allows users to switch between simulating and deploying their models with ease. RT-Cadmium is portable between target platforms and it already supports MBed Enabled ARM microprocessors and Linux based systems. RT-Cadmium can also handle asynchronous events, which are important for embedded system design and do not exist in standard DEVS simulators