1 research outputs found

    E-health Oriented Application for Mobile Phones

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    This paper presents the idea of using mobile operators APIs with an e-health usage scenario. Since numerous elderly people are going missing every year, proposed emergency location service presents a way in which mobile operators ’ networks, the Internet and possibilities given by rapid improvement of phones ’ functionalities can converge in order to relieve the problem. The description of presented solution is supplemented with sets of accuracy measurements and usability tests, conducted during test deployment. The results confirm usability potential of the service, giving green light for further research and development. Still, in order to make the service reliable, the algorithms used to determine location and detect falls need to be improved. The article presents a method, which may be used to improve the location accuracy. Povzetek: Prispevek opisuje metode za pomoč starejšim, predvsem lociranje s pomočjo mobilnega telefona