2,185,990 research outputs found

    Case Study in Intellectual Capital and Territorial Development: Analysing Portuguese Local Governments WEB Pages

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    Multiple authors argue that the digital infrastructure of municipalities and regions, such as websites, have an important role to play in local and regional development since they enable the access and sharing of information, knowledge and the provision of certain services. Functioning as an entrance way to a territory, the websites provide important contributions in the knowledge and intellectual capital management activities. In this sense, an evaluation of websites is a core activity for the updating of content and delivery of services, contributing to their best management in the context of e-government. However, there are a limited number of studies on evaluation of websites from the perspective of intellectual capital, although the importance of this asset, either in business or public sector, and also to the development of territories is recognized. So, this study intend to show the importance of intellectual capital in the public sector, more specifically on local government, by assessing the intellectual capital of its web pages by implementing a model of intellectual capital for the public sector

    Information and communication technologies for knowledge management processes in the public sector in Kenya : a case study of the State Department of Infrastructure

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are considered facilitators of knowledge management processes in organizations. This study investigated ICTs for knowledge management processes at the State Department of Infrastructure in Kenya. The study’s objectives were to: establish the level of knowledge management awareness, find out knowledge management processes, identify types of ICTs used for knowledge management processes, and identify challenges experienced by State Department of Infrastructure in the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. The study findings were determined after applying a qualitative research approach and a case study research design. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 21 participants who were heads of sections at the State Department of Infrastructure in Kenya. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, analyzed and interpreted thematically according to the objectives of the study. Findings of the study revealed that most participants were aware of the meanings of the concepts of knowledge and knowledge management, types of knowledge and importance of knowledge management in the department. Knowledge management processes in the State Department of Infrastructure entail knowledge creation, codification, retention, sharing and storage. ICTs mostly used for knowledge management processes in the department include: emails, mobile phones, desktop computers, computer servers, and flash disks. The department is faced with the challenges of lack of knowledge management strategies, policies and adequate staff awareness on the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. In conclusion, the State Department of Infrastructure has a functional ICT infrastructure. However, the department is not using ICTs provided by this study’s Web 2.0 driven SECI model for knowledge management processes such as blogs, wikis, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The study therefore proposes that the State Department of Infrastructure should increase its use of Web 2.0 technologies, collaborative content systems and e-learning technologies. The department should also digitize its records; automate its library services; set up intranet, and adopt a centralized knowledge-based system. Further, Public Service Commission of Kenya should formulate a knowledge management strategy and policy to guide on the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. This strategy and policy can then be cascaded to public sector organizations such as the State Department of Infrastructure.Information ScienceM.A. (Information Science

    Model for interoperability evaluation in e-government services

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    proceedings of IV International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education, m-ICTE2006, Sevilla, Spain, November 22-25, 2006The recent publication of the European and Spanish interoperability frameworks implies that public organizations should start a change management process in order to adapt their technologies and procedures to the new standard as a way to guarantee information interoperability across e-government services.The main justification for this research is to disseminate the interoperability standards among Spanish public organizations and to provide methodological and technical guidelines to facilitate the adaptation process, and to foster the usage of new techniques and procedures for information integration and management. The aim of the research consists of identifying the essential aspects to take into consideration to guarantee the information and knowledge interoperability in e-government services. In this context good practices in information interoperability are taken into account and three basic approaches are identified: (1)Information and knowledge management: mark-up languages, open software and formats, and electronic document processing; (2) Metadata for knowledge representation in electronic resources; and (3) Web accessibility to improve access for all.Publicad

    Knowledge, attitude and practices on E-waste management among business students in a public university

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    As in many nations, e-waste is an environmental concern in Malaysia. Therefore, effective e-waste management is important to reduce and control pollution. E-waste management awareness is also essential for students as they are using electronic gadgets in their course of studies. However, the knowledge, attitude and awareness e-waste management among students is still lacking. This study aims to examine knowledge, attitude, and practices on e-waste management among business students in a public university. A quantitative method was employed in this study and questionnaires were distributed to collect data from which involved business students in a public university. Findings indicated that business students in the said public university have a moderate level of e-waste management knowledge, attitude, and practices

    A framework for e-records in support of e-government implementation in the Tanzania public service

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    Effective e-records management is considered an integral part for successful implementation of e-government. While many previous studies have been carried out on e-government implementation, few investigated e-records management in supporting successful implementation of e-government in Tanzania with a view to developing the best framework. The specific objectives of the study were to: determine e-records readiness in the Tanzania Public Service; assess e-government implementation status in the Tanzania Public Service; establish the effectiveness of existing e-records legal, policy and regulatory framework in support of e-government; determine the e-records knowledge and skills of staff in the Public Service; find out the extent to which the National Archives (RAMD) is involved in the management of e-records and e-government implementation in the Public Service; and to develop a framework for the management of e-records and e-government implementation. The study based on interpretive research paradigm and adopted qualitative research method. A sample size of 50 respondents was drawn from four public offices namely: the Ministry of Public Service (PO-PSM), Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), E-Government Agency (e-GA) and the Records and Archives Management Department (RAMD). Data was collected through interviews and personal observation and was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed that although there is evidence of availability and use of e-records across government institutions in Tanzania, the e-records readiness and efficiency levels in support of e-government were low; the management of e-records is not yet streamlined to the majority registries; and e-Government implementation maturity level is low. Findings revealed that although there is evidence of availability and use of e-records across government institutions in Tanzania, the e-records readiness and efficiency levels in support of e-government were low; the management of e-records is not yet streamlined to the majority registries; and e-Government implementation maturity level is low. Further findings indicated that the existing legislations, policies and regulations are inadequate and ineffective particularly on matters relating to e-records management and e-government implementation; records personnel, action officers and IT staff were not conversant with procedures and practices of e-records management; and that, there is poor involvement of RAMD in ERM a situation that slows down implementation e-government. The study concluded that, the current practices for managing electronic records in support of e-government implementation in Tanzania were inadequate. Even the existing national e-government strategy does not incorporate the management of electronic records as an important aspect towards successful implementation of e-government in the country. The study has recommended a framework for effective management of e-records in support of e-government implementation; e-records management training for records personnel, IT staff and secretaries; development of RAMD website; identification of ERM software specifications; customization of ISO standards to suit Tanzanian environment; amendment of the existing Archival legislation; and benchmarking from successful governments.Information ScienceD. Litt. et Phil.(Information Science

    A Leadership Knowledge Management Model for E-Government: A Preliminary Empirical Test

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    Although technology has greatly enhanced the ability of government to provide resources electronically, there is still a need for the development of knowledge management systems that potentially improve flexibility and provide citizens with better service. As e-government continues to grow, a key area is the advancement of leadership to increasingly provide effective knowledge resources to the public sector. Drawing from the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) leadership triad as a research framework, the purpose of this study is to develop and test a model that identifies the relationship between leadership and knowledge management within a city government. The study, conducted over a fiveweek period, indicated a strong relationship between the MBNQA leadership triad and knowledge management

    Evaluasi Implementasi Knowledge Management System Penerapan E-Learning di Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Abstract— Knowledge Management system is an organization of knowledge that is owned by individuals in an organization. With Knowledge Management, an individual's knowledge will become an organization's knowledge so that it is beneficial for an organization. With the many Knowledge Management systems that have been implemented in several organizations in Indonesia, the researchers want to evaluate the implementation of Knowledge Management systems in the learning process by e-learning in public high schools. The background of this study is to analyze the evaluation of learning outcomes in e-learning as a medium in the learning process in public high schools. In this study, using the model applied by Tiwana regarding the implementation of knowledge management by referring to the evaluation phase based on the measurement of performance evaluation. The research method used is quantitative evaluative with purposive sampling technique. Intisari— Knowledge Management system adalah suatu pengorganisasian pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh individu dalam sebuah organisasi. Dengan Knowledge Management suatu pengetahuan yang dimiliki individu akan dapat menjadi pengetahuan organisasi sehingga bermanfaat bagi suatu organisasi. Dengan banyaknya sistem Knowledge Management yang telah diterapkan dibeberapa organisasi di Indonesia, maka peneliti ingin mengevaluasi implementasi Knowledge Management system proses belajar mengajar secara e-learning di sekolah menengah umum. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah menganalisa evaluasi hasil pembelajaran dalam e-learning sebagai media dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah menengah atas (SMA PGRI Bekasi). Dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan model yang diterapkan Tiwana mengenai implementasi knowledge management dengan mengacu pada tahap evaluasi yang berdasarkan pada pengukuran evaluasi kinerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif evaluative dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive.Abstract— Knowledge Management system is an organization of knowledge that is owned by individuals in an organization. With Knowledge Management, an individual's knowledge will become an organization's knowledge so that it is beneficial for an organization. With the many Knowledge Management systems that have been implemented in several organizations in Indonesia, the researchers want to evaluate the implementation of Knowledge Management systems in the learning process by e-learning in public high schools. The background of this study is to analyze the evaluation of learning outcomes in e-learning as a medium in the learning process in public high schools. In this study, using the model applied by Tiwana regarding the implementation of knowledge management by referring to the evaluation phase based on the measurement of performance evaluation. The research method used is quantitative evaluative with purposive sampling technique

    Cost Efficiency in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): Different Alternatives in Service Delivery for Small and Medium Sized Spanish Local Governments

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    The provision of local public services has become one of the main concerns of local governments. Therefore, the selection of the most appropriate form of management to maximize efficiency levels in the provision of local public services has been widely analyzed throughout the academic literature. In this context, the aim of this paper is to add new knowledge to the literature on efficiency in the provision of local public services. To this end, we propose the study of four forms of management (interested indirect management; indirect management by concession; intermunicipal co-operation; public service provision) through a free disposal hull data panel (FDHDP) methodology for the 2014–2016 period. We find that public-private partnership contracting is less efficient on waste removal services when accounting for quality. However, the promised benefits of contracting out are realized when contractors are made responsive to service quality through concessions.Conserjería de Transformación económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (P20_00605)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2021-12873OB-I00

    Integrating descriptions of knowledge management learning activities into large ontological structures: A case study

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    Ontologies have been recognized as a fundamental infrastructure for advanced approaches to Knowledge Management (KM) automation, and the conceptual foundations for them have been discussed in some previous reports. Nonetheless, such conceptual structures should be properly integrated into existing ontological bases, for the practical purpose of providing the required support for the development of intelligent applications. Such applications should ideally integrate KM concepts into a framework of commonsense knowledge with clear computational semantics. In this paper, such an integration work is illustrated through a concrete case study, using the large OpenCyc knowledge base. Concretely, the main elements of the Holsapple & Joshi KM ontology and some existing work on e-learning ontologies are explicitly linked to OpenCyc definitions, providing a framework for the development of functionalities that use the built-in reasoning services of OpenCyc in KM ctivities. The integration can be used as the point of departure for the engineering of KM-oriented systems that account for a shared understanding of the discipline and rely on public semantics provided by one of the largest open knowledge bases available