22 research outputs found

    A liénard oscillator resonant tunnelling diode-laser diode hybrid integrated circuit: model and experiment

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    We report on a hybrid optoelectronic integrated circuit based on a resonant tunnelling diode driving an optical communications laser diode. This circuit can act as a voltage controlled oscillator with optical and electrical outputs. We show that the oscillator operation can be described by Liénard's equation, a second order nonlinear differential equation, which is a generalization of the Van der Pol equation. This treatment gives considerable insight into the potential of a monolithic version of the circuit for optical communication functions including clock recovery and chaotic source applications

    Regenerative memory in time-delayed neuromorphic photonic resonators

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    We investigate a photonic regenerative memory based upon a neuromorphic oscillator with a delayed self-feedback (autaptic) connection. We disclose the existence of a unique temporal response characteristic of localized structures enabling an ideal support for bits in an optical buffer memory for storage and reshaping of data information. We link our experimental implementation, based upon a nanoscale nonlinear resonant tunneling diode driving a laser, to the paradigm of neuronal activity, the FitzHugh-Nagumo model with delayed feedback. This proof-of-concept photonic regenerative memory might constitute a building block for a new class of neuron-inspired photonic memories that can handle high bit-rate optical signals

    Resonant Tunnelling Optoelectronic Circuits

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    Nowadays, most communication networks such as local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks (WANs) have replaced or are about to replace coaxial cable or twisted copper wire with fiber optical cables. Light-wave communication systems comprise a transmitter based on a visible or near-infrared light source, whose carrier is modulated by the information signal to be transmitted, a transmission media such as an optical fiber, eventually utilizing in-line optical amplification, and a receiver based on a photo-detector that recovers the information signal (Liu, 1996)(Einarsson, 1996). The transmitter consists of a driver circuit along a semiconductor laser or a light emitting diode (LED). The receiver is a signal processing circuit coupled to a photo-detector such as a photodiode, an avalanche photodiode (APD), a phototransistor or a high speed photoconductor that processes the photo-detected signal and recovers the primitive information signa

    Photo-detectors integrated with resonant tunneling diodes

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    We report on photo-detectors consisting of an optical waveguide that incorporates a resonant tunneling diode (RTD). Operating at wavelengths around 1.55 μm in the optical communications C band we achieve maximum sensitivities of around 0.29 A/W which is dependent on the bias voltage. This is due to the nature of RTD nonlinear current-voltage characteristic that has a negative differential resistance (NDR) region. The resonant tunneling diode photo-detector (RTD-PD) can be operated in either non-oscillating or oscillating regimes depending on the bias voltage quiescent point. The oscillating regime is apparent when the RTD-PD is biased in the NDR region giving rise to electrical gain and microwave self-sustained oscillations Taking advantage of the RTD’s NDR distinctive characteristics, we demonstrate efficient detection of gigahertz (GHz) modulated optical carriers and optical control of a RTD GHz oscillator. RTD-PD based devices can have applications in generation and optical control of GHz low-phase noise oscillators, clock recovery systems, and fiber optic enabled radio frequency communication systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Photo-detectors integrated with resonant tunneling diodes

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    We report on photo-detectors consisting of an optical waveguide that incorporates a resonant tunneling diode (RTD). Operating at wavelengths around 1.55 m in the optical communications C band we achieve maximum sensitivities of around 0.29 A/W which is dependent on the bias voltage. This is due to the nature of RTD nonlinear current-voltage characteristic that has a negative differential resistance (NDR) region. The resonant tunneling diode photo-detector (RTD-PD) can be operated in either non-oscillating or oscillating regimes depending on the bias voltage quiescent point. The oscillating regime is apparent when the RTD-PD is biased in the NDR region giving rise to electrical gain and microwave self-sustained oscillations Taking advantage of the RTD's NDR distinctive characteristics, we demonstrate efficient detection of gigahertz (GHz) modulated optical carriers and optical control of a RTD GHz oscillator. RTD-PD based devices can have applications in generation and optical control of GHz low-phase noise oscillators, clock recovery systems, and fiber optic enabled radio frequency communication systems.FCT under the project WOWi [PTDC/EEA-TEL/100755/2008]; programme POCTI/FEDER [REEQ/1272/EEI/2005]; FCT Portugal [SFRH/BPD/84466/2012]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neuromorphic nanophotonic systems for artificial intelligence

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    Over the last decade, we have witnessed an astonishing pace of development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), followed by proliferation of AI algorithms into virtually every domain of our society. While modern AI models boast impressive performance, they also require massive amounts of energy and resources for operation. This is further fuelling the research into AI-specific, optimised computing hardware. At the same time, the remarkable energy efficiency of the brain brings an interesting question: Can we further borrow from the working principles of biological intelligence to realise a more efficient artificial intelligence? This can be considered as the main research question in the field of neuromorphic engineering. Thanks to the developments in AI and recent advancements in the field of photonics and photonic integration, research into light-powered implementations of neuromorphic hardware has recently experienced a significant uptick of interest. In such hardware, the aim is to seize some of the highly desirable properties of photonics not just for communication, but also to perform computation. Neurons in the brain frequently process information (compute) and communicate using action potentials, which are brief voltage spikes that encode information in the temporal domain. Similar dynamical behaviour can be elicited in some photonic devices, at speeds multiple orders of magnitude higher. Such devices with the capability of neuron-like spiking are of significant research interest for the field of neuromorphic photonics. Two distinct types of such excitable, spiking systems operating with optical signals are studied and investigated in this thesis. First, a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) can be operated under a specific set of conditions to realise a high-speed, all-optical excitable photonic neuron that operates at standard telecom wavelengths. The photonic VCSEL-neuron was dynamically characterised and various information encoding mechanisms were studied in this device. In particular, a spiking rate-coding regime of operation was experimentally demonstrated, and its viability for performing spiking domain conversion of digital images was explored. Furthermore, for the first time, a joint architecture utilising a VCSEL-neuron coupled to a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) silicon microring weight bank was experimentally demonstrated in two different functional layouts. Second, an optoelectronic (O/E/O) circuit based upon a resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) was introduced. Two different types of RTD devices were studied experimentally: a higher output power, µ-scale RTD that was RF coupled to an active photodetector and a VCSEL (this layout is referred to as a PRL node); and a simplified, photosensitive RTD with nanoscale injector that was RF coupled to a VCSEL (referred to as a nanopRL node). Hallmark excitable behaviours were studied in both devices, including excitability thresholding and refractory periods. Furthermore, a more exotic resonate and-fire dynamical behaviour was also reported in the nano-pRL device. Finally, a modular numerical model of the RTD was introduced, and various information processing methods were demonstrated using both a single RTD spiking node, as well as a perceptron-type spiking neural network with physical models of optoelectronic RTD nodes serving as artificial spiking neurons.Over the last decade, we have witnessed an astonishing pace of development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), followed by proliferation of AI algorithms into virtually every domain of our society. While modern AI models boast impressive performance, they also require massive amounts of energy and resources for operation. This is further fuelling the research into AI-specific, optimised computing hardware. At the same time, the remarkable energy efficiency of the brain brings an interesting question: Can we further borrow from the working principles of biological intelligence to realise a more efficient artificial intelligence? This can be considered as the main research question in the field of neuromorphic engineering. Thanks to the developments in AI and recent advancements in the field of photonics and photonic integration, research into light-powered implementations of neuromorphic hardware has recently experienced a significant uptick of interest. In such hardware, the aim is to seize some of the highly desirable properties of photonics not just for communication, but also to perform computation. Neurons in the brain frequently process information (compute) and communicate using action potentials, which are brief voltage spikes that encode information in the temporal domain. Similar dynamical behaviour can be elicited in some photonic devices, at speeds multiple orders of magnitude higher. Such devices with the capability of neuron-like spiking are of significant research interest for the field of neuromorphic photonics. Two distinct types of such excitable, spiking systems operating with optical signals are studied and investigated in this thesis. First, a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) can be operated under a specific set of conditions to realise a high-speed, all-optical excitable photonic neuron that operates at standard telecom wavelengths. The photonic VCSEL-neuron was dynamically characterised and various information encoding mechanisms were studied in this device. In particular, a spiking rate-coding regime of operation was experimentally demonstrated, and its viability for performing spiking domain conversion of digital images was explored. Furthermore, for the first time, a joint architecture utilising a VCSEL-neuron coupled to a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) silicon microring weight bank was experimentally demonstrated in two different functional layouts. Second, an optoelectronic (O/E/O) circuit based upon a resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) was introduced. Two different types of RTD devices were studied experimentally: a higher output power, µ-scale RTD that was RF coupled to an active photodetector and a VCSEL (this layout is referred to as a PRL node); and a simplified, photosensitive RTD with nanoscale injector that was RF coupled to a VCSEL (referred to as a nanopRL node). Hallmark excitable behaviours were studied in both devices, including excitability thresholding and refractory periods. Furthermore, a more exotic resonate and-fire dynamical behaviour was also reported in the nano-pRL device. Finally, a modular numerical model of the RTD was introduced, and various information processing methods were demonstrated using both a single RTD spiking node, as well as a perceptron-type spiking neural network with physical models of optoelectronic RTD nodes serving as artificial spiking neurons

    Spike propagation in a nanolaser-based optoelectronic neuron

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    With the recent development of artificial intelligence and deep neural networks, alternatives to the Von Neumann architecture are in demand to run these algorithms efficiently in terms of speed, power and component size. In this theoretical study, a neuromorphic, optoelectronic nanopillar metal-cavity consisting of a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) and a nanolaser diode (LD) is demonstrated as an excitable pulse generator. With the proper configuration, the RTD behaves as an excitable system while the LD translates its electronic output into optical pulses, which can be interpreted as bits of information. The optical pulses are characterized in terms of their width, amplitude, response delay, distortion and jitter times. Finally, two RTD-LD units are integrated via a photodetector and their feasibility to generate and propagate optical pulses is demonstrated. Given its low energy consumption per pulse and high spiking rate, this device has potential applications as building blocks in neuromorphic processors and spiking neural networks

    Resonant tunnelling diode optoelectronic receivers and transmitters

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    This thesis describes the research work on double barrier quantum well (DBQW) resonant tunneling diode (RTD) based optoelectronic transmitters and receivers, focused on the design and characterization of resonant tunneling diode photodetectors (RTD-PD) implemented in the In53Ga47As/InP material system for operation at 1.55 μm and 1.31 μm wavelengths, and evaluate numerically the merits of the integration of an RTD/RTD-PD with a laser diode (LDs) to act as simple optoelectronic transmitters. The aim of the work was to investigate simple, low-cost, high-speed transmitter and receiver architectures taking advantage of RTDs properties such as the structural simplicity, high frequency (up to terahertz), and wide-bandwidth built-in electrical gain (roughly, from dc to terahertz). Also described are the preliminary studies of RTD-PDs operation as single photon detector at room temperature utilizing the excitability property. In this work, we evaluate which factors affect the bandwidth of RTD-PDs. Knowing the answer to this, we propose rules and optimizations necessary to achieving high bandwidth (>10 GHz) RTD-PDs. Furthermore, we show how to utilize the built-in amplification, arising from the RTD non-linear current-voltage (IV) curve and the presence of a negative differential resistance region (NDR) to building high responsivity photodetectors that can outperform current commercial technologies, particularly PIN photodiodes, in novel applications. The design and modeling work relied on numerical simulations utilizing the nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism (NEGF), which we implement using Silvaco ATLAS. We briefly introduce the NEGF method and Silvaco ATLAS and utilize them to do the design of the epitaxial structure of novel devices. The results of which are novel models which allow us to predict the effect that the RTD structural parameters (doping concentration and the lengths of both the emitter and collector) have on the peak voltage of the RTD. We study experimentally the factors affecting the bandwidth by optical characterization of several epitaxial layer stacks and propose hypotheses that help to explain the measured bandwidths. We show that for high-speed RTD-PDs (sub nanosecond), the light absorption layers should be confined to the locations where the electric field is sufficiently high and avoiding highly doped thick contact layers with band gap energies below the energy of the photons being detected. Additionally, we outline a set of rules for the design of RTD-PD detectors based on ni-n and p-i-n heterostructures, where the length, location, and doping level of the absorption regions are the relevant parameters to be considered in determining the bandwidth and responsivity of the devices. Moreover, we measure and report on the responsivity of RTDPDs under both DC and AC optical excitation. We show that RTD-PDs can have very high responsivity values reaching up to 1×107 A/W, and electrical bandwidth of around 1.26 GHz (1.75 GHz optical) that is limited by the lifetime of the photo-generated minority carriers (the holes). The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of RTD-PD circuits, where the integration between an RTD-PD and a laser diode (LD) is thoroughly examined. The LD acts as a load that is driven by the RTD-PD current. We derive and investigate the equivalent circuit for such a system incorporating the Schulman function for the RTD-PD IV, using the solution to study several operation regimes using MATLAB code. These regimes include the RTD-PD biased in the positive differential resistance region (PDR), when it is biased in the NDR region, and when induced to switch between the PDR and NDR regions. We also show how the excitability property of the RTD-PD can be used for detecting very low signal intensity levels, and the ability of RTDs to operate as voltage-controlled oscillators while biased in the NDR region