4 research outputs found

    Modellierungskonzepte der Synergetik und der Theorie der Selbstorganisation

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    Mnay models situated in the current research landscape of modelling and simulating social processes have roots in physics. This is visible in the name of specialties as Econophysics or Sociophysics. This chapter describes the history of knowledge transfer from physics, in particular physics of self-organization and evolution, to the social sciences. We discuss why physicists felt called to describe social processes. Across models and simulations the question how to explain the emergence of something new is the most intriguing one. We present one model approach to this problem and introduce a game -- Evolino -- inviting a larger audience to get acquainted with abstract evolution-theory approaches to describe the quest for new ideas.Comment: In German, extended first version, final version Ebeling, W., & Scharnhorst, A. (2015). Modellierungskonzepte der Synergetik und der Theorie der Selbstorganisation. In N. Braun & N. J. Saam (Eds.), Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften (pp. 419--452). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-01164-2 (in German


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    We investigate the dynamics of economic evolution and technological change as hill-climbing in an adaptive landscape over a continuous characteristics space. A technology/firm is described by a large number of attributes or characteristics representing technology-inherent aspects, financial, organizational and economic features. These parameters span a characteristics space, which is a real Euclidean vector space, in analogy to the phenotype space in biology. Further we define a real-valued multimodal fitness function/functional and a population density over the characteristics space. The evolutionary dynamics including competition and mutations/innovations is modeled by reaction-diffusion equations of Fisher–Eigen or Lotka–Volterra type. We demonstrate the potential of such models, which in certain aspects go beyond the widespread applications of discrete replicator dynamics. Concerning technological change the emergence of technological populations as the result of a search process in an adaptive landscape will be investigated. In particular, the relation between incremental and radical innovations will be considered, especially the apparent paradox of a discrete continuum of technological change. Further, an application of the developed framework to the assessment of firms in the stock market is discussed.Evolutionary economics, technological populations, characteristics space, adaptive fitness landscape, continuous evolutionary model

    Diskurs und Governance: Abschlussbericht der Forschungsabteilung "Zivilgesellschaft und transnationale Netzwerke"

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis: Teil I Das Forschungsprogramm: Die Abteilung "Zivilgesellschaft und transnationale Netzwerke" (bis 2002: "Normbildung und Umwelt"): Grundlinien eines Forschungsprogramms von 1990-2005)/ Wolfgang van den Daele (7-22). Teil II Ausgewählte neuere Beiträge: Kommunikationsmuster in (online) mediierten Diskursen/ Hans-Joachim Fietkau, Matthias Trénel, Juliane Prokop (23-28); Rationality and Global Governance: Mediating the Conflict Over Access to Essential Medicines Through Deliberations Between TNCs and NGOs/ Rainer Döbert and Wolfgang van den Daele (29-43); Globale Governance durch transnationale Netzwerkorganisationen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zivilgesellschaftlicher Selbstorganisation/ Kristine Kern (44-58); Nachhaltigkeitskooperation: vom Staatspessimismus zur Zivilgesellschaftseuphorie?/ Helmut Weidner (59-75); Cities and Organized Interest Intermediation in the EU Multi-level System/ Hubert Heinelt and Stefan Niederhafner (76-88); Küstenentwicklung zwischen Ethos und Management - zur Nachhaltigkeitsperspektive im IKZM/ Bernhard Glaeser, Kira Gee, Agnieszka Sekscinska, Susanne Fuchs (89-104); The Spectre of Coercion. Is Public Health Genetics the Route to Policies of Enforced Disease Prevention?/ Wolfgang van den Daele (105-118). Teil III: Verzeichnis der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und ausgewählte Publikationen