4 research outputs found

    An adaptive modelling infrastructure for context-aware mobile computing

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    Context provides information about the present status of people, places, things, network and devices in the environment. Context-awareness refers to the use of context information for an application to adapt its functionality to the current context of use. Development of context-aware applications is inherently complex. Previous researches on mobile computing emphasize on programmable interfaces for development of context-aware systems. There are limited researches that emphasize on the modelling aspects of adaptive applications. This research aims at developing a complete infrastructure for development of context-aware applications. The infrastructure consists of a middleware for context-aware application development that is supported by a set of context information modelling and reasoning facilities. It aims at extending the capabilities of context-aware middleware infrastructures by incorporating novel approaches to model context and situations under uncertainty. This thesis addresses the key challenges in context-aware computing by a complete infrastructure that aims at achieving the following: (1) support for fuzzy composition of high level context abstraction from low level detector context, and fuzzy-based inference mechanisms, (2) support for mobile services that can be dynamically composed and migrated with reference to adaptation requirements for different context situations, (3) support for modelling of adaptation components and entities

    MobiPADS: a reflective middleware for context-aware mobile computing

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    distributed computing services that essentially abstract the underlying network services to a monolithic “black box. ” In a mobile operating environment, the fundamental assumption of middleware abstracting a unified distributed service for all types of applications operating over a static network infrastructure is no longer valid. In particular, mobile applications are not able to leverage the benefits of adaptive computing to optimize its computation based on current contextual situations. In this paper, we introduce the Mobile Platform for Actively Deployable Service (MobiPADS) system. MobiPADS is designed to support context-aware processing by providing an executing platform to enable active service deployment and reconfiguration of the service composition in response to environments of varying contexts. Unlike most mobile middleware, MobiPADS supports dynamic adaptation at both the middleware and application layers to provide flexible configuration of resources to optimize the operations of mobile applications. Within the MobiPADS system, services (known as mobilets) are configured as chained service objects to provide augmented services to the underlying mobile applications so as to alleviate the adverse conditions of a wireless environment. Index Terms—Middleware, mobile applications, mobile computing support services, mobile environments.

    Putting Teeth into Open Architectures: Infrastructure for Reducing the Need for Retesting

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    Proceedings Paper (for Acquisition Research Program)The Navy is currently implementing the open-architecture framework for developing joint interoperable systems that adapt and exploit open-system design principles and architectures. This raises concerns about how to practically achieve dependability in software-intensive systems with many possible configurations when: 1) the actual configuration of the system is subject to frequent and possibly rapid change, and 2) the environment of typical reusable subsystems is variable and unpredictable. Our preliminary investigations indicate that current methods for achieving dependability in open architectures are insufficient. Conventional methods for testing are suited for stovepipe systems and depend strongly on the assumptions that the environment of a typical system is fixed and known in detail to the quality-assurance team at test and evaluation time. This paper outlines new approaches to quality assurance and testing that are better suited for providing affordable reliability in open architectures, and explains some of the additional technical features that an Open Architecture must have in order to become a Dependable Open Architecture.Naval Postgraduate School Acquisition Research ProgramApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Volume I: Acquisition Research: The Foundation for Innovation

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    Proceedings Paper (for Acquisition Research Program)Accordingly, the year 2006 was especially significant for the NPS Acquisition Research Program in taking major strides toward expanding the program''s reach in important ways to other institutions.'' The number of research institutions participating as collaborators grew to 35 with the formation of a Virtual University Consortium.'' Most noteworthy was, as mentioned above, our securing sponsorship from USD(AT&L) to fund research proposals selected from a nationwide call, or Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) (copy available at www.acquisitionresearch.org).'' We''re truly excited at the prospects of receiving innovative and cutting edge proposals from the top minds around the country.'' We trust that this new sponsorship will act like good seeds sown in fertile soil, yielding rich fruits of profitable acquisition research for many years to come.Naval Postgraduate School Acquisition Research ProgramApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited