2 research outputs found

    The impact of dynamic capabilities and time-based competitive advantage on SME performance: The role of organisational structure and entrepreneurial orientation

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    The aim of this thesis is to examine how dynamic capabilities are used by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to increase performance. Specifically, it explores the mechanism by which the dynamic capabilities of SMEs affect firm performance through time-based competitive advantage. It also examines important factors that facilitate and enhance the deployment of SME dynamic capabilities, including organisational structure and entrepreneurial orientation. Data obtained from a sample that comprised 482 United Kingdom–based manufacturing and service SMEs were evaluated through a quantitative survey. Using partial least squares modelling, the analysis indicated the existence of a partial mediating effect of time-based competitive advantage on the dynamic capabilities and SME firm performance relationship. The analysis also identified a partial mediating effect of dynamic capabilities on the positive relationship between organisation structure (organicity) and time-based competitive advantage. An interesting finding was that, in the context of SMEs, an organisation structure that is more mechanistic in nature encourages greater time-based competitive advantage; however, in the presence of dynamic capabilities, an organic structure is preferred. This thesis discusses possible reasons for these results. Further, a partial mediating effect of dynamic capabilities on the positive entrepreneurial orientation and time-based competitive advantage relationship was also found. The moderating influence of organisation structure on the positive dynamic capabilities and time-based competitive advantage relationship was supported. However, the hypothesised moderating influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the positive dynamic capabilities and time-based competitive advantage relationship was not supported. This thesis has outlined the mechanism by which SMEs can develop dynamic capabilities and use them to generate greater time-based competitive advantage, as well as increase firm performance. It thus makes an empirical contribution to the emerging body of research on dynamic capabilities in the SME context. Several theoretical contributions and managerial contributions are also further outlined

    Adaptive Neural Translation for Enterprises (ANTE). La traduzione automatica neurale a sostegno delle imprese emiliano-romagnole

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    Il progetto ANTE riguarda i nuovi sistemi di traduzione automatica (TA) e la loro applicazione nel mondo delle imprese. Lo studio prende spunto dai recenti sviluppi legati all’intelligenza artificiale e ai Big Data che negli ultimi anni hanno permesso alla TA di raggiungere livelli qualitativi molto elevati, al punto tale da essere impiegata da grandi multinazionali per raggiungere nuove quote di mercato. La TA può rispondere positivamente anche ai bisogni delle imprese di piccole dimensioni e a basso tenore tecnologico, migliorando la qualità delle comunicazioni multilingue attraverso delle traduzioni in tempi brevi e a costi contenuti. Lo studio si propone quindi di contribuire al rafforzamento della competitività internazionale delle piccole e medie imprese (PMI) emiliano- romagnole, migliorando la loro capacità di comunicazione in una o più lingue straniere attraverso l’introduzione e l’utilizzo efficace e consapevole di soluzioni ICT di ultima generazione e fornire, così, nuove opportunità di internazionalizzazione.The ANTE project focuses on new machine translation (MT) systems and their application in the business world. The study starts from the recent developments related to artificial intelligence and Big Data, which have enabled MT systems to reach very high levels of quality. For this reason, MT is nowadays employed by large multinational companies to achieve new market shares. MT systems can also positively address the needs of small, low-tech firms by improving the quality of multilingual communications through cost-effective and time-efficient translations. The study aims to contribute to the strengthening of the international competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Emilia-Romagna region, by improving their ability to communicate in one or more foreign languages through the introduction of the latest ICT solutions and thus provide new opportunities for internationalization