2 research outputs found

    Estratégia de manutenção para simuladores geograficamente distribuídos aplicados em capacitação na Vale S.A: estudo de caso

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Joinville, Engenharia Ferroviária.The aim of this case study is to establish a maintenance strategy for geographically distributed simulators (GDA) at Vale S.A. The company recognized the need to enhance the management of its training simulators, considering the complexity of the network and team characteristics, and to conduct studies in the field of simulator maintenance. The focus of this work is the definition of an efficient maintenance strategy for the simulators, ensuring their availability and reliability. Other objectives include reviewing the literature about GDA and maintenance strategies, as well as defining indicators to assess the commitment and effectiveness of the proposed strategy. To achieve these goals, the study employed Maintenance Planning and Control (MPC), adapted to the culture of Vale S.A., as a tool to develop the strategic maintenance plan. The results of this study point to a strategy aimed at reducing corrective maintenance, as the indicators revealed a high demand for work hours and costs. This is achieved through a preventive maintenancefocused approach, with defined periodicity based on asset criticality.objetivo deste estudo de caso é estabelecer uma estratégia de manutenção para simuladores geograficamente distribuídos (GDA) na Vale S.A. A empresa reconheceu a necessidade de aprimorar a gestão de seus simuladores de capacitação, levando em consideração a complexidade da rede e as características da equipe. Além de desenvolver estudos na área de manutenção de simuladores. O foco principal deste trabalho é a definição de uma estratégia de manutenção eficiente para os simuladores, garantindo a disponibilidade e a confiabilidade desses ativos. Outros objetivos incluem a revisão da literatura sobre o tema dos GDA e estratégias de manutenção, bem como a definição de indicadores para avaliar a aderência e eficácia da estratégia proposta. Para atingir esses objetivos, o estudo empregou o Planejamento e Controle da Manutenção (PCM) adaptado à cultura da Vale S.A. como ferramenta para desenvolver o planejamento estratégico de manutenção. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para uma estratégia que visa reduzir as manutenções corretivas, uma vez que os indicadores revelaram uma alta demanda de horas de trabalho e custos. Isso é alcançado através de uma abordagem focada em manutenções preventivas, com periodicidade definida de acordo com a criticidade dos ativos

    Dynamic maintenance grouping and routing for geographically dispersed production systems

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    International audienceThis paper presents a dynamic grouping and routing approach for the maintenance optimization of a geographically dispersed production system (GDPS) consisting of several production sites located far apart from each other. Only one maintenance center is in charge of the preventive maintenance of the system. Maintenance grouping and routing are two interrelated processes but often investigated separately in literature. In this paper, these two processes are jointly studied and integrated in a global model considering economic and geographical dependencies at both component and site levels. The optimal maintenance grouped plan and routes are then determined by a combination of the Local Search Genetic Algorithm (LSGA) and Branch and Bound method (BAB). Moreover, several dynamic contexts impacting the current optimal maintenance grouped planning and routing, which may occur with time, are also studied and integrated in the joint optimization process. Thanks to this consideration, the proposed approach allows updating the grouped maintenance planning and routing to take into account the impacts of dynamic contexts when they occur. The uses and advantages of the proposed approach are illustrated through a numerical example of a GDPS consisting of 15 components located in five different sites