245 research outputs found

    Better Tradeoffs for Exact Distance Oracles in Planar Graphs

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    We present an O(n1.5)O(n^{1.5})-space distance oracle for directed planar graphs that answers distance queries in O(logn)O(\log n) time. Our oracle both significantly simplifies and significantly improves the recent oracle of Cohen-Addad, Dahlgaard and Wulff-Nilsen [FOCS 2017], which uses O(n5/3)O(n^{5/3})-space and answers queries in O(logn)O(\log n) time. We achieve this by designing an elegant and efficient point location data structure for Voronoi diagrams on planar graphs. We further show a smooth tradeoff between space and query-time. For any S[n,n2]S\in [n,n^2], we show an oracle of size SS that answers queries in O~(max{1,n1.5/S})\tilde O(\max\{1,n^{1.5}/S\}) time. This new tradeoff is currently the best (up to polylogarithmic factors) for the entire range of SS and improves by polynomial factors over all the previously known tradeoffs for the range S[n,n5/3]S \in [n,n^{5/3}]

    Exact Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs with Failing Vertices

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    We consider exact distance oracles for directed weighted planar graphs in the presence of failing vertices. Given a source vertex uu, a target vertex vv and a set XX of kk failed vertices, such an oracle returns the length of a shortest uu-to-vv path that avoids all vertices in XX. We propose oracles that can handle any number kk of failures. More specifically, for a directed weighted planar graph with nn vertices, any constant kk, and for any q[1,n]q \in [1,\sqrt n], we propose an oracle of size O~(nk+3/2q2k+1)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{n^{k+3/2}}{q^{2k+1}}) that answers queries in O~(q)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(q) time. In particular, we show an O~(n)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(n)-size, O~(n)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n})-query-time oracle for any constant kk. This matches, up to polylogarithmic factors, the fastest failure-free distance oracles with nearly linear space. For single vertex failures (k=1k=1), our O~(n5/2q3)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{n^{5/2}}{q^3})-size, O~(q)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(q)-query-time oracle improves over the previously best known tradeoff of Baswana et al. [SODA 2012] by polynomial factors for q=Ω(nt)q = \Omega(n^t), t(1/4,1/2]t \in (1/4,1/2]. For multiple failures, no planarity exploiting results were previously known

    The Voronoi diagram of circles made easy

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    An Analytical Representation of the 2d Generalized Balanced Power Diagram

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    Tessellations are an important tool to model the microstructure of cellular and polycrystalline materials. Classical tessellation models include the Voronoi diagram and Laguerre tessellation whose cells are polyhedra. Due to the convexity of their cells, those models may be too restrictive to describe data that includes possibly anisotropic grains with curved boundaries. Several generalizations exist. The cells of the generalized balanced power diagram are induced by elliptic distances leading to more diverse structures. So far, methods for computing the generalized balanced power diagram are restricted to discretized versions in the form of label images. In this work, we derive an analytic representation of the vertices and edges of the generalized balanced power diagram in 2d. Based on that, we propose a novel algorithm to compute the whole diagram

    Spanners of Additively Weighted Point Sets

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    We study the problem of computing geometric spanners for (additively) weighted point sets. A weighted point set is a set of pairs (p,r)(p,r) where pp is a point in the plane and rr is a real number. The distance between two points (pi,ri)(p_i,r_i) and (pj,rj)(p_j,r_j) is defined as pipjrirj|p_ip_j|-r_i-r_j. We show that in the case where all rir_i are positive numbers and pipjri+rj|p_ip_j|\geq r_i+r_j for all i,ji,j (in which case the points can be seen as non-intersecting disks in the plane), a variant of the Yao graph is a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-spanner that has a linear number of edges. We also show that the Additively Weighted Delaunay graph (the face-dual of the Additively Weighted Voronoi diagram) has constant spanning ratio. The straight line embedding of the Additively Weighted Delaunay graph may not be a plane graph. We show how to compute a plane embedding that also has a constant spanning ratio