3 research outputs found

    Material Based Object Tracking in Hyperspectral Videos: Benchmark and Algorithms

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    Traditional color images only depict color intensities in red, green and blue channels, often making object trackers fail in challenging scenarios, e.g., background clutter and rapid changes of target appearance. Alternatively, material information of targets contained in a large amount of bands of hyperspectral images (HSI) is more robust to these difficult conditions. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on how material information can be utilized to boost object tracking from three aspects: benchmark dataset, material feature representation and material based tracking. In terms of benchmark, we construct a dataset of fully-annotated videos, which contain both hyperspectral and color sequences of the same scene. Material information is represented by spectral-spatial histogram of multidimensional gradient, which describes the 3D local spectral-spatial structure in an HSI, and fractional abundances of constituted material components which encode the underlying material distribution. These two types of features are embedded into correlation filters, yielding material based tracking. Experimental results on the collected benchmark dataset show the potentials and advantages of material based object tracking.Comment: Update result

    SPARK: Spatial-aware Online Incremental Attack Against Visual Tracking

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    Adversarial attacks of deep neural networks have been intensively studied on image, audio, natural language, patch, and pixel classification tasks. Nevertheless, as a typical, while important real-world application, the adversarial attacks of online video object tracking that traces an object's moving trajectory instead of its category are rarely explored. In this paper, we identify a new task for the adversarial attack to visual tracking: online generating imperceptible perturbations that mislead trackers along an incorrect (Untargeted Attack, UA) or specified trajectory (Targeted Attack, TA). To this end, we first propose a \textit{spatial-aware} basic attack by adapting existing attack methods, i.e., FGSM, BIM, and C&W, and comprehensively analyze the attacking performance. We identify that online object tracking poses two new challenges: 1) it is difficult to generate imperceptible perturbations that can transfer across frames, and 2) real-time trackers require the attack to satisfy a certain level of efficiency. To address these challenges, we further propose the spatial-aware online incremental attack (a.k.a. SPARK) that performs spatial-temporal sparse incremental perturbations online and makes the adversarial attack less perceptible. In addition, as an optimization-based method, SPARK quickly converges to very small losses within several iterations by considering historical incremental perturbations, making it much more efficient than basic attacks. The in-depth evaluation on state-of-the-art trackers (i.e., SiamRPN++ with AlexNet, MobileNetv2, and ResNet-50, and SiamDW) on OTB100, VOT2018, UAV123, and LaSOT demonstrates the effectiveness and transferability of SPARK in misleading the trackers under both UA and TA with minor perturbations.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. This paper has been accepted to ECCV202

    Exploring Image Enhancement for Salient Object Detection in Low Light Images

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    Low light images captured in a non-uniform illumination environment usually are degraded with the scene depth and the corresponding environment lights. This degradation results in severe object information loss in the degraded image modality, which makes the salient object detection more challenging due to low contrast property and artificial light influence. However, existing salient object detection models are developed based on the assumption that the images are captured under a sufficient brightness environment, which is impractical in real-world scenarios. In this work, we propose an image enhancement approach to facilitate the salient object detection in low light images. The proposed model directly embeds the physical lighting model into the deep neural network to describe the degradation of low light images, in which the environment light is treated as a point-wise variate and changes with local content. Moreover, a Non-Local-Block Layer is utilized to capture the difference of local content of an object against its local neighborhood favoring regions. To quantitative evaluation, we construct a low light Images dataset with pixel-level human-labeled ground-truth annotations and report promising results on four public datasets and our benchmark dataset.Comment: Appearing at ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Application