2,973 research outputs found

    Dynamic Routing Between Capsules

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    A capsule is a group of neurons whose activity vector represents the instantiation parameters of a specific type of entity such as an object or an object part. We use the length of the activity vector to represent the probability that the entity exists and its orientation to represent the instantiation parameters. Active capsules at one level make predictions, via transformation matrices, for the instantiation parameters of higher-level capsules. When multiple predictions agree, a higher level capsule becomes active. We show that a discrimininatively trained, multi-layer capsule system achieves state-of-the-art performance on MNIST and is considerably better than a convolutional net at recognizing highly overlapping digits. To achieve these results we use an iterative routing-by-agreement mechanism: A lower-level capsule prefers to send its output to higher level capsules whose activity vectors have a big scalar product with the prediction coming from the lower-level capsule

    Fast Dynamic Routing Based on Weighted Kernel Density Estimation

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    Capsules as well as dynamic routing between them are most recently proposed structures for deep neural networks. A capsule groups data into vectors or matrices as poses rather than conventional scalars to represent specific properties of target instance. Besides of pose, a capsule should be attached with a probability (often denoted as activation) for its presence. The dynamic routing helps capsules achieve more generalization capacity with many fewer model parameters. However, the bottleneck that prevents widespread applications of capsule is the expense of computation during routing. To address this problem, we generalize existing routing methods within the framework of weighted kernel density estimation, and propose two fast routing methods with different optimization strategies. Our methods prompt the time efficiency of routing by nearly 40\% with negligible performance degradation. By stacking a hybrid of convolutional layers and capsule layers, we construct a network architecture to handle inputs at a resolution of 64×6464\times{64} pixels. The proposed models achieve a parallel performance with other leading methods in multiple benchmarks.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, submitted to eccv 201

    Capsule Networks with Max-Min Normalization

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    Capsule Networks (CapsNet) use the Softmax function to convert the logits of the routing coefficients into a set of normalized values that signify the assignment probabilities between capsules in adjacent layers. We show that the use of Softmax prevents capsule layers from forming optimal couplings between lower and higher-level capsules. Softmax constrains the dynamic range of the routing coefficients and leads to probabilities that remain mostly uniform after several routing iterations. Instead, we propose the use of Max-Min normalization. Max-Min performs a scale-invariant normalization of the logits that allows each lower-level capsule to take on an independent value, constrained only by the bounds of normalization. Max-Min provides consistent improvement in test accuracy across five datasets and allows more routing iterations without a decrease in network performance. A single CapsNet trained using Max-Min achieves an improved test error of 0.20% on the MNIST dataset. With a simple 3-model majority vote, we achieve a test error of 0.17% on MNIST

    Training capsules as a routing-weighted product of expert neurons

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    Capsules are the multidimensional analogue to scalar neurons in neural networks, and because they are multidimensional, much more complex routing schemes can be used to pass information forward through the network than what can be used in traditional neural networks. This work treats capsules as collections of neurons in a fully connected neural network, where sub-networks connecting capsules are weighted according to the routing coefficients determined by routing by agreement. An energy function is designed to reflect this model, and it follows that capsule networks with dynamic routing can be formulated as a product of expert neurons. By alternating between dynamic routing, which acts to both find subnetworks within the overall network as well as to mix the model distribution, and updating the parameters by the gradient of the contrastive divergence, a bottom-up, unsupervised learning algorithm is constructed for capsule networks with dynamic routing. The model and its training algorithm are qualitatively tested in the generative sense, and is able to produce realistic looking images from standard vision datasets

    Fast Inference in Capsule Networks Using Accumulated Routing Coefficients

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    We present a method for fast inference in Capsule Networks (CapsNets) by taking advantage of a key insight regarding the routing coefficients that link capsules between adjacent network layers. Since the routing coefficients are responsible for assigning object parts to wholes, and an object whole generally contains similar intra-class and dissimilar inter-class parts, the routing coefficients tend to form a unique signature for each object class. For fast inference, a network is first trained in the usual manner using examples from the training dataset. Afterward, the routing coefficients associated with the training examples are accumulated offline and used to create a set of "master" routing coefficients. During inference, these master routing coefficients are used in place of the dynamically calculated routing coefficients. Our method effectively replaces the for-loop iterations in the dynamic routing procedure with a single matrix multiply operation, providing a significant boost in inference speed. Compared with the dynamic routing procedure, fast inference decreases the test accuracy for the MNIST, Background MNIST, Fashion MNIST, and Rotated MNIST datasets by less than 0.5% and by approximately 5% for CIFAR10

    Attention routing between capsules

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    In this paper, we propose a new capsule network architecture called Attention Routing CapsuleNet (AR CapsNet). We replace the dynamic routing and squash activation function of the capsule network with dynamic routing (CapsuleNet) with the attention routing and capsule activation. The attention routing is a routing between capsules through an attention module. The attention routing is a fast forward-pass while keeping spatial information. On the other hand, the intuitive interpretation of the dynamic routing is finding a centroid of the prediction capsules. Thus, the squash activation function and its variant focus on preserving a vector orientation. However, the capsule activation focuses on performing a capsule-scale activation function. We evaluate our proposed model on the MNIST, affNIST, and CIFAR-10 classification tasks. The proposed model achieves higher accuracy with fewer parameters (x0.65 in the MNIST, x0.82 in the CIFAR-10) and less training time than CapsuleNet (x0.19 in the MNIST, x0.35 in the CIFAR-10). These results validate that designing a capsule-scale operation is a key factor to implement the capsule concept. Also, our experiment shows that our proposed model is transformation equivariant as CapsuleNet. As we perturb each element of the output capsule, the decoder attached to the output capsules shows global variations. Further experiments show that the difference in the capsule features caused by applying affine transformations on an input image is significantly aligned in one direction

    DeepCaps: Going Deeper with Capsule Networks

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    Capsule Network is a promising concept in deep learning, yet its true potential is not fully realized thus far, providing sub-par performance on several key benchmark datasets with complex data. Drawing intuition from the success achieved by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) by going deeper, we introduce DeepCaps1, a deep capsule network architecture which uses a novel 3D convolution based dynamic routing algorithm. With DeepCaps, we surpass the state-of-the-art results in the capsule network domain on CIFAR10, SVHN and Fashion MNIST, while achieving a 68% reduction in the number of parameters. Further, we propose a class-independent decoder network, which strengthens the use of reconstruction loss as a regularization term. This leads to an interesting property of the decoder, which allows us to identify and control the physical attributes of the images represented by the instantiation parameters

    Multi-Interest Network with Dynamic Routing for Recommendation at Tmall

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    Industrial recommender systems usually consist of the matching stage and the ranking stage, in order to handle the billion-scale of users and items. The matching stage retrieves candidate items relevant to user interests, while the ranking stage sorts candidate items by user interests. Thus, the most critical ability is to model and represent user interests for either stage. Most of the existing deep learning-based models represent one user as a single vector which is insufficient to capture the varying nature of user's interests. In this paper, we approach this problem from a different view, to represent one user with multiple vectors encoding the different aspects of the user's interests. We propose the Multi-Interest Network with Dynamic routing (MIND) for dealing with user's diverse interests in the matching stage. Specifically, we design a multi-interest extractor layer based on capsule routing mechanism, which is applicable for clustering historical behaviors and extracting diverse interests. Furthermore, we develop a technique named label-aware attention to help learn a user representation with multiple vectors. Through extensive experiments on several public benchmarks and one large-scale industrial dataset from Tmall, we demonstrate that MIND can achieve superior performance than state-of-the-art methods for recommendation. Currently, MIND has been deployed for handling major online traffic at the homepage on Mobile Tmall App

    Dynamic Past and Future for Neural Machine Translation

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    Previous studies have shown that neural machine translation (NMT) models can benefit from explicitly modeling translated (Past) and untranslated (Future) to groups of translated and untranslated contents through parts-to-wholes assignment. The assignment is learned through a novel variant of routing-by-agreement mechanism (Sabour et al., 2017), namely {\em Guided Dynamic Routing}, where the translating status at each decoding step {\em guides} the routing process to assign each source word to its associated group (i.e., translated or untranslated content) represented by a capsule, enabling translation to be made from holistic context. Experiments show that our approach achieves substantial improvements over both RNMT and Transformer by producing more adequate translations. Extensive analysis demonstrates that our method is highly interpretable, which is able to recognize the translated and untranslated contents as expected.Comment: Camera-ready version. Accepted to EMNLP 2019 as a long pape

    Text Classification using Capsules

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    This paper presents an empirical exploration of the use of capsule networks for text classification. While it has been shown that capsule networks are effective for image classification, their validity in the domain of text has not been explored. In this paper, we show that capsule networks indeed have the potential for text classification and that they have several advantages over convolutional neural networks. We further suggest a simple routing method that effectively reduces the computational complexity of dynamic routing. We utilized seven benchmark datasets to demonstrate that capsule networks, along with the proposed routing method provide comparable results
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