2 research outputs found

    Dynamic Resource Allocation in Communication Networks

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    E#cient dynamic resource provisioning algorithms are necessary to the development and automation of Quality of Service (QoS) networks. The main goal of these algorithms is to o#er services that satisfy the QoS requirements of individual users while guaranteeing at the same time an e#cient utilization of network resources. In this paper we introduce a new service model that provides quantitative per-flow bandwidth guarantees, where users subscribe for a guaranteed rate; moreover, the network periodically individuates unused bandwidth and proposes short-term contracts where extra-bandwidth is allocated and guaranteed exclusively to users who can exploit it to transmit at a rate higher than their subscribed rate. To implement this service model we propose a dynamic provisioning architecture for intra-domain Quality of Service networks. We develop an e#cient bandwidth allocation algorithm that takes explicitly into account tra#c statistics to increase the users' benefit and the network revenue simultaneously. We demonstrate through simulation in realistic network scenarios that the proposed dynamic provisioning model is superior to static provisioning in providing resource allocation both in terms of total accepted load and network revenue