469 research outputs found

    On linear convergence of a distributed dual gradient algorithm for linearly constrained separable convex problems

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    In this paper we propose a distributed dual gradient algorithm for minimizing linearly constrained separable convex problems and analyze its rate of convergence. In particular, we prove that under the assumption of strong convexity and Lipshitz continuity of the gradient of the primal objective function we have a global error bound type property for the dual problem. Using this error bound property we devise a fully distributed dual gradient scheme, i.e. a gradient scheme based on a weighted step size, for which we derive global linear rate of convergence for both dual and primal suboptimality and for primal feasibility violation. Many real applications, e.g. distributed model predictive control, network utility maximization or optimal power flow, can be posed as linearly constrained separable convex problems for which dual gradient type methods from literature have sublinear convergence rate. In the present paper we prove for the first time that in fact we can achieve linear convergence rate for such algorithms when they are used for solving these applications. Numerical simulations are also provided to confirm our theory.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Automatica Journal, February 2014. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1401.4398. We revised the paper, adding more simulations and checking for typo

    Sensor Networks with Random Links: Topology Design for Distributed Consensus

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    In a sensor network, in practice, the communication among sensors is subject to:(1) errors or failures at random times; (3) costs; and(2) constraints since sensors and networks operate under scarce resources, such as power, data rate, or communication. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is usually a main factor in determining the probability of error (or of communication failure) in a link. These probabilities are then a proxy for the SNR under which the links operate. The paper studies the problem of designing the topology, i.e., assigning the probabilities of reliable communication among sensors (or of link failures) to maximize the rate of convergence of average consensus, when the link communication costs are taken into account, and there is an overall communication budget constraint. To consider this problem, we address a number of preliminary issues: (1) model the network as a random topology; (2) establish necessary and sufficient conditions for mean square sense (mss) and almost sure (a.s.) convergence of average consensus when network links fail; and, in particular, (3) show that a necessary and sufficient condition for both mss and a.s. convergence is for the algebraic connectivity of the mean graph describing the network topology to be strictly positive. With these results, we formulate topology design, subject to random link failures and to a communication cost constraint, as a constrained convex optimization problem to which we apply semidefinite programming techniques. We show by an extensive numerical study that the optimal design improves significantly the convergence speed of the consensus algorithm and can achieve the asymptotic performance of a non-random network at a fraction of the communication cost.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transaction

    Generalized power method for sparse principal component analysis

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    In this paper we develop a new approach to sparse principal component analysis (sparse PCA). We propose two single-unit and two block optimization formulations of the sparse PCA problem, aimed at extracting a single sparse dominant principal component of a data matrix, or more components at once, respectively. While the initial formulations involve nonconvex functions, and are therefore computationally intractable, we rewrite them into the form of an optimization program involving maximization of a convex function on a compact set. The dimension of the search space is decreased enormously if the data matrix has many more columns (variables) than rows. We then propose and analyze a simple gradient method suited for the task. It appears that our algorithm has best convergence properties in the case when either the objective function or the feasible set are strongly convex, which is the case with our single-unit formulations and can be enforced in the block case. Finally, we demonstrate numerically on a set of random and gene expression test problems that our approach outperforms existing algorithms both in quality of the obtained solution and in computational speed.sparse PCA, power method, gradient ascent, strongly convex sets, block algorithms.

    Submodularity in Action: From Machine Learning to Signal Processing Applications

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    Submodularity is a discrete domain functional property that can be interpreted as mimicking the role of the well-known convexity/concavity properties in the continuous domain. Submodular functions exhibit strong structure that lead to efficient optimization algorithms with provable near-optimality guarantees. These characteristics, namely, efficiency and provable performance bounds, are of particular interest for signal processing (SP) and machine learning (ML) practitioners as a variety of discrete optimization problems are encountered in a wide range of applications. Conventionally, two general approaches exist to solve discrete problems: (i)(i) relaxation into the continuous domain to obtain an approximate solution, or (ii)(ii) development of a tailored algorithm that applies directly in the discrete domain. In both approaches, worst-case performance guarantees are often hard to establish. Furthermore, they are often complex, thus not practical for large-scale problems. In this paper, we show how certain scenarios lend themselves to exploiting submodularity so as to construct scalable solutions with provable worst-case performance guarantees. We introduce a variety of submodular-friendly applications, and elucidate the relation of submodularity to convexity and concavity which enables efficient optimization. With a mixture of theory and practice, we present different flavors of submodularity accompanying illustrative real-world case studies from modern SP and ML. In all cases, optimization algorithms are presented, along with hints on how optimality guarantees can be established

    Global Optimisation for Energy System

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    The goal of global optimisation is to find globally optimal solutions, avoiding local optima and other stationary points. The aim of this thesis is to provide more efficient global optimisation tools for energy systems planning and operation. Due to the ongoing increasing of complexity and decentralisation of power systems, the use of advanced mathematical techniques that produce reliable solutions becomes necessary. The task of developing such methods is complicated by the fact that most energy-related problems are nonconvex due to the nonlinear Alternating Current Power Flow equations and the existence of discrete elements. In some cases, the computational challenges arising from the presence of non-convexities can be tackled by relaxing the definition of convexity and identifying classes of problems that can be solved to global optimality by polynomial time algorithms. One such property is known as invexity and is defined by every stationary point of a problem being a global optimum. This thesis investigates how the relation between the objective function and the structure of the feasible set is connected to invexity and presents necessary conditions for invexity in the general case and necessary and sufficient conditions for problems with two degrees of freedom. However, nonconvex problems often do not possess any provable convenient properties, and specialised methods are necessary for providing global optimality guarantees. A widely used technique is solving convex relaxations in order to find a bound on the optimal solution. Semidefinite Programming relaxations can provide good quality bounds, but they suffer from a lack of scalability. We tackle this issue by proposing an algorithm that combines decomposition and linearisation approaches. In addition to continuous non-convexities, many problems in Energy Systems model discrete decisions and are expressed as mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs). The formulation of a MINLP is of significant importance since it affects the quality of dual bounds. In this thesis we investigate algebraic characterisations of on/off constraints and develop a strengthened version of the Quadratic Convex relaxation of the Optimal Transmission Switching problem. All presented methods were implemented in mathematical modelling and optimisation frameworks PowerTools and Gravity

    Interval Dominance based Structural Results for Markov Decision Process

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    The textbook proof for monotone optimal policies of a Markov decision process (MDP) requires supermodularity of the rewards and transition probabilities.This paper uses a sufficient condition for interval dominance (called I)to obtain structural results for MDPs under more general conditions. We present several MDP examples where supermodularity does not hold, yet I holds, and so the optimal policy is monotone; these include sigmoidal rewards and perturbed bi-diagonal transition matrices. We also consider MDPs with TP3 transition matrices and concave value functions