3 research outputs found

    Dynamic Network Model from Partial Observations

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    Can evolving networks be inferred and modeled without directly observing their nodes and edges? In many applications, the edges of a dynamic network might not be observed, but one can observe the dynamics of stochastic cascading processes (e.g., information diffusion, virus propagation) occurring over the unobserved network. While there have been efforts to infer networks based on such data, providing a generative probabilistic model that is able to identify the underlying time-varying network remains an open question. Here we consider the problem of inferring generative dynamic network models based on network cascade diffusion data. We propose a novel framework for providing a non-parametric dynamic network model--based on a mixture of coupled hierarchical Dirichlet processes-- based on data capturing cascade node infection times. Our approach allows us to infer the evolving community structure in networks and to obtain an explicit predictive distribution over the edges of the underlying network--including those that were not involved in transmission of any cascade, or are likely to appear in the future. We show the effectiveness of our approach using extensive experiments on synthetic as well as real-world networks

    Bayesian inference of network structure from information cascades

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    Contagion processes are strongly linked to the network structures on which they propagate, and learning these structures is essential for understanding and intervention on complex network processes such as epidemics and (mis)information propagation. However, using contagion data to infer network structure is a challenging inverse problem. In particular, it is imperative to have appropriate measures of uncertainty in network structure estimates, however these are largely ignored in most machine-learning approaches. We present a probabilistic framework that uses samples from the distribution of networks that are compatible with the dynamics observed to produce network and uncertainty estimates. We demonstrate the method using the well known independent cascade model to sample from the distribution of networks P(G) conditioned on the observation of a set of infections C. We evaluate the accuracy of the method by using the marginal probabilities of each edge in the distribution, and show the bene ts of quantifying uncertainty to improve estimates and understanding, particularly with small amounts of data

    A Nonparametric Bayesian Model for Sparse Dynamic Multigraphs

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    As the availability and importance of temporal interaction data--such as email communication--increases, it becomes increasingly important to understand the underlying structure that underpins these interactions. Often these interactions form a multigraph, where we might have multiple interactions between two entities. Such multigraphs tend to be sparse yet structured, and their distribution often evolves over time. Existing statistical models with interpretable parameters can capture some, but not all, of these properties. We propose a dynamic nonparametric model for interaction multigraphs that combines the sparsity of edge-exchangeable multigraphs with dynamic clustering patterns that tend to reinforce recent behavioral patterns. We show that our method yields improved held-out likelihood over stationary variants, and impressive predictive performance against a range of state-of-the-art dynamic graph models