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    Multi-label learning with emerging new labels

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    In a multi-label learning task, an object possesses multiple concepts where each concept is represented by a class label. Previous studies on multi-label learning have focused on a fixed set of class labels, i.e., the class label set of test data is the same as that in the training set. In many applications, however, the environment is dynamic and new concepts may emerge in a data stream. In order to maintain a good predictive performance in this environment, a multi-label learning method must have the ability to detect and classify instances with emerging new labels. To this end, we propose a new approach called Multi-label learning with Emerging New Labels (MuENL). It has three functions: classify instances on currently known labels, detect the emergence of a new label, and construct a new classifier for each new label that works collaboratively with the classifier for known labels. In addition, we show that MuENL can be easily extended to handle sparse high dimensional data streams by simply reducing the original dimensionality, and then applying MuENL on the reduced dimensional space. Our empirical evaluation shows the effectiveness of MuENL on several benchmark datasets and MuENLHD on the sparse high dimensional Weibo dataset

    Learning label dependency for multi-label classification

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Multi-label classification is an important topic in the field of machine learning. In many real applications, there exist potential dependencies or correlations between labels, and exploiting the underlying knowledge could effectively improve the learning performance. Therefore, how to learn and utilize the dependencies between labels has become one of the key issues of multi-label classification. This thesis firstly summarizes existing works and analyses their advantages and disadvantages. Several effective methods for multi-label classification are then proposed, focusing on ways of exploiting various types of label dependencies. The contributions of this thesis mainly include: (1) A method that uses a tree-structured restricted Bayesian network to represent the dependency structure of labels is proposed. This work is inspired by the ClassifierChain method. Compared with ClassifierChain, our method's advantage is that the dependencies between labels are represented using a Bayesian network rather than a randomly selected chain, so more appropriate label dependencies could be determined. Furthermore, ensemble learning technique is used to construct and combine multiple tree-structured Bayesian networks, thus the mutual dependencies between labels could be fully exploited and the final model could be more robust. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of these methods. Compared with other baselines, the show better performance due to more appropriate label dependencies are captured. (2) A common strategy of exploiting label dependencies is, for every label, to the labels it depends on and use these labels as auxiliary features in the training phase. The issues of this strategy are that the influence of label dependencies could be depressed by existing features and indirect label dependencies could not be taken into consideration. Therefore, a new learning paradigm that separates the influence of existing features and labels is introduced, and the impact of label dependencies could be well intensified in this way. Moreover, a method that models the propagation of label dependencies as a RWR process (Random Walk with Restart) is proposed. In this method, label dependencies are encoded as a graph, and the dynamic and indirect dependencies between labels are utilized through the RWR process over the label graph. The experimental results validate this method, showing that it outperforms other baselines in terms of learning a label ranking. (3) Based on above method, a method that takes multiple factors into consideration when learning label dependencies is proposed. In this method, dependency between two labels is characterized from different perspectives, and is determined by learning a linear combination of multiple measures. A particular loss function is designed, and thus the optimal label dependencies, i.e., the dependency matrix in RWR process, can be obtained by minimizing the loss function. The advantage of this method include: a) label dependencies are measures and combined from different perspectives, and b) label dependences that are optimal to a particular loss function now are obtained. The experimental results indicate that this method could further learn a better label ranking compared with the previous one, given an explicit loss function. (4) A novel method that learns label ranking by exploiting preferences between true labels and other labels is proposed. In this method, the original instance space and label space are mapped into a low-dimensional space using matrix factorization technique. Therefore, one advantage of the method is that the number of label is reduced greatly, and problem with massive labels now can be handle efficiently. Moreover, a loss function is formulated based on the assumption that an instance's true labels which have been given explicitly should be ranked before other labels which are not provided explicitly. It is then used to guide the process of matrix factorization and label ranking learning. The advantage of this novel assumption is that it alleviate issue in traditional assumption that if a label is not given explicitly, it should not be a true label. Therefore, this method is also applicable to data that are partially labelled. Its effectiveness is validated by the experimental result which shows that it could rank explicitly given label well before other labels for a given instance. In summary, this thesis has proposed several effective methods that exploit label dependencies from different perspectives, and their effectiveness have been validated by experiments. These achievements lay a good foundation for further research and applications

    Multi-graph learning

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Multi-instance learning (MIL) is a special learning task where labels are only available for a bag of instances. Although MIL has been used for many applications, existing MIL algorithms cannot handle complex data objects, and all require that instances inside each bag are represented as feature vectors (e.g. being represented in an instance-feature format). In reality, many real-world objects are inherently complicated, and an object can be represented as multiple instances with dependency structures (i.e. graphs). Such dependency allows relationships between objects to play important roles, which, unfortunately, remain unaddressed in traditional instance-feature representations. Motivated by the challenges, this thesis formulates a new multi-graph learning paradigm for representing and classifying complicated objects. With the proposed multi-graph representation, the thesis systematically addresses several key learning tasks, including Multi-Graph Learning: A graph bag contains one or multiple graphs, and each bag is labeled as either positive or negative. The aim of multi-graph learning is to build a learning model from a number of labeled training bags to predict previously unseen bags with maximum accuracy. To solve the problem, we propose two types of approaches: 1) Multi-Graph Feature based Learning (gMGFL) algorithm that explores and selects an optimal set of subgraphs as features to transfer each bag into a single instance for further learning; and 2) Boosting based Multi-Graph Classification framework (bMGC), which employs dynamic weight adjustment, at both graph- and bag-levels, to select one subgraph in each iteration to form a set of weak graph classifiers. Multi-Instance Multi-Graph learning: A bag contains a number of instances and graphs in pairs, and the learning objective is to derive classification models from labeled bags, containing both instances and graphs, to predict previously unseen bags with maximum accuracy. In the thesis, we propose a Dual Embedding Multi-Instance Multi-Graph Learning (DE-MIMG) algorithm, which employs a dual embedding learning approach to (1) embed instance distributions into the informative subgraphs discovery process, and (2) embed discovered subgraphs into the instance feature selection process. Positive and Unlabeled Multi-Graph Learning: The training set only contains positive and unlabeled bags, where labels are only available for bags but not for individual graphs inside the bag. This problem setting raises significant challenges because bag-of-graph setting does not have features available to directly represent graph data, and no negative bags exits for deriving discriminative classification models. To solve the challenge, we propose a puMGL learning framework which relies on two iteratively combined processes: (1) deriving features to represent graphs for learning; and (2) deriving discriminative models with only positive and unlabeled graph bags. Multi-Graph-View Learning: A multi-graph-view model utilizes graphs constructed from multiple graph-views to represent an object. In our research, we formulate a new multi-graph-view learning task for graph classification, where each object to be classified is represented graphs under multi-graph-view. To solve the problem, we propose a Cross Graph-View Subgraph Feature based Learning (gCGVFL) algorithm that explores an optimal set of subgraph features cross multiple graph-views. In addition, a bag based multi-graph model is further used to relax the labeling by only requiring one label for each graph bag, which corresponds to one object. For learning classification models, we propose a multi-graph-view bag learning algorithm (MGVBL), to explore subgraphs from multiple graph-views for learning. Experiments on real-world data validate and demonstrate the performance of proposed methods for classifying complicated objects using multi-graph learning
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