3 research outputs found

    Dynamic Management of Highly Replicated Data

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    We present an efficient replication control protocol for managing replicated data objects that have more than five replicas. Like the grid protocol, our dynamic group protocol requires only O(Ö# # n ) messages per access to enforce mutual consistency among n replicas. Unlike other protocols aimed at providing fast access, our protocol adapts itself to changes in site availability and network connectivity, which allows it to tolerate n - 2 successive replica failures. We evaluate under standard Markovian assumptions the availability of a replicated object consisting of n replicas managed by our dynamic group protocol when the n replicas are on the same LAN segment and find it to equal that of an object with the same number of replicas managed by the dynamic-linear voting protocol. Keywords: distributed consensus, replicated data, replication control, voting, network partitions. 1. Introduction Many large-scale distributed systems have data that are replicated at a large number of sit..