695 research outputs found

    Actions in the Eye: Dynamic Gaze Datasets and Learnt Saliency Models for Visual Recognition

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    Systems based on bag-of-words models from image features collected at maxima of sparse interest point operators have been used successfully for both computer visual object and action recognition tasks. While the sparse, interest-point based approach to recognition is not inconsistent with visual processing in biological systems that operate in `saccade and fixate' regimes, the methodology and emphasis in the human and the computer vision communities remains sharply distinct. Here, we make three contributions aiming to bridge this gap. First, we complement existing state-of-the art large scale dynamic computer vision annotated datasets like Hollywood-2 and UCF Sports with human eye movements collected under the ecological constraints of the visual action recognition task. To our knowledge these are the first large human eye tracking datasets to be collected and made publicly available for video, vision.imar.ro/eyetracking (497,107 frames, each viewed by 16 subjects), unique in terms of their (a) large scale and computer vision relevance, (b) dynamic, video stimuli, (c) task control, as opposed to free-viewing. Second, we introduce novel sequential consistency and alignment measures, which underline the remarkable stability of patterns of visual search among subjects. Third, we leverage the significant amount of collected data in order to pursue studies and build automatic, end-to-end trainable computer vision systems based on human eye movements. Our studies not only shed light on the differences between computer vision spatio-temporal interest point image sampling strategies and the human fixations, as well as their impact for visual recognition performance, but also demonstrate that human fixations can be accurately predicted, and when used in an end-to-end automatic system, leveraging some of the advanced computer vision practice, can lead to state of the art results

    Spatio-Temporal Saliency Networks for Dynamic Saliency Prediction

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    Computational saliency models for still images have gained significant popularity in recent years. Saliency prediction from videos, on the other hand, has received relatively little interest from the community. Motivated by this, in this work, we study the use of deep learning for dynamic saliency prediction and propose the so-called spatio-temporal saliency networks. The key to our models is the architecture of two-stream networks where we investigate different fusion mechanisms to integrate spatial and temporal information. We evaluate our models on the DIEM and UCF-Sports datasets and present highly competitive results against the existing state-of-the-art models. We also carry out some experiments on a number of still images from the MIT300 dataset by exploiting the optical flow maps predicted from these images. Our results show that considering inherent motion information in this way can be helpful for static saliency estimation

    Learning to Attend Relevant Regions in Videos from Eye Fixations

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    Attentively important regions in video frames account for a majority part of the semantics in each frame. This information is helpful in many applications not only for entertainment (such as auto generating commentary and tourist guide) but also for robotic control which holds a larascope supported for laparoscopic surgery. However, it is not always straightforward to define and locate such semantic regions in videos. In this work, we attempt to address the problem of attending relevant regions in videos by leveraging the eye fixations labels with a RNN-based visual attention model. Our experimental results suggest that this approach holds a good potential to learn to attend semantic regions in videos while its performance also heavily relies on the quality of eye fixations labels.Comment: 7 page

    A probabilistic tour of visual attention and gaze shift computational models

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    In this paper a number of problems are considered which are related to the modelling of eye guidance under visual attention in a natural setting. From a crude discussion of a variety of available models spelled in probabilistic terms, it appears that current approaches in computational vision are hitherto far from achieving the goal of an active observer relying upon eye guidance to accomplish real-world tasks. We argue that this challenging goal not only requires to embody, in a principled way, the problem of eye guidance within the action/perception loop, but to face the inextricable link tying up visual attention, emotion and executive control, in so far as recent neurobiological findings are weighed up

    Saliency Prediction in the Deep Learning Era: Successes, Limitations, and Future Challenges

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    Visual saliency models have enjoyed a big leap in performance in recent years, thanks to advances in deep learning and large scale annotated data. Despite enormous effort and huge breakthroughs, however, models still fall short in reaching human-level accuracy. In this work, I explore the landscape of the field emphasizing on new deep saliency models, benchmarks, and datasets. A large number of image and video saliency models are reviewed and compared over two image benchmarks and two large scale video datasets. Further, I identify factors that contribute to the gap between models and humans and discuss remaining issues that need to be addressed to build the next generation of more powerful saliency models. Some specific questions that are addressed include: in what ways current models fail, how to remedy them, what can be learned from cognitive studies of attention, how explicit saliency judgments relate to fixations, how to conduct fair model comparison, and what are the emerging applications of saliency models

    SG-FCN: A Motion and Memory-Based Deep Learning Model for Video Saliency Detection

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    Data-driven saliency detection has attracted strong interest as a result of applying convolutional neural networks to the detection of eye fixations. Although a number of imagebased salient object and fixation detection models have been proposed, video fixation detection still requires more exploration. Different from image analysis, motion and temporal information is a crucial factor affecting human attention when viewing video sequences. Although existing models based on local contrast and low-level features have been extensively researched, they failed to simultaneously consider interframe motion and temporal information across neighboring video frames, leading to unsatisfactory performance when handling complex scenes. To this end, we propose a novel and efficient video eye fixation detection model to improve the saliency detection performance. By simulating the memory mechanism and visual attention mechanism of human beings when watching a video, we propose a step-gained fully convolutional network by combining the memory information on the time axis with the motion information on the space axis while storing the saliency information of the current frame. The model is obtained through hierarchical training, which ensures the accuracy of the detection. Extensive experiments in comparison with 11 state-of-the-art methods are carried out, and the results show that our proposed model outperforms all 11 methods across a number of publicly available datasets

    Learning Gaze Transitions from Depth to Improve Video Saliency Estimation

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    In this paper we introduce a novel Depth-Aware Video Saliency approach to predict human focus of attention when viewing RGBD videos on regular 2D screens. We train a generative convolutional neural network which predicts a saliency map for a frame, given the fixation map of the previous frame. Saliency estimation in this scenario is highly important since in the near future 3D video content will be easily acquired and yet hard to display. This can be explained, on the one hand, by the dramatic improvement of 3D-capable acquisition equipment. On the other hand, despite the considerable progress in 3D display technologies, most of the 3D displays are still expensive and require wearing special glasses. To evaluate the performance of our approach, we present a new comprehensive database of eye-fixation ground-truth for RGBD videos. Our experiments indicate that integrating depth into video saliency calculation is beneficial. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods for video saliency, achieving 15% relative improvement

    TurkerGaze: Crowdsourcing Saliency with Webcam based Eye Tracking

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    Traditional eye tracking requires specialized hardware, which means collecting gaze data from many observers is expensive, tedious and slow. Therefore, existing saliency prediction datasets are order-of-magnitudes smaller than typical datasets for other vision recognition tasks. The small size of these datasets limits the potential for training data intensive algorithms, and causes overfitting in benchmark evaluation. To address this deficiency, this paper introduces a webcam-based gaze tracking system that supports large-scale, crowdsourced eye tracking deployed on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMTurk). By a combination of careful algorithm and gaming protocol design, our system obtains eye tracking data for saliency prediction comparable to data gathered in a traditional lab setting, with relatively lower cost and less effort on the part of the researchers. Using this tool, we build a saliency dataset for a large number of natural images. We will open-source our tool and provide a web server where researchers can upload their images to get eye tracking results from AMTurk.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Benchmark 3D eye-tracking dataset for visual saliency prediction on stereoscopic 3D video

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    Visual Attention Models (VAMs) predict the location of an image or video regions that are most likely to attract human attention. Although saliency detection is well explored for 2D image and video content, there are only few attempts made to design 3D saliency prediction models. Newly proposed 3D visual attention models have to be validated over large-scale video saliency prediction datasets, which also contain results of eye-tracking information. There are several publicly available eye-tracking datasets for 2D image and video content. In the case of 3D, however, there is still a need for large-scale video saliency datasets for the research community for validating different 3D-VAMs. In this paper, we introduce a large-scale dataset containing eye-tracking data collected from 61 stereoscopic 3D videos (and also 2D versions of those) and 24 subjects participated in a free-viewing test. We evaluate the performance of the existing saliency detection methods over the proposed dataset. In addition, we created an online benchmark for validating the performance of the existing 2D and 3D visual attention models and facilitate addition of new VAMs to the benchmark. Our benchmark currently contains 50 different VAMs

    Predicting Goal-directed Human Attention Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning

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    Being able to predict human gaze behavior has obvious importance for behavioral vision and for computer vision applications. Most models have mainly focused on predicting free-viewing behavior using saliency maps, but these predictions do not generalize to goal-directed behavior, such as when a person searches for a visual target object. We propose the first inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) model to learn the internal reward function and policy used by humans during visual search. The viewer's internal belief states were modeled as dynamic contextual belief maps of object locations. These maps were learned by IRL and then used to predict behavioral scanpaths for multiple target categories. To train and evaluate our IRL model we created COCO-Search18, which is now the largest dataset of high-quality search fixations in existence. COCO-Search18 has 10 participants searching for each of 18 target-object categories in 6202 images, making about 300,000 goal-directed fixations. When trained and evaluated on COCO-Search18, the IRL model outperformed baseline models in predicting search fixation scanpaths, both in terms of similarity to human search behavior and search efficiency. Finally, reward maps recovered by the IRL model reveal distinctive target-dependent patterns of object prioritization, which we interpret as a learned object context.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, CVPR 202
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