4 research outputs found

    Broadcast Scheduling for Push Broadcast Systems with Arbitrary Cost Functions

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    In this report the problem of broadcast scheduling in Push broadcast systems is studied. We introduce an optimization approach that leads to well justified policies for Push broadcast systems with generalized cost functions. In particular, we apply our results to a Push broadcast system with different deadlines associated to the files while allowing the files to have unequal demand rates and lengths. We will show that our proposed policy covers some of the previously investigated Push systems as special cases and is applicable to a wide range of cost functions assigned to the files. We also calculate the optimal average cost for our experimental settings and show, through extensive simulation studies, that our results closely match that value for each experiment

    A Dynamic Optimization Approach to the Scheduling Problem in Satellite and Wireless Broadcast Systems

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    The continuous growth in the demand for access to information andthe increasing number of users of the information delivery systemshave sparked the need for highly scalable systems with moreefficient usage of the bandwidth. One of the effective methods forefficient use of the bandwidth is to provide the information to agroup of users simultaneously via broadcast delivery. Generally,all applications that deliver the popular data packages (trafficinformation, weather, stocks, web pages) are suitable candidatesfor broadcast delivery and satellite or wireless networks withtheir inherent broadcast capability are the natural choices forimplementing such applications.In this report, we investigate one of the most important problemsin broadcast delivery i.e., the broadcast scheduling problem. Thisproblem arises in broadcast systems with a large number of datapackages and limited broadcast channels and the goal is to findthe best sequence of broadcasts in order to minimize the average waiting time of the users.We first formulate the problem as a dynamic optimization problemand investigate the properties of the optimal solution. Later, weuse the bandit problem formulation to address a version of theproblem where all packages have equal lengths. We find anasymptotically optimal index policy for that problem and comparethe results with some well-known heuristic methods

    Adaptive Broadcasting for Similarity Queries in Wireless Content Delivery Systems

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    Dynamic Data Delivery in Wireless Communication Environments

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    . Information broadcasting, caching of frequently accessed data, and pull-based data delivery are commonly used techniques to reduce data access time of wireless information services. Most of the studies in the literature focused either on individual technique or a combination of them with some restrictive assumptions. In this paper, we propose a dynamic data delivery model where these three techniques work together in an integrated manner. A particular feature of our model is that data are disseminated through various storage mediums according to the dynamically collected data access patterns. Performance evaluation of the model is conducted by simulation studies. 1 Introduction A criterion often used to evaluate the data access efficiency of a mobile system is access time which is the average time from a mobile computer requests a data item until the data is received. To reduce access time in a mobile environment, three major classes of techniques, namely, caching, push-based inform..