1 research outputs found

    Dynamic Bridge-Finding in O~(log2n)\tilde{O}(\log ^2 n) Amortized Time

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    We present a deterministic fully-dynamic data structure for maintaining information about the bridges in a graph. We support updates in O~((logn)2)\tilde{O}((\log n)^2) amortized time, and can find a bridge in the component of any given vertex, or a bridge separating any two given vertices, in O(logn/loglogn)O(\log n / \log \log n) worst case time. Our bounds match the current best for bounds for deterministic fully-dynamic connectivity up to loglogn\log\log n factors. The previous best dynamic bridge finding was an O~((logn)3)\tilde{O}((\log n)^3) amortized time algorithm by Thorup [STOC2000], which was a bittrick-based improvement on the O((logn)4)O((\log n)^4) amortized time algorithm by Holm et al.[STOC98, JACM2001]. Our approach is based on a different and purely combinatorial improvement of the algorithm of Holm et al., which by itself gives a new combinatorial O~((logn)3)\tilde{O}((\log n)^3) amortized time algorithm. Combining it with Thorup's bittrick, we get down to the claimed O~((logn)2)\tilde{O}((\log n)^2) amortized time. Essentially the same new trick can be applied to the biconnectivity data structure from [STOC98, JACM2001], improving the amortized update time to O~((logn)3)\tilde{O}((\log n)^3). We also offer improvements in space. We describe a general trick which applies to both of our new algorithms, and to the old ones, to get down to linear space, where the previous best use O(m+nlognloglogn)O(m + n\log n\log\log n). Finally, we show how to obtain O(logn/loglogn)O(\log n/\log \log n) query time, matching the optimal trade-off between update and query time. Our result yields an improved running time for deciding whether a unique perfect matching exists in a static graph.Comment: v1 Submitted to SODA'18 v2 Added note about improvement to biconnectivity v3 Small changes. Drop unproven claim about finding first k bridges in O(k) additional tim