4 research outputs found

    Improving Quality of Vehicle Tracking Systems in Hill Stations Using IEEE 802.16 Networks

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    IEEE 802.16 standard was designed to support the vehicle tracking system applications with quality of service(QOS). Tracking system is used for tracking the vehicles in hill stations with quality of service(QOS). With the help of subscriber station(SS) can track the vehicles. Subscriber station’s will provide signals to the mobiles and vehicles .In this paper, we propose a scheme, named vehicle tracking system, to track the vehicles without any interrupt in hill stations with quality of service(QOS). The idea of the proposed scheme is to track the vehicles in the roads of the hill stations which is coming in opposite direction and back of the vehicle. Analysis and simulations are used to evaluate the proposed scheme. Simulation and analysis results confirm  that the proposed can track the vehicles with the help of subscriber station by given quality of service(QOS). Scheduling algorithms are proposed to improve the overall throughput. The simulation results show that our proposed algorithm improves the overall throughput by 40% in a steady network.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i1.213


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    ABSTRAKSI: Layanan streaming merupakan salah satu jenis aplikasi internet yang sekarang ini sering diakses oleh banyak user. Berdasarkan pengujian Quality of Services melalui Testbed jaringan pada miniatur Global Area Network(GAN) dihasilkan bahwa layanan streaming ini membutuhkan bandwidth kanal yang tinggi serta delay yang rendah agar dapat dinikmati secara interaktif. Berdasarkam kebutuhan layanan user yang bervariasi dan banyaknya jumlah user dalam satu BS, maka proses alokasi bandwidth dalam sistem komunikasi wireless akan menjadi sangat kompleks. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut IEEE 802.16 MAC sebagai standar untuk WiMAX menerapkan mekanisme bandwidth request grant untuk alokasi bandwidth uplink antara base station (BS) dan subscriber station (SS). Dalam tesis ini dilakukan analisis dan evaluasi terhadap jaminan bandwidth diantaranya parameter throughput, packetloss, delay, dan fairness index. Pengamatan dilakukan pada kondisi user mobile, dengan mensimulasikannya menggunakan software OPNET versi 14.0 educational version. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan : skenario 1, throughput maksimal diperoleh saat bandwidth request 64 kbps untuk jumlah user 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 sebesar 52.93 kbps,32.67 kbps,21.87 kbps,16.49 kbps, dan 13.21 kbps. Packet loss saat bandwidth request 64 Kbps dan 128 Kbps dengan jumlah user 10, 20, dan 30 sesuai ITU G.107 dimana packet loss kurang dari 20%. Delay saat bandwidth request 128 kbps, 192 kbps, 256 kbps, dan 320 kbps dengan jumlah user bertambah masih ditolerir karena berada pada range 0-150 ms (ITU G.114). Skenario 2, throughput maksimal diperoleh saat bandwidth request 64 Kbps untuk kecepatan user 0 km/jam,5 km/jam,60 km/jam dan 80 km/jam sebesar 52.93 kbps, 51.21 kbps, 48.04 kbps dan 31.97 kbps. Adapun packet loss saat bandwidth request 64 kbps dan 128 kbps dengan kecepatan user 0 km/jam, 5 km/jam, dan 60 km/jam masih ditolerir karena kurang dari 20% (ITU G.107). Pada saat bandwidth request 128 Kbps, 192 Kbps, 256 Kbps, dan 320 Kbps dengan kecepatan user bertambah, delay masih ditolerir karena berada pada range 0-150 ms (ITU G.114). Untuk nilai interclass fairness indeks skenario 1 dan 2 diperoleh hampir semua nilai mendekati 1. Hal ini terjadi karena jenis user yang homogen. Sedangkan untuk nilai intraclass fairness indeks skenario 1 dengan jumlah user 40 dan 50 diperoleh nilai fairness jauh dari 1 yaitu berkisar antara 0.3 – 0.5. Hal ini terjadi karena kapasitas BS yang tetap tetapi dengan jumlah user dan request bandwidth yang semakin meningkat.Kata Kunci : WiMAX IEEE 802.16e, bandwidth request grant, dan layanan video streamingABSTRACT: Nowadays the process of bandwidth allocation in wireless communication systems is very complex this is due to the large number of users in a BS and their various service needs. To overcome the problem of complexity, IEEE 802.16 MAC as a standard of WiMAX implements bandwidth request grant mechanism for uplink bandwidth allocation between the base station (BS) and subscriber station (SS).This thesis was to analyze and evaluate the guaranteed bandwith such as parameters of throughput, packetloss, delay, and fairness index. The observation was carried out when the users were in mobile by means of simulation using OPNET version 14.0 educational version.From the simulation obtained two scenarios: scenario 1, the maximum throughput was obtained at 64 kbps of bandwidth request. For 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 users were at 52.93 kbps, 32.67 kbps, 21.87 kbps, kbps 16:49, and 13:21 kbps respectively. Packet loss during bandwidth request 64 Kbps and 128 Kbps with a number of users 10, 20, and 30 according to ITU G.107 where packet loss is less than 20%. Delay time bandwidth request 128 kbps, 192 kbps, 256 kbps, and 320 kbps with the number of users increased, but they were still tolerable because it is ranging between 0-150 ms (ITU G.114). Scenario 2, the maximum throughput is was obtained at 64 Kbps of bandwidth request. For user speed of 0 km / h, 5 km / h, 60 km / h and 80 km / h were obtained at 52.93 kbps, 51.21 kbps, 48.04 kbps and 31.97 kbps. The packet loss during bandwidth request 64 kbps and 128 kbps with user speed 0 km / h, 5 km / h, and 60 km / h was tolerated because it is was less than 20% (ITU G.107). At the request bandwidth of 128 Kbps, 192 Kbps, 256 Kbps and 320 Kbps with user speed increasesd, the delay was still tolerable because it is was ranging between 0-150 ms (ITU G.114). The interclass fairness index value of scenarios 1 and 2, are obtained almost all values close to 1. This occurs because the type of user are homogeneous.Whereas the intraclass fairness index premises scenario for 40 and 50 users the obtained a value of fairness was ranging only between 0.3 - 0.5. This occurs because the capacity of the BS that remain but with the amount of bandwidth requests are increasing.Keyword: WiMAX IEEE 802.16e, bandwidth request grant, and video streaming servic

    Dynamic Bandwidth Request-Allocation Algorithm for Real-Time Services in IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Networks

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    Design and analysis of MAC protocols for wireless networks

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    During the last few years, wireless networking has attracted much of the research and industry interest. In addition, almost all current wireless devices are based on the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16 standards for the local and metropolitan area networks (LAN/MAN) respectively. Both of these standards define the medium access control layer (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) parts of a wireless user. In a wireless network, the MAC protocol plays a significant role in determining the performance of the whole network and individual users. Accordingly, many challenges are addressed by research to improve the performance of MAC operations in IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16 standards. Such performance is measured using different metrics like the throughput, fairness, delay, utilization, and drop rate. We propose new protocols and solutions to enhance the performance of an IEEE 802.11 WLAN (wireless LAN) network, and to enhance the utilization of an IEEE 802.16e WMAN (wireless MAN). First, we propose a new protocol called HDCF (High-performance Distributed Coordination Function), to address the problem of wasted time, or idle slots and collided frames, in contention resolution of the IEEE 802.11 DCF. Second, we propose a simple protocol that enhances the performance of DCF in the existence of the hidden terminal problem. Opposite to other approaches, the proposed protocol attempts to benefit from the hidden terminal problem. Third, we propose two variants of a simple though effective distributed scheme, called NZ-ACK (Non Zero-Acknowledgement), to address the effects of coexisting IEEE 802.11e EDCA and IEEE 802.11 DCF devices. Finally, we investigate encouraging ertPS (enhanced real time Polling Service) connections, in an IEEE 802.16e, network to benefit from contention, and we aim at improving the network performance without violating any delay requirements of voice applications