3,969 research outputs found

    An SDP Approach For Solving Quadratic Fractional Programming Problems

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    This paper considers a fractional programming problem (P) which minimizes a ratio of quadratic functions subject to a two-sided quadratic constraint. As is well-known, the fractional objective function can be replaced by a parametric family of quadratic functions, which makes (P) highly related to, but more difficult than a single quadratic programming problem subject to a similar constraint set. The task is to find the optimal parameter λ\lambda^* and then look for the optimal solution if λ\lambda^* is attained. Contrasted with the classical Dinkelbach method that iterates over the parameter, we propose a suitable constraint qualification under which a new version of the S-lemma with an equality can be proved so as to compute λ\lambda^* directly via an exact SDP relaxation. When the constraint set of (P) is degenerated to become an one-sided inequality, the same SDP approach can be applied to solve (P) {\it without any condition}. We observe that the difference between a two-sided problem and an one-sided problem lies in the fact that the S-lemma with an equality does not have a natural Slater point to hold, which makes the former essentially more difficult than the latter. This work does not, either, assume the existence of a positive-definite linear combination of the quadratic terms (also known as the dual Slater condition, or a positive-definite matrix pencil), our result thus provides a novel extension to the so-called "hard case" of the generalized trust region subproblem subject to the upper and the lower level set of a quadratic function.Comment: 26 page

    S-Lemma with Equality and Its Applications

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    Let f(x)=xTAx+2aTx+cf(x)=x^TAx+2a^Tx+c and h(x)=xTBx+2bTx+dh(x)=x^TBx+2b^Tx+d be two quadratic functions having symmetric matrices AA and BB. The S-lemma with equality asks when the unsolvability of the system f(x)<0,h(x)=0f(x)<0, h(x)=0 implies the existence of a real number μ\mu such that f(x)+μh(x)0, xRnf(x) + \mu h(x)\ge0, ~\forall x\in \mathbb{R}^n. The problem is much harder than the inequality version which asserts that, under Slater condition, f(x)<0,h(x)0f(x)<0, h(x)\le0 is unsolvable if and only if f(x)+μh(x)0, xRnf(x) + \mu h(x)\ge0, ~\forall x\in \mathbb{R}^n for some μ0\mu\ge0. In this paper, we show that the S-lemma with equality does not hold only when the matrix AA has exactly one negative eigenvalue and h(x)h(x) is a non-constant linear function (B=0,b0B=0, b\not=0). As an application, we can globally solve inf{f(x)h(x)=0}\inf\{f(x)\vert h(x)=0\} as well as the two-sided generalized trust region subproblem inf{f(x)lh(x)u}\inf\{f(x)\vert l\le h(x)\le u\} without any condition. Moreover, the convexity of the joint numerical range {(f(x),h1(x),,hp(x)): xRn}\{(f(x), h_1(x),\ldots, h_p(x)):~x\in\Bbb R^n\} where ff is a (possibly non-convex) quadratic function and h1(x),,hp(x)h_1(x),\ldots,h_p(x) are affine functions can be characterized using the newly developed S-lemma with equality.Comment: 34 page

    A Revisit to Quadratic Programming with One Inequality Quadratic Constraint via Matrix Pencil

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    The quadratic programming over one inequality quadratic constraint (QP1QC) is a very special case of quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) and attracted much attention since early 1990's. It is now understood that, under the primal Slater condition, (QP1QC) has a tight SDP relaxation (PSDP). The optimal solution to (QP1QC), if exists, can be obtained by a matrix rank one decomposition of the optimal matrix X? to (PSDP). In this paper, we pay a revisit to (QP1QC) by analyzing the associated matrix pencil of two symmetric real matrices A and B, the former matrix of which defines the quadratic term of the objective function whereas the latter for the constraint. We focus on the \undesired" (QP1QC) problems which are often ignored in typical literature: either there exists no Slater point, or (QP1QC) is unbounded below, or (QP1QC) is bounded below but unattainable. Our analysis is conducted with the help of the matrix pencil, not only for checking whether the undesired cases do happen, but also for an alternative way to compute the optimal solution in comparison with the usual SDP/rank-one-decomposition procedure.Comment: 22 pages, 0 figure

    Sum-Rate Maximization in Two-Way AF MIMO Relaying: Polynomial Time Solutions to a Class of DC Programming Problems

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    Sum-rate maximization in two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relaying belongs to the class of difference-of-convex functions (DC) programming problems. DC programming problems occur as well in other signal processing applications and are typically solved using different modifications of the branch-and-bound method. This method, however, does not have any polynomial time complexity guarantees. In this paper, we show that a class of DC programming problems, to which the sum-rate maximization in two-way MIMO relaying belongs, can be solved very efficiently in polynomial time, and develop two algorithms. The objective function of the problem is represented as a product of quadratic ratios and parameterized so that its convex part (versus the concave part) contains only one (or two) optimization variables. One of the algorithms is called POlynomial-Time DC (POTDC) and is based on semi-definite programming (SDP) relaxation, linearization, and an iterative search over a single parameter. The other algorithm is called RAte-maximization via Generalized EigenvectorS (RAGES) and is based on the generalized eigenvectors method and an iterative search over two (or one, in its approximate version) optimization variables. We also derive an upper-bound for the optimal values of the corresponding optimization problem and show by simulations that this upper-bound can be achieved by both algorithms. The proposed methods for maximizing the sum-rate in the two-way AF MIMO relaying system are shown to be superior to other state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to the IEEE Trans. Signal Processing in Nov. 201