1 research outputs found

    Sharp isoperimetric inequalities for infinite plane graphs with bounded vertex and face degrees

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    We give sharp bounds for isoperimetric constants of infinite plane graphs(tessellations) with bounded vertex and face degrees. For example if GG is a plane graph satisfying the inequalities p_1 \leq \mbox{deg}\, v \leq p_2 for v∈V(G)v \in V(G) and q_1 \leq \mbox{deg}\, f \leq q_2 for f∈F(G)f \in F(G), where p1,p2,q1p_1, p_2, q_1, and q2q_2 are natural numbers such that 1/pi+1/qi≀1/21/p_i + 1/q_i \leq 1/2, i=1,2i=1,2, then we show that Ξ¦(p1,q1)≀inf⁑Sβˆ£βˆ‚S∣∣V(S)βˆ£β‰€Ξ¦(p2,q2), \Phi (p_1, q_1) \leq \inf_S \frac{|\partial S|}{|V(S)|} \leq \Phi (p_2, q_2), where the infimum is taken over all finite nonempty subgraphs SβŠ‚GS \subset G, βˆ‚S\partial S is the set of edges connecting SS to Gβˆ–SG \setminus S, and Ξ¦(p,q)\Phi(p,q) is defined by Ξ¦(p,q)=(pβˆ’2)1βˆ’4(pβˆ’2)(qβˆ’2). \Phi (p, q) = (p-2) \sqrt{1 - \frac{4}{(p-2)(q-2)}}. For p1=3p_1=3 this gives an affirmative answer for a conjecture by Lawrencenko, Plummer, and Zha from 2002, and for general pip_i and qiq_i our result fully resolves a question in the book by Lyons and Peres from 2016, where they extended the conjecture of Lawrencenko et al. to the above form. We also prove a discrete analogue of Weil's isoperimetric theorem, extending a result of Angel, Benjamini, and Horesh from 2018, and give a positive answer for a problem asked by Angel et al. in the same paper.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figure