1 research outputs found

    Dual-Mode Double Precision / Two-Parallel Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier Architecture

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    Floating point multiplication is an integral part of any contemporary computing system. This paper presents a configurable dual-mode double precision floating point mul- tiplier architecture, which can also process two-parallel single precision multiplication. This unified, double precision dual (two-parallel) single precision, architecture is named as DPdSP multiplier. The proposed architecture is based on the standard state-of-the-art flow of floating point multiplication, which can process normal and sub-normal operands along with exceptional case handling. The proposed architecture is aimed for a ASIC (UMC 90nm) implementation. The key single- mode design units in the computational flow (like mantissa multiplier, dynamic right/left shifters, leading one detector, etc) are re-designed for configurable dual-mode operation to enable efficient resource sharing. The proposed architecture is compared with the best available literature in terms of area, period and area×period/throughput complexity metric. The proposed dual mode architecture shows a significant improvement in design metrics and also provides more computation support