4 research outputs found

    Locating Post Offices Using Fuzzy Goal Programming and Geographical Information System (GIS)

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    This paper deals with the problem of locating new post offices in a megacity. To do so, a combination of geographicalinformation system (GIS) and fuzzy goal programming (FGP) is used. In order to locate new offices, first six types of servicefacilities with high levels of interactions with post offices are defined. Then, aspiration level of proximity for each servicefacility is determined. Based on these values, a fuzzy goal programming model is constructed to find potential locations offacilities. In order to determine the optimal locations among potential facilities, a maximal covering location problem(MCLP) is solved and results are reported. Results show that although the current state is near-optimal, for future expansionsof the network, the government should spend money on central and southern parts of this megacity

    Improving Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Maintenance Scheduling Through the Use of Location Analysis Methodologies

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    The events of September 11, 2001 have led to increased security requirements for all ICBM-related activities. Missile maintenance managers must explore new scheduling techniques to sustain weapon system readiness levels in light of published security enhancements. The problem of improving missile maintenance scheduling is modeled as a two-stage heuristic that utilizes the maximal covering location problem methodology. Maintenance activities are categorized and weighted according to published priority designation and mission impact. The model’s first stage seeks to select two security umbrellas that maximize the weighted sum of maintenance activities. Stage two seeks to determine a maintenance schedule comprised of launch facilities covered by the stage one security umbrellas. Model constraints include number of security umbrellas, security force response times, and maintenance and security personnel availability. Scheduling effectiveness is determined by comparing research model solutions to actual maintenance activities accomplished at F. E. Warren AFB, WY during May 2005. Sensitivity analysis is used to demonstrate the effects of adjusting security force response times and security umbrella quantity constraints on maintenance activities performed and manpower utilization. Missile maintenance and security forces managers can use this information to determine feasible schedules that fulfill prescribed security requirements, while sustaining current weapon system readiness levels

    Modelo de p-medianas hierárquico e acessibilidade: análise dos hospitais públicos de Santa Catarina

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2016.A escassez de meios, na história da humanidade, sempre motivou a criação e o desenvolvimento de técnicas que melhorassem a efetividade de aplicação dos recursos. Em diversas áreas de atuação governamental é essencial saber onde posicionar as unidades de atendimento de forma a facilitar ao máximo o acesso de toda a população ao serviço. Considerando serviços de saúde, não somente valores econômicos estão envolvidos, mas principalmente a vida das pessoas. Os principais problemas envolvendo a localização de instalações de saúde incluem questões sobre planejamento de serviços, agendamento de recursos, logística, diagnóstico, tratamento e cuidados preventivos.O trabalho versa sobre um problema de localização que tem por objetivo reduzir a distância ponderada percorrida pelos usuários para acessar uma rede hierárquica pública de serviços, mantendo o nível de acessibilidade dos usuários a patamares aceitáveis. Para tal fim, utiliza-se um modelo matemático de análise locacional que traz em seu bojo um indicador de acessibilidade para avaliar a equidade para a população, sem perder de vista a eficiência do sistema.Propõe-se uma avaliação da rede pública do Sistema de Saúde do estado de Santa Catarina e a compara com a solução ótima do problema de p-medianas hierárquico não capacitado com demanda fixa. O indicador de acessibilidade proposto foi aplicado à distribuição de unidades de forma a permitir avaliar o grau de acessibilidade e de eficiência do sistema, e através de um algoritmo genético multiobjetivo novas e mais adequadas soluções foram produzidas e comparadas, buscando satisfazer simultaneamente equidade e eficiência.Em suma, o estudo permite gerar subsídios para melhor avaliar os impactos da política de distribuição dos sistemas de saúde. Sua aplicação visa resultar ganhos à sociedade em termos de qualidade no serviço prestado e eficiência na aplicação dos recursos, justificando estratégias a partir dos resultados obtidos que estabeleçam uma configuração no sistema de saúde mais próxima dos interesses dos usuários.Abstract : The stringency of resources, in mankind's history, always had driven the creation and development of techniques that aim to the maximal effectiveness use of resources. In many areas of governmental action, it is fundamental to know where to locate healthcare units in order to ease population accessing to medical services. The main awkwardnesses about locating health facilities include planning services, scheduling, logistics, diagnosis, treatment and preventive care. Concerning health services, not only economic values are involved, but, above all things, human lives.This work deals with a location problem which targets to curb the weighted distance traveled by users to access a public hierarchical network services, maintaining the level of accessibility within acceptable levels. For this purpose, a location mathematical model that assess equity through an accessibility indicator is applied, in order to improve efficiency meanwhile keeping accessibility to the system.An assessment of the public health system in the state of Santa Catarina network is proposed and portrait against to the optimal solution of the fixed demand unconstrained p-median hierarchical problem. The proposed accessibility indicator had been applied to the spreading healthcare units to make possible to gauge the degree of accessibility and efficiency of the system. Last but not least a multi-objective genetic algorithm was implemented aiming to provide and compare new and appropriate solutions, which searches simultaneously satisfying equity and efficiency.In short, this study paves ways to generate data and arguments to better assess the impacts of the distribution policy of health systems. Its application could lead gains to society in terms of quality in service and efficiency in application of resources, and justifies strategies to settle, resettle and augment the healthcare network system, directing investments to the interest of the users